Yeh Teri Galiyan 12th September 2018 Written Episode Update

Scene 1
Aru says to Shan see what your sona kachi people did. Shan says she didn’t do this intentionally. You know how she is. He fell. Sir also forgave her. Please think. Aru shouts so what should I do. He sits down and cries. Shan says please don’t cry papa. Aru says I saw my son in death today. I feel so helpless. I couldn’t save my son. If you weren’t there.. Shan says but Puchki was there too. Aru says don’t say a word about those people. I can’t take it anymore. Shan says please don’t cry papa. I will do what you ask. Aru says I am sorry. You are paying for my sins. Please pardon me. Shan says don’t say sorry papa. Mama wont stay mad at me. I will be a very nice son. She will forgive me. Aru hugs him and says I am so proud.
and Chanda are stopped by media. They ask chanda if she is Shan’s mother. They says why they took son from Sona kachi. Puchki shoves them away. Beaty and Thaku ma see them. Beauty says we will be know by her name. The celebrity chanda. Look how media is all after her. Thaku ma says I have given her too much of an ease. I wont repeat that mistake. Because of her media is here. She has too forget this out. I am thaku ma and I will always be.
Chanda coes in. Thakur ma says media came in here after 40 years. Because of you. We are in front of camera. Chana says thaku ma.. Thaku ma says enough, I have heard you enough. Now I will speak and you will just listen. Thaku ma slaps Pathan. Chanda is dazed. Thaku ma says dogs are kept so they are loyal and shout at theifs. If you become friends with theives what are you for. Is this how you will pay me back. Don’t forget that money is more than humanity. How dare you take them out of here without my permission. Thaku ma says Sarket get pathan ticket for Lucnow and one sided. He is retired from Bari. She says take him. Pathan says please listen. The thugs take him. Chanda says how can you do that. Thaku ma slaps her and says I decided what happens here. You are just a pr*stitute who will do what I ask you to. This is your cage and you belong here.
Shan recalls all that happened.
Scene 2
Shan sits with Ravindra. ravindra says if you don’t wanna go school you can rest for 2 days. Shan says I dont miss education. I will go to school. Ravindra says that’s very good. Ravindra says you will never go anywhere alone One of these men will be with us. Press doesn’t leave people alone. They will come to annoy you too.
Nevi comes and says Shan son.. Everyone is dazed. Nevi says I forgot to thank you. Shan saysfor what? she says you saved your brother’s life. Nevi says I know you I should thank you sweet. she makes him eat sweet. Nevi says i want everything in this house to be yours. I will make your favorite breakfast for you. Aru smiles. nevi kisses his forehead and hugs him. Nevi says go and sleep. shan hugs her. Nevi takes shan to his room. Aru wonders if this is true or nevi is pretneding.
Puchki checks her uniform. She says choti ma I will go school. I will look good right. She says where is my ba. She says bari ma.. Beauty stops her and says school uniform. Puchki says have you seen chanda? Thaku ma says then she must have gone to bring Shan here. Puchki says Shan is comin back. Chanda says no. Puchki says what is in this tray school bag? She sees makeup.
chanda says today is your ghungro ashirwad day. Puchki says what is that? Thaku ma says you have to you will start working from today. puchki says but today is school day. Chanda says yo wont go to school. You have to start with dance and get money for yourself. This is your face. Puchki throws it away and says I want to go to school. Everyone is dazed. Thaku ma says you disrespected all this. Wear these ghungro. Puchki says I won’t. Thaku ma is about to slap her. Shan hits her with slingshot. Everyone is dazed to see her.

Precap-Shan says to Chanda I hate this plate. He says to Puchki I hate you. This place is disgusting.
Update Credit to: Atiba

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