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Patiala Babes 15th January 2019 Written Episode Update

Kartar and his wife fight over expenses. Khatri’s wife Kammo walks to them with donation box and says Khatri gave her responsibility of collecting donation for lohri celebration, they know how difficult it is to fulfill society association president’s responsibilities. Kartar says what is the use when Khatri could not evict Babita and Mini. Kammo says Khatri would have if Nayeem bi had not interfered. They panic seeing Nayeem bi coming with Babita and discuss that Nayeem bi is roaming with wrong women. Nayeem bi walks to Kartar and asks him to deliver sooji, ghee, almonds and milk to Hanuman’s house. Kartar’s wife says the don’t have those items. Nayeem bi says her old eyes can see all items present and asks to deliver them. Kammo resists and shouts why should
they accept her order. Nayeem and Kammo’s argument starts, Nayeem tongue lashes them royally. Kartar says society respects Nayeem bi and she should stop helping Babita and Mini. Babita reminisces Mini warning pizza shop for canceling order and telling she will go to consumer forum and according to rules, he cannot gender caste, relation, or status discriminate any customer. She repeats same in English. Kartar accepts order afraid. Nayeem orders to deliver it to Hanuman’s house.
Back home, Babita describes whole incident to Mini. Mini excitedly praises her. Babita says today is lohri and she is missing her in-laws. Dadaji books Haridwar ticket and hearing drum sound outside closes window. Biji asks why did he close window, a nice drum sound was coming and asks him to calm down and enjoy til laddu. Dadaji says he will have only his bahu’s prepared laddoos.
Mini and Babita get ready for lohri celebrations. Mini says Babita is looking fabulous. Babita scolds why did she borrow clothes from Nayeem bi. Mini says Nayeem bi herself offered her daughter’s clothes. In police station, Hnuman describes Lohri’s story about a daring man who protected innocent women to Laala. Laala says just like thanedar Hanuman Singh. Their discussion continues. Babita and Mini with Nayeem bi reach lohri celebration venue. Babita says it is society’s celebration. Mini says it is festival of love and happiness, nobody can dare stop them. Khatri hears that and taunts Babita that only society members can join them. Hanuman enters and tongue lashes Khatri. Khatri says he has taken donation from all society members and if he allows Babita and Mini, they will get angry. Hanuman throws money on him and asks if he is satisfied now. Khatri says function is for society members and their family members, how are Babita and Mini related to Hanuman. Babita feels embarrassed.
Precap: Babita dances during lohri celebration. Ashok gives her divorce papers and asks to sign it with mutual consent.
Update Credit to: MA

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