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Nazar 2nd October 2018 Written Episode Update

Scene 1
Vedsheree and Chitali are outside Ansh’s room. Mohana comes there and asks what they are doing here? Vedsheree says we can be anywhere in our house. Mohana says this is my house too. Vedsheree says you didnt fulfill your relation. Mohana says you both know that messing with me wont get you anywhere.
Ansh and Ruby are in their room, Ansh sees it decorated. Ruby says to Ansh that we can lie down and take rest. She sees some roses and get scared as they are dipped in ganga jal, she jumps and falls back. She leaves from there. Ansh looks around. Ruby comes back and says I feel headache and leaves. Vedsheree sees it and says to Mohana that my son didnt get affected by Ruby.
Mohana asks Ruby why she is not with Ansh? Ruby says Vedshseree had put sacred roses on bed to keep away from
Ansh. Mohana says I feel like they are doing something else too.
Vedsheree ties Mohana and Ruby’s hair on nail in mandir and prays, they start hearing Mohana’s talk with Ruby. Mohana says tonight is eclipse night, I will make kheer for him with our evil roots in it, Ansh will become pure evil, Vedsheree cant do anything as she is against me now, Vedsheree can destroy evil powers of kheer only if she throws kheer on same tree roots that I used but she doesnt know that. Vedsheree hears all that, Chitali says will we be able to stop her?
Mohana is making kheer. She takes tree roots from an old tree and brings it in her kitche. Mohana says this is 1000 years old ethinic roots. Mohana makes kheer. She says I request to use evil powers of all witches to fill this kheer with evil powers and my son become davansh. evil powers gets thrown in kheer as roots are dissolved in it. Mohana says Vedsheree cant win from me this time.
Vedsheree comes in kitchen and looks around. She finds kheer Mohana have hidden in cabinet and says I wont let my son eat it. She throws kheer in sink and says Mohana you dont know power of a mother. She leaves from there but Mohana comes back and fills kheer bowl again.
Scene 2
Shekhar wakes up in room and finds some stones. He calls Avi and shows him stones. Shekhar asks him to not touch them, he picks them with tissue paper.
In morning, Avi asks Shekhar if he thought about what he will do with stones? Shekhar says we will talk later. Chitali says to Vedsheree that Mohana can make kheer again, Vedsheree says eclipse will pass today and she will have to wait another year to make it, I threw her kheer last night. Mohana brings kheer and says I made Ansh’s favorite kheer today. Ansh says I am getting late for college and turns to leave but Mohana says I made this kheer for you. Vedsheree is tensed. Mohana asks him to eat it, I didnt make my son eat kheer for many years. Vedsheree pulls kheer bowl and throws it on ground. Mohana glares at her.
Piya prays to lord. She sees a tree dull and says flowers should be gorwing, she touches and leaves. Tree grows again as she touched it.
Naman talks to doctor, Piya comes there. Naman says she is not well, I just want to know if her last wish will be fulfilled before leaving world? what will I say to maa? Piya recalls Ansh’s words that she is not alone and then him insulting her. Piya says her wish will be fulfilled.
PRECAP- Mohana makes Ansh eat her kheer. Mohana thinks that it will born eivl in him. Ansh grows in size.
Update Credit to: Atiba

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