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RadhaKrishn 6th December 2018 Written Episode Update

Radha walks into Agasur’s mouth and is shocked to see Krishna there. She asks what is he doing here. Krishna says she called him, it is impossible that Radha calls and Krishna does not come. Radha asks why did he take her words seriously and followed her, he risked his life. Krishna thinks his life is linked to hers. Agasur thinks at last Krishna came into his death bed and closes his mouth. Radha feels short of breath. Krishna hits his foot. Agasur opens mouth in pain. Krishna says good Agasur opened his mouth and hits foot again. Agasur thinks why he is feeling so much pain, he should head towards Matura immediately and crawls.
Vrishbhan wakes up and asks his team where is Radha. Someone says she went into Agasur’s mouth. Vrishbhan cries worried for Radha. Radha sees
Agasur’s mouth open a bit and asks Krishna to escape soon and save his life. Krishna asks what about her. She says she will have to stay here, else Agasur will attack Barsana again. Krishna asks Radha to remember what he had told. Radha reminisces Krishna tells he is not what he looks like, him teling he wants to marry her to rule on Barsana, etc.. and incidents till now and says that means he wanted to get her rid off her fear. Krishna gives moral gyaan and says yes. Agasur crawls fast. Radha slips and calls Krishna. V holds her hand.
Balram returns to Barsana and asks Kirtida why she is crying, where is Radha and Krishna. Kirtida says she does not know about Krishna, Radha has gone into Agasur’s mouth. Balram asks Ayan why did not he fight with Agasur, he calls himself as warrior. Ayan says he has gone to fight with Agasur and tried to stop Radha, but she did not listen. Balram consoles Kirtida not to worry, they all will fight with Agasur and save Radha. Nand says he is right and with his team searches Agasur, finds Vrishbhan crying and asks what happened to him. Vrishbhan says Radha went into Agasur’s mouth. Balram asks where did Agasur go. Vrisbhan points at direction. Balram with team heads in that direction.
Radha asks Krishna if he came to get her rid off her fear. He nods yes. She says they should use some weapon and inflict pain into Agasur, so that it can open its mouth and they get out of it. Krishna says he is not a warrior like Balram. Radha says she will attack Agasur with whatever weapon she gets, sees Krishna’s bansuri/flute, takres it and walks towards mouth end. Krishna says he was waiting for this moment, to see Radha conquering her fear, chants holy verse Bhayoma abhayangamaya. Radha takes Narayan’s name and pierces bansuri into Agasur’s mouth. Krishna says Radha got rid off her fear now.
Krishna gives moral gyaan that human does not get happy with himself and wants to do more and make change, but nature needs something to change, change can change life, but only oneself can change one’s life by getting rid off fear.
Precap: Radha tells Krishna she will not forget the bravery he taught her.
Update Credit to: MA

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