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Kaal Bhairav Rahasya 2 2nd January 2019 Written Episode Update

The Episode starts with Archie running and pushing Vandana and Pavitra to save their lives. The chandelier falls. They scream in pain. Veer comes running. They rush both of them to hospital. Rajmata asks how did this happen. Rajguru says Lord has told you, he will show his wrath. Archie says its not Lord’s curse, nut bolts were removed, it had to happen by loose ends. Veer asks her to just stop doubting. Doctor says I regret to say, there is no baby movement, I think both the babies have lost their lives. Rajmata asks Bhuri to find some solution. Bhuri says Lord is very angry, so he is showing his wrath. Veer says she is right, I will request Lord not to show wrath on my family, and just punish me, I find some way to move on. The lady says you got a chance in the form of Bhairavi, just
she can save you. She goes. Rajmata says how did this lady tell us so much without knowing the truth. They see the lady dead. Rajmata asks was that lady’s soul talking to Veer. Rajguru says right, Lord has shown us the way via her, Bhairavi is no more, we will go to her grave and pray to Lord. They all agree.
Sumer and Bindal are at chaat stall. Sumer says this case isn’t over for me, look there, a new drama is about to begin. They see some people going. Bindal asks Sharad what’s happening. Sharad says Lord has commanded royal family to apologize to Bhairavi, I heard Vandana and Pavitra are in critical state. Sumer says we have to go now. Everyone goes to apologize to Bhairavi. Rajguru says forgive the royal family. Veer dos the puja. Archie thinks I have seen all this but I feel its a game, Lord save Vandana and Pavitra, and their babies, I m sure Lord isn’t behind the curse. Sumer and Bindal see Bhuri. The grave breaks out. It starts getting windy.
Everyone gets shocked seeing Bhairavi coming out. Bhairavi says Lord has heard your prayers, you didn’t cheat Lord, you got cheated, Lord decided to give another chance to royal family, he has revived me and sent me back, royal family will always be cursed, I will show the way to get free of the curse. Veer gets a call. She says you will get the good news. Akshay says Lord heard us, Vandana got a daughter and Pavitra gave birth to a son, doctors said its a miracle. Veer smiles and tells everyone. They chant Kaal Bhairav’s name. Bhairavi says we will try to welcome the two children, maybe one of them tries to help and end the curse. Akshay sees the baby and gets away. He congratulates Vandana. She cries. He cries and goes out. Pavitra asks the matter. Vandana says Akshay and I used to love each other a lot, we wanted to marry, knowing we don’t have right to choose life partner, we felt Lord will bless our love, then I was chosen for Yash’s swayamvar, Akshay and I thought to run away and marry, we met with an accident, when I got conscious, I was in Swayamvar, Akshay was unconscious, I m just Yuvrani for Akshay, he feels I cheated him. She cries.
Bindal says its miracle of Lord. Sumer says no, how can some human stay alive inside the ground, there should be some passage inside. He calls the team to find the tunnel. Bindal worries. Veer comes to Archie and apologizes. He says its good Bhairavi has come back, it means Lord has blessed our marriage, everything got fine now, you don’t raise doubt on Lord and his curse, you have to give up some wishes and doubts, I want to live with you.
Sumer says 150 years old secret is out, I think Lali’s son was alive, it means Lali’s heir is alive, maybe Bhairavi is part of Lali’s family.
Update Credit to: Amena

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