Dev 14th August Written Episode Update

Scene 1
Dev calls Swati and asks what do you think about Mohit? Swati says he is nice. Dev says you were sleeping when Ankita died? Swati says yes, Dev says hiding anything is a crime, she says I will tell you what I know. She ends call. Dev sees a courier coming for Swati.
Narvekar beats Sharad and says you killed Ankita. He says no I didnt. Dev comes there and says he is saying truth, we found Mohit’s chain in balcony, Dwani says we found Mohit’s clip of buying that chain from shop. Narvekar says thats not a proof. Dev says Swati is hiding something in her phone, she is obsessed with it, Narvekar says everyone is. DEv says she uploaded pictures on her phone when Ankita was killed, we need proofs. Narvekar says how? Dev says they will try to wipe proofs. He says to Dwani that
we have find them soon.Doctor calls Dev and asks him to come.
Dev meets doctor, doctor gives him Mahek’s reports and says Mahek seemed stressed, she shouldnt take stress, he nods.
Dwani comes to modeling agency where Swati works. She says I am here for auditions. She sees Swati there.
Dev comes to Swati’s agency as a guard. He alerts fire alarm. All start running out of agency. Dwani sees Swati’s phone and transfers her data. Swati is out of agency and says to Dev that I want my phone, he says you cant go inside, let me check. Dwani gives him thumbs up. Dev lets them all go.
Dev calls Swati, Mohit and Sharad in police station. He starts playing clips, clip shows Mohit trying to force himself on Ankita, Sharad tries to beat him but Ankita said she can handle her problems. Then clip shows Mohit dragging Ankita’s body in washroom. Dev asks Swati to tell the story. Flashback shows after party night, Ankita went to her room, Mohit went behind her, Swati saw it, she followed them, she saw Mohit dragging Ankita who had wound on head, Mohit threw Ankita’s body from washroom. Swati captured that on her phone. Flashback ends. Dev says one friend killed another friend and other friend was busy filming it instead of saving her so she could blackmail killer and Ankita died. Mohit says she insulted me a lot, she broke Sharad and my friendship, I wanted to show her standard to her, she slapped me so I lost my mind. Flashback shows Mohit came in washroom, Ankita asked him to leave, he tries to kiss her but she pushes him away, he slaps her, she faints, Mohit throws her from washroom window and puts blood on Sharad’s slippers, flashback ends. Sharad says she didnt let you force her so you killed her, Narvekar says to Swati and Mohit.
Dwani asks Dev how he got to know about Swati’s phone having clip? Dev says she was keeping it too close, Dwani says I am impressed, she asks if they can go for tea? Dev leaves.
Scene 2
Mahek gives wallet to Apa and says someone wrongly sent it here. Apa nods and leaves.
Apa calls Dwani and says Mahek gave wallet back to me, Apa says chip is not in wallet anymore, Dwani says she have doubt on us, she could have given pendrive back but there is something in it, keep an eye on her.
Dev recalls how doctor said that Mahek is in stress. Dev thinks that she doesnt let me in peace and her truth doesnt let her live peacefully.
Mahek has called some things from courier. Apa asks whats inside? Mahek says it has my and Dev’s past. She leaves. Apa calls Dwani and tells her. Dwani thinks I have to find out what Mahek is upto.
Narvekar comes to Dev and says what do you know about Jayant? Dev says you killed him, Narvekar says dont try to fool me, he leaves. Apa calls Dev and asks if he can come home? I want to talk.
Mahek has locked herself in room. Someone comes to Mahek’s house and spies on internet connection, its Dwani who is spying.
Dev comes to Mahek’s house, Apa says Mahek is not opening door. Dev knocks on door and asks if she doesnt open door then he will break it. Mahek opens door, Dev asks Apa to leave. she leaves. Dev goes in Mahek’s room and sees it decorated with balloons and cradle. He sees Mahek sitting on floor and in tears. Mahek says I cant live alone anymore, something will happen to me, she puts her head on his lap and says I need you, we have a lot of gap and I know you dont trust me at all, I need you, I dont know what to do to make you trust me but I dont have answers to some of your questions but I have a confession to make, I dont know how it will affect our relation but I cant keep this a secret anymore, I am tired.. she says I met your mother. Dev is stunned.
PRECAP- Dev makes love to Mahek, he makes her lie on bed and kisses her neck.. Dev takes off his shirt and makes love to her.
In morning, Mahek hears Apa steals pendrive which has Mahek’s video.
Narvekar finds Mahek and Jayant’s call recording which has another secret.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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