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Qayamat Ki Raat 2nd September 2018 Written Episode Update

Scene 1
Raj says papa.. Police comes in. Prithvi says someone hit Mahindra. Inspector says we will find out soon who hit Mahindra. We have requested for all the footages. Raj says it was my car. I was driving it. Everyone is dazed. Gauri says you.. Prithvi says what are you saying. Raj says I didn’t do it intentionally. He came in front of my car. i couldn’t do anything. Gauri runs to her room. Raj says please listen. I didn’t do it intentionally. She says you killed my father. He says I did it by mistake. She says my dad left us and you this it was as mistake. Raj says please open the door. Gauri says you will pay for your sin. She takes out gun and says my papa is gone because of you I can’t live with you now. She shoots herself. Raj was dreaming all this. Gauri
hugs him. Gauri faints. Raj picks her and takes her to her room.
Karuna dances. She says to kalasure come celebrate. Kalasur says everything will go as per my game this time. See how I make Gauri mine.
Gauri is asleep. Raj sits next to her and recalls the accident. Gauri wakes up. she rests her head on his shoulder. He says please sleep. He gets up. Gauri says please sit with me. i need you. He hugs her. Raj says I don’t know what to do to ease your pain. she says bring me the person who hit my dad. once i find him I will kill him. Raj stands up. Gauri says I know you are equally hurt. You can cry in front of me. Raj says I have to go somewhere. Gauri says please stay.. He leaves.
Raj goes downstairs. He walks and says I can’t feel like breathing.
A girl stops Raj and says are you raj? he says yes who are you? She says Laila. And Gauri is looking for you. Gauri sees Majnu and says are you waiting for your husband?
Raj says to NAina I can’t see tears in her eyes. I am ashamed of myself. She says we only feel pain for people who we love. Are you going to police station and surrender? Go and surrender yourself to love. Go to Gauri. She needs you.
Raj meets Gauri. He hugs her. she says where were you going? He says I realized you are my responsibility. I want to take care of you. I wont see you in this pain. I want to share this pain with you. I promise you I will always be with you. Gauri runs inside the house. raj says Garui please listen to me. He enters the house, Prithvi slaps him and says you killed Mahindra. everyone kept asking but you didn’t answer. You killed Mahindra and left him on the road to die. Can’t believe my son can be this coward. You have murdered Mahindra. You are a murderer. Roma says I didn’t bring you up like this. I can’t believe you are my son. You killed someone. Mahindra’s brother hits him and says you hit my brother and left him there to die. You are a murderer. I am ashamed we got Gauri married to you.
A guy showed Raj’s a fake video where Mahindra asked Raj to stop the car but he didn’t. He hits Mahindra and left him there to die. Damini says didn’t you shiver leaving him on the road. He gave you his daughter. Prithvi calls police. He says take him from here. Raj says I just want to talk to Gauri once before leaving please dad.
Ananiya says in heart I have to tell Gauri that Raj didn’t kill papa Kalasur did. Gauri runs upstairs. Police takes Raj. Gauri is crying in her room. The song hamari adhuri kahan plays in background. Gauri screams and cries. Gauri sees him from balcony. Police takes him.
Scene 2
Kalasur laughs. karuna says what a game. Very well played. Kalasur says no one can stop me. Karuna says she will hate Raj and we will be successful. I hate this Gauri. I want to kill her. Kalasur says what.. She says I know she is your love. Kalasur says she will have to come to me.
Ananiya sneaks towards Gauri’s room. She says I have to tell gauri truth. She comes to Gauri’s room. Ananiya recalls what Karuna said. Se runs back out. Ananiya says God please help me how can I tell Gauri truth.
Ananiya comes to Gauri and says I know you are really upset. Gauri says please leave me alone. Ananiya says Raj.. Roma comes and says Ananiya for sometime leave her alone. Come Gauri eat something. Gauri says I don’t want to eat. Roma says I wont eat if you don’t. Gauri says come we will eat together.
Dharma comes to Raj. Raj says please go and meet Gauri. She really needs help. She is broken. You can help her. Dharma says i don’t understand you did this mistake. Raj says I don’t know how he came in front of my car. Dhamra says it was all mistake. raj says i broke Gauri’s heart. she hates me. But why did you hide everything? Raj says Karuna came there and asked me not to tell anyone. i shouldn’t have listened to her. Dharam says in heart this means Karuna and Kalasur are behind uncle’s death.
Dhamra comes to house and says I have to tell Gauri that Karuna did all this. Kalasur says to Karuna Dharma doubts the we did all this. Go and stop Dharma. Karuna says lets kill him. Kalasur says no think of something else. we have to do something like we did with Raj.
Gauri sits in her room.

Precap-Ananiya writes a letter to Gauri and tells her that Kalasur killed papa not Raj. Karuna comes to Ananiya and throttles her. Gauri comes there and they lock Karuna in a trunk. Roma says will she be okay? Gauri says she is dead body. She is sent here by Kalasur. He wants me.
Update Credit to: Atiba

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