Nazar 23rd February 2019 Written Episode Update *Maha Episode*
Scene 1
Nishant asks Mohana to do his work. She says free me first. Naman and Saanvi points arrows at her. Nishant says I dont have that paper but I read it, I remember everything, you want my help? it was paper to get that creature.
Nishant asks Mohana to do his work. She says free me first. Naman and Saanvi points arrows at her. Nishant says I dont have that paper but I read it, I remember everything, you want my help? it was paper to get that creature.
Ansh and Piya are in mall. Piya says he needs water and leaves. Ansh nods. Piya comes back and sees Munna missing from cot. They both look around to see Munna sitting on bench.
Chitali sees a girl hanging from their balcony and asking for help. She ignores her and leaves.
In mall, people start running away seeing zombies. Zombies try to attack Munna but he climbs wall and goes on a plank. Piya says our baby has powers. Ansh smiles. Mohana jumps on plank and smirks. She goes to baby and smirks.
Flashback shows how Mohana asked Naman if he
Piya is surrounded by zombies. Ansh and Munna comes there. Piya takes baby, Ansh asks her to leave. Ansh tries to fight zombies and save people. Someone pulls Piya in train. Ansh throws them out and goes to Piya. A girl saved Piya from a zombie when she pulled her in train. Her daughter Juhi gets scared of zombies, her mother says dont worry, this is a bad dream. Train leaves from station. Some zombies are trying to get inside. Mother says we have to do something. Ansh says we have to cover glass. They all put cloth over glasses. Woman asks who are they? Ansh says they are humans but became zombies because of magic. Piya says we have to leave. She stops train.
Creature gets a girl and hits her with his nail.
Zombies break train and goes inside. Ansh breaks glass and takes everyone out.
Vedsheree brings girl who was attacked by creature. She says this girl was running on road. Girl says I am Shraddha, a man grabbed me but I ranaway. Creature enters Vedsheree’s house and creates smoke around.
Piya and others try to leave station but some zombies stop them. Piya asks everyone to leave, we will handle them.
Vedsheree and family goes to open windows. Shraddha is sitting in lounge.
Ansh is beating zombies. Piya takes out her knife and starts stabbing them.
Juhi is scared. Her mother asks her to not worry. She sees Ansh’s baby in mall. She runs and sees zombies surrounding him. She runs and takes baby. Zombies try to go to her. Ansh plays alarm on his phone and throws it away. Zombies run to that side but Piya makes noise. Ansh and Piya runs from there. Zombies are following them. They go to one section and lock glass doors. Ansh asks them to leave. They all go in train but there zombies there too. Piya puts Munna in cot and goes to that box in train. Ansh comes there with with mother, she says I will go with you. Ansh says we have to be prepared. Piya uses her powers to beat them. Woman and Ansh throws water at them. A zombie bites woman, she covers her hand with dupatta. She goes to her daughter Juhi.
Creature brings Shraddha on balcony and tries to throw her from there.
Mother falls down. Ansh sees that she was bitten by zombie. She says please take care of my Juhi, mother hugs Juhi and says you are a strong girl, you will have to live without me, she asks Ansh to take her away. Juhi cries for her mom. Ansh holds her and leaves with her. Juhi’s mother Devika’s eyes blaze.
Family comes on balcony and sees Shraddha standing there, creature have removed her memory. Vedsheree says you were running on road, she says I dont remember anything. Avi says I will take you home.
A woman is hiding in train with her babies. Both girls fight. She calls and says that woman sent someone against us. He says we will leave from here, I am coming there. Woman sees zombie coming towards her. She says dont come closer. Zombie stops. She tries to run but her daughter throws water at him, he burns out. She hugs her babies.
Update Credit to: Atiba
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