Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 16th March 2018 Written Episode Update
Anguri walks to Tiwari dressed as politician,Tiwari says wow what new look is this,anguri says I wanted to look like you like a minister dress it makes me feel so powerful and I want you to be anguri and then we shall spend romantic night,Tiwari says are you mad I’m CM if media finds it,it won’t be good,anguri says we are home go wear my saree.
Vibhu and boys l ready to kidnap Tiwari,Vibhu says bhabhiji must be in kitchen and Tiwari must be asleep it’s the right time go kidnap him.malkhan and tilu get in with face covered,tikka waiting down with Vibhu and pigeon shits on Tika face.
Malkhan and tilu take anguri as Tiwari kidnap her and take her away.tiwari wears saree and walks into bedroom and calls anguri,and says don’t play this hide n seek fame come out.vibhu says
Vibhu slowly checks and finds its anguri,all run away,anguri gains conscious and thinks where is she,tiwari comes out calling anguri and sees guards asleep and wakes them up and says I’m CM anguri is missing go find her,Tiwari out in colony in saree,Anita walks to him and says what look is this and what’s wrong,tiwari explains her the situation and anguri is missing,anguri comes running to him and says somebody tried to kidnap me,tiwari says who dared to kidnap you.
Vibhu walks to them and says kidnappers don’t carry visiting cards they must have mistaken anguri bhabhi as CM and anyways I have organised an informal party and invite you all,saxena walks to them and says this cheap man is hopeless and doesn’t deserve to be CM or invited any where and puts him a garland of shoes.
CM next day asks how come vibhu has organised a party,Anita says its to express the happiness for you,CM says this late,anguri says atleast he is happy and now as your CM get him a some job,vibhu gets lassi for all,tiwari says there’s a position of servant on my house will you like to,vibhu says I would love too,anu says why is that we have so much work here,vibhu says secretory I resign from your job and now work for anguri bhabhi and CM anyways have lassi.
Guard says Sir we should check your lassi first,Vibhu says am I his enemy to poison the lassi,Tiwari says I’m not a common man I’m CM let him do his job,guard tastes the lassi and says Sir this lassi is so good,have it. Anu says how can you give him your glass give him a new lassi.
Happu says give drinks what giving lassi,Vibhu says CM look he asks for alcohol in front of you,happu says no I didn’t,vibhu says let the party begin,tilu tikka malkhan start dancing.
All fall asleep except Vibhu and boys and kidnap Tiwari and leave.vibhu says well done boys very good,tikka says but I don’t find this way a correct one,it’s a big crime,vibhu says talk good when you don’t look good,come let’s check out,all leave and kidnappers arrive their.
Vibhu starts waking up everyone,everyone wakes up and start looking for Tiwari,anu says guards go look for CM,anguri says commissioner where he is,vibhu says he must be uneasy so strolling around,Reshampal walks in and says Vibhuti and boys why lie,the cctv footage has clear evidence that you guys kidnaped him,anu says Vibhu shame on you,vibhu says I was under pressure,if I wouldn’t hand Tiwari to terrorists,they would shoot anguri.
Ex CM walks in and says sorry tiwari isn’t CM anymore,anguri says oh no,he can’t leave me alone,Ex CM says calm down I meant he isn’t CM I have taken it away from him,and says we had news that terrorist would kidnap me and so we decided to use tiwari to trap them,anu says poor Tiwari,CM says relax he is safe,tiwari rushes to them in boxers and gunji.
Anguri says thank god you are fine,CM says Vibhuti you helped us unknowingly,boys say we did too,secretory says you will be awarded too.vibhu asks what’s the price money,CM says two,vibhu says wow 2 lakhs,CM says 2000,vibhu says okay give us change so that we can divide,Reshampal asks what about me sir,CM says you are given your post back,happu says congratulations,Reshampal says give me my uniform back,anu says Vibhu Baby I’m sorry.
Pre cap : anu says Vibhu where’s 3 months EMI,vibhu says insued it,anu says get out.
Update Credit to: Tanaya
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