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Ishq Mein Marjawan 2 14th July 2020 Written Episode Update

The Episode starts with Kabir following Vansh. Vansh says nice meeting you Kabir…. and drives to his place. Kabir looks for him. He shoots at Vansh. Vansh comes in front. Vansh says death is scared of me. Kabir says just one bullet is enough to kill you. Vansh says then don’t shoot, because I won’t die, you would have hurt that a wounded tiger is dangerous than a tiger. Kabir says I can shoot you right now. Vansh says the game has just begun, players like to play, not end the game. Kabir asks him to surrender. Vansh asks him to give it up. Kabir says storm doesn’t last for long, you have killed my dedicated cop. Vansh says martyrs have no price, that I do the payment, that girl cheated me, death is the punishment for cheat. Kabir says you will die. Vansh says very interesting…. Riddhima sees the ring and says our life will have a new start today. She recalls Kabir’s words and says none can make us away, please come soon. Vansh says imagine this is a court and I m the judge, you would need substantial proof, what do you have to arrest me, there was no witness in the lighthouse cabin, there was just that girl and me, sorry, no proof, no witnesses, get habitual to lose Kabir, because I got to win.
Kabir asks him not to have any bad habit. Vansh says you think from heart, I think from mind, heart can cheat, but not mind, my dear friend Kabir, I won’t come in your hands. Kabir says we are just two, there won’t be any witness. Vansh throws some capsule bomb and flees. Kabir looks for him. Riddhima waits for Kabir. Her ring falls down. She gets worried. Vansh bashes up Kabir. They have a fight. Kabir throws sand in his eyes. Vansh ties up a cloth to his eyes and signs Kabir to come. They fight. Kabir gets much hurt. He gets dizzy. Riddhima cries holding the ring and asks Kabir to come soon. Vansh removes the blindfold. He asks do you have someone to inform, good bye. He says mum used to say, don’t play with fire, it can burn you to ashes. He ignites the fire around Kabir and leaves.
Riddhima cries and waits for Kabir. Kabir comes there in wounded state. She gets shocked. She shouts Kabir and rushes to hold him. Vansh comes home. Servant gets scared to offer him water. Vansh looks at him and drinks water. A lady comes downstairs and cares for his wound. She asks how did this happen. She sees his assistant. Vansh says its not his mistake, I went alone. She does the aid. She says maybe this wound doesn’t pain you, I feel the pain when you get hurt, I m always scared that something may happen to you or this family. He says fear is other name of weakness, anyone can fall weak, but not a mother, my mum can never fall weak. His uncle comes and says if anyone hurts you, then that man would be dying, I m proud of you. Vansh’s cousin Aryan says cheers to the hero, killer businessman, I m celebrating my cousin’s big deal with Chang, I got a news, a lady cop caught him, not bad, salute to women power. Vansh says she is in heaven now, I kept a champagne bottle, I will celebrate when you do something. He taunts Aryan. Uncle asks Aryan to respect his elder brother. Aryan says give me a chance to show what’s respect, I will show everyone.
Riddhima says I m so glad that you are fine now. Kabir says really sorry, I couldn’t tell you that I m not a PT teacher, but a CBI agent, I was helpless to hide it. She says I felt I love a simple man, now I know that you are a soldier, superhero. They smile. He proposes her. He says I have just two things in my life, my nation and you, I m an orphan, but my country gave me an identity and purpose of life, you gave me much love, I thought this day would be the most beautiful, but its not, Vansh came between in our happiness, I lost chance to catch him, I lost my department’s noble officer, she is no more with us, its not the first mission in which I failed. She says you will win tomorrow, I m sure. He shows her a ring with their pics.
He says I thought when I go away on some mission, I will leave this with you, to show I m always with you, I m going to ask something big. She says ask and see, I can go to any extent for your love. He says it won’t be so easy, its painful, it will be a big sacrifice, sometimes our duty becomes so big that we have to give away our love, I m after Vansh since two years, I have to catch him, I hate him a lot, you were my weakness, now I want to make you my strength, my biggest weapon, I cant attack Vansh from outside, he should be broken from within, he should trust someone, I need someone who isn’t from police and secret agents, I want someone who helps me in catching Vansh, I can just trust you, I thought to keep you away from every difficulty, I m putting you in a big trouble, knowing maybe we will win or everything will end, can you go close to my enemy for the sake of my love.
She cries and says you don’t know what you are asking me. He says I need to know. She says I love you, I m ready to do anything for you. He says I love you too. They have a moment. Riddhima gets ready to go to Vansh. She recalls Kabir telling him about Vansh’s businesses and smuggling. He says it will be challenging to be with such a person, everything will end if you make a mistake. She says its hard to stay away from you. He says we have no choice, you have to go on Vansh’s cruise like a party planner, its a right chance to face him. She asks if I get caught. He says I promise, I won’t let anything happen to you, you are much precious to me, more than my life. Kabir sees her going inside the ship. She cries and wipes her tears. They see Vansh standing on the top.
No Precap
Update Credit to: Amena

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