Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 12th September 2018 Written Episode Update

Tika malkan and tilu at tea stall find a man at tea stall and tilu says I should help him look and tries to talk but no response, Angoori walking by asks who it is and tries to talk, Angoori asks hello who are you,Vibhu in disguise answers i am Ahuti Narayan Mishra father of Vibhu,Tilu says oh he is unemployeds father,Angoori says he oh nice then what are you doing here, Ahuti says that house where i have no one, my daughter in law has made me so helpless,Angoori says i thought Anu is so nice and liked her,Ahuti murmurs so did i, Angoori says come with me i will talk to them for you, Ahuti says i wont beg to her and Vibhu my handsome boy helpless infront of her, Angoori says okay come to my place then.
Angoori and Ahuti walk in, Tiwari asks who this old man is, Angoori says vibhu
Angoori goes to.Mishra house and bangs the door,Vibhu enters house through kitchen window,and opens the door,and greets Angoori, Angoori starts scolding him,Vibhu says i want him to stay with me too but,i tried a lot but Anu doesn’t like my family member, she doesnt accept it, Angoori says have you tried suicide it works,Vibhu says but how will i knoe after i die whether she accepted my father, Angoori says right anyways i will talk to her,Vibhu says its our personal matter,Angoori says okay don’t worry he will be fine at my place.
Anu walks in ,Vibhu shocked and asks how come so early,Anu says seminar cancelled,Anu asks Angoori how come,Angooru about to say,vibhu gestures,Angoori says not good and leaves,Vibhu says baby coffee,Anu says yes without sugar and get something to eat too. Ahuti and Angoori having dinner,Ahuti says enough how much will you work let Tiwari work,Tiwari in kitchen working, Ahuti says get quickly, Angoori says uncle,Ahuti says you won’t call me uncle,my nickname was love,Angoori says no i will call you Mishraji, Tiwari gets roti,Ahuti says get some more leave, Angoori says i cant see him in kitchen,Ahuti says my son vibhu always tells me that you are in pain working all say, Angoori says why did he say that i have no problem working at my house, Tiwari walks with roti,Ahuti says such small roti,cmon work harder leave.
Ahuti says my kid vibhu is in need of love and i wnat you,Tiwrai walks in with 6 rotis and says here you go. Hapu sleeping in jail, Commissioner walks and scolds him, Halu wakes up looking all old. Angoori asks Ahuti how come he has mobile, he says govt scheme, and govt is calling me and will you talk fir some time with this old man, phone rings,Ahuti says no you should sleep i guess for now.
Anu calls Vibhu and scolds where are you,Vibhu says with prem in hospital he met with accident, Anu says oh im coming, Vibhu acts as if busy and says baby bye i will call you later. Anu sees prem,prem greets her, Anu very angry.
Pre cap : None
Update Credit to: Tanaya
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