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Qayamat Ki Raat 1st September 2018 Written Episode Update

Scene 1
Gauri says to Dharma I had been calling you all night. Where were you? He says I wasn’t well. Better now. Gauri says I need your help.
Anjali says can’t go from here bhai will see me. Gauri says you have to keep an eye on the house I am going to Sumergarh with Raj. He says you are madam we are servants. Gauri says you are my friend. Why are you saying that. What happened? He says I was a bit angry. Gauri asys I tried to open the door. But i couldn’t. He says I am there to help. Mahek says these sweets and gifts for your family. He says congratulations.
Anjali overhears everything and says I have to tell them.
Raj says to Prithvi I will help you in your business wont go back to US now. Prithvi says to everyone my son has grown up and decided to
takeover my business. I shouldn’t have married you earlier. All the best. Everyone congratulates him. Gauri comes home. Prithvi says Raj has decided to join my business. He is going to sigh first contract. Dadi says but they were going to sumergarh. Prithvi says they can go tomorrow.
Raj is leaving. Gauri says dadi asks everyone to eat yogurt and sweet before leaving the house. You are leaving for the first time. This is for your good luck. She makes him eat it.
He leaves. Gauri sees the thread in his wrist. He says we are life partners right. Everything changes after marriage. Now when we are married, we should take this journey forward better. Raj caresses her face. He comes close to her. Karuna coughs and says I am sorry to disturb but Gauri you are called inside. Raj leaves., Karuna says he is gone.
Anjali meets her boyfriend Vikaas. He says I am going. She says my brother doubts me. He says wait for a few days I will take you to Mumbai. You wanna be an actress right? I will fulfill your dream. Gauri tells him about the tantrik.
Scene 2
Mahindra is leaving. He says thank you for giving my daughter so much love. Ananiya says in heart I will tell Gauri everything and help her.
Karuna hugs Mahindra and says I will go with you to station. Dharma comes home. Menakshi says come I will tell you what to get done. Gauri says I will get it done. Roma says she is taking all the responsibility.
The car stops. It has broken. Mahindra says you all leave in other car. I will get this car fixed and come. Everyone leaves. The network is not working.
Mahindra is alone. Kalasur comes there. He says remember me? Because of me I couldn’t be with swahasni. She killed me for you. No girl in your house can have wedding night. Gauri was right. I am back here to take revenge, I have written your death. See what I do with you now. He throttles Mahindra and hits him with a tree. Kalasur says your Gauri tried to save you from me with this thread but Karuna cut it. You will die now. Your KAruna is now mine. She is dead. Now its your turn. Mahindra tries to run. Kalasur says you can’t run from your death.
Gauri takes Dharam to the wall. She says I saw it opened. I don’t know how. Dharama says maybe there is a button inside. She says lets break this wall. roma says what are you doing here?
Kalasur throttles Mahindra. He says kill me but Gauri will kill you like Swahasni did. Kalasur says she is mine. Mahindra says no she is Raj’s wife. Kalsur throttles and shoves him. He falls in front of Raj’s car. Raj comes out and says he came in front of my car. Who is that. He sees the face and its papa. Raj screams. he says papa. How you came in front of my car. i wont let anything happen to you. He gives Mahindra CPR.
Gauri’s mangalsutra tears. she says is Raj okay? Gauri calls Raj. He cuts her call. Roma says Gauri you here? Why are you so worried? She says my mangalsutra broke. I don’t know how.
Raj recalls Gauri saying him goodbye. He says I have to tell her. Gauri says I am going where papa is. Karuna comes and sees Mahindra and Raj. She screams and says papa. Raj says he came in front of my car. Before I could stop the car he was hit. Karuna says you hit my papa. Everyone will know. Raj says I am sorry. I didn’t do it delibrately. He came in front of my car. I am very sorry. He says Karuna we have to take him to hospital. Karuna says everyone will come here and they will know you hit him. Think about Gauri. Raj says we have to take him to hospital. i wont leave him here. We love our papa so much. when Gauri gets to know you hit Mahidnra she will lose you. I don’t want her to lose you. She will need you. He says you go I wont come. Karuan says papa is dead. For Gauri lets go from here. They are coming.
Gauri and Roma see Mahindra’s dead body.
Karuna drives Raj away from them. Raj says Karuna stop the car. Karuna says try to understand. raj says I will tell her. she must be crying for her dad. She should know who hit her. Everyone screams. Gauri says call doctor. Mahindra’s brother says he is dead. Dadi screams and says what are you saying.
Karuna says I wont let you go Raj. She says everything will be over. gauri will leave your house. She will be alone forever. That was my papa. I am saying all this for my sister.
Dadi calls Gauri and says Mahindra’s car broke. He stayed with the car. We are going to station. Gauri will die if she gets to know you killed him.
Scene 2
Mahindra’s funeral is being done.
Ananiya sees Karuna and Kalsur talking. Karuna comes and says go inside and cry. Don’t interfere in my business or I will kill you. She rushes inside.
raj comes home. He is in tears. Karuna runs to him and hugs him. She cries and says raj what happened to papa. Who hit my papa. Who did this to him. Raj says I did. Gauri is dazed.
Precap-Police comes and arrests Raj. Ananiya tells gauri that Raj didn’t kill papa. Kalasur did.
Update Credit to: Atiba

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