Tu Aashiqui 12th September 2018 Written Episode Update

The Episode starts with Rangoli attacking Mishka. Dinesh stops her. Aparna asks him to control her client. Rangoli shouts. She says Mishka has said the truth, I have done all this as I love Ahaan, I was trying to get my love. Judge asks her to get back to her seat. Dinesh says I m sorry, give her one last chance. Judge says this is court, learn to behave, its not someone’s home. Dinesh says I m dealing with mad client for the first time, she ruined my name. Aparna asks him if he wants time to do homework. She says you have proof and witness in front of you, I know women bear harassment and how laws help such women, I regret seeing women like Rangoli, when she takes advantage of laws for her benefit, its not necessary that a man is always wrong. Judge declares Ahaan innocent. Everyone smiles. Judge
asks Ahaan will he file defamation case on Rangoli. Ahaan says she was my friend, I won’t file case on her. Judge asks Rangoli to thank Ahaan, he is a good friend. He leaves her with a warning. Everyone hugs Ahaan. Ahaan thanks Aparna. Pankti says I told you we will free you, truth can never lose.
Ahaan thanks Mishka. Mishka says thanks for opening my eyes. Pankti says I m scared that Rangoli can hurt them. Vicky asks what can she do now, the truth is out, she won’t be able to do anything. Ahaan says do contact us if you want help. Dinesh says congrats, I didn’t lose any game till now, but you have won this level. Aparna smiles. Dinesh says sorry for those jokes. She says no, I will give you a small advice, take housewives seriously. Dinesh says sure, all the best. Rangoli hears Vikram’s talk on call. Media shames Rangoli. Ahaan and Pankti get together. Rangoli comes home and angrily throws things. She checks her diary and calls someone. She says you may not be knowing me, but I want to meet you asap.
Ahaan and Pankti come home. They get surprised by petals shower. Kaira says its my idea, its double celebrations, Ahaan got free and mom won first case. Aparna says the entire credit goes to Pankti. She sees their family pic and wishes Sheetal was here. Aparna says I want to keep puja at home. Richa says Vikram is at office. Vikram talks to managers. Manav says Vikram is trying to manage clients. Vikram says I want to sell everything. The man says we can’t have such a big deal. Ahaan says don’t worry, Pankti and I will help Vikram in this mess. Dinesh comes to Vikram and says I can get a great deal for you, court chapter is over, your anger will calm down on hearing the offer. Vikram asks him to say. Dinesh says you will get double of the best offer.
Vikram asks who is the buyer. Dinesh asks him not to care about it. Uday comes to Pankti and says Ahaan and Monty went for meeting, they can’t come, he has sent wine for you. Anita says Ahaan is fraud, he never keeps his word. Lights get dim. Ahaan and Monty surprise. Ahaan sings… Aisa tera mai…. Both couples dance happily. Ahaan thanks Pankti for her trust. She says I have complete faith in you. Rangoli says Ahaan has won, he is free, I can get him now. She sees Ahaan’s pics. She laughs and says whatever happens is for good, Pankti won and lost, I lost and still won. Drink falls on Ahaan. Pankti saays sorry. He says its okay, I love to become silly for you. They smile. He goes to clean his jacket. Pankti checks phone and gets Rangoli and Ahaan’s video.
Pankti sees the video and gets shocked. Rangoli blackmails her and asks her to get away from Ahaan and make him hate her.
Update Credit to: Amena

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