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Piansh FF - Hidden Powers

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~Bandaap, Kanpur, 1997~

Guruma's POV:

I frowned at the woman in front of me . How can any mother leave her child and that too alone. I know she loves her daughter too much. Then why is she leaving her here. Though I can't see anything but I can feel her anxiety. Her sobbing sound is not too low to detect. I know something is wrong with her. But what?? 

Guruma: Divya are you sure you want to leave Pia here??
I asked her trying to hear or feel anything by touching her shoulder. It is difficult being blind, but this way I can feel people's distress much easier. I think this is god's way of making sure I don't misuse my powers. 
Divya: Guruma, you are the only one who can train her for the future.
Divya said in a distressed tone. I can clearly hear the strain in her voice. She is too stressed. What had happened with her?? And why does she want me to train Pia?? She can do that pretty well too. I know she tries to help people by binding evil powers. It is not in our hand to kill them. We cannot kill the evil but we can send them to the place where they belong. And that's what she does. I am sure she has came across something real powerful that's why she wants me to train Pia. And what about future?? What future is she talking about for which Pia has to be trained?? 
Guruma: What future are you talking about Divya?? And you are trained too. You can train her too.
I said to her confused. She took a deep breath and I can feel her tension in her stiff posture which I know as I am touching her shoulder. 
Divya: No Guruma. I can't. She is in this world for something very big. Something that will be starting today. 
Divya said in a strange determination in her voice. What is going on here?? What is Divya going to do?? For the first time I am feeling a strange fear in my heart. I have to know the full truth. 
Guruma: Tell me the truth Divya.
I asked her in a stern tone. She took a deep breath and suddenly she straighten up. I know she is trying to toughen herself up for the coming situation. But what is the coming situation?? 
Divya: Fine. Pia is destined to be a protector and guide of someone very powerful. A power which when unleashed can destroy this whole world. Pia is the only girl who can guide that power and that power will always be drawn towards her. In other words, they both are soulmates, and they will acknowledge each other's presence immediately. But...
She started telling me about her little girl and I felt a strange feeling taking root in my heart. About which power is she talking about?? And soulmates?? At this age and time?? Is it even possible?? And why did she stop?? 
Guruma: But what Divya??
I asked her somewhat apprehensively. If that power and Pia can recognise each other then what's the need to train Pia?? 
Divya: But evil powers will be powerful and will be around them. She has to be aware, and well trained. I can't train her to that extent. 
She said proving my fears right. I have to train her to the extreme extent. But that extent can be decided by one's own power. What is Pia's own powers?? And why does Pia has to guide or protect someone?? If the power will be strong then why can't that power protect himself?? Suddenly a question takes root in my mind. I know protectors and guides are extremely powerful and rare, at least now. Then how can Pia have been given this duty?? Who is Pia?? 
Guruma: I don't understand why Pia has to guide and protect someone?? Who is she Divya??
I asked her taking deep breaths to calm myself. I can feel Divya's nervousness. I know something big is coming my way. 
Divya: She belongs to Rewa Dynasty guruma, and she is a Daivik.
I took a deep breath in shock hearing what she said. A Daivik, that too of Rewa Dynasty. 
Guruma: WHAT!!
I shouted feeling the shock of such a crucial news. This girl is special, very special. And if she is born then the person whom she had to guard must be very very important. Rewa Dynasty was always filled with the persons who were saviors. They always fight to protect people from evil powers. They all are very powerful. Even this lady in front of me has some powers, I can feel it. May be because she is married to the man who belongs to Rewa Dynasty. And this dynasty never produced any Daivik before. Daivik, is said to be the incarnation of goddess Durga, the most powerful goddess, in human form. Rewa Dynasty itself signifies immense strength, and to be a Daivik from this dynasty means a very big thing. 
Divya: Yes Guruma. 
Divya said with a defeated sigh. She is putting a very big responsibility on my shoulders. 
Guruma: Why didn't you tell that to me before?? A Daivik?? Strange!! 
I thought thinking about previous incidents when a Daivik was born. Birth of a Daivik is not a common incident. It happens rarely. They only came when the evil power reaches at their peak. And they always came to finish them off. Which power is so much evil that a Daivik has to take birth in this earth??
Divya: What is strange Guruma??
Divya asked in a tensed tone. 
Guruma: That evil power must be very powerful if a Daivik has to come in this world to finish her off.
I said in a calm voice. And to take birth in Rewa Dynasty?? Pia is much more powerful than any of her predecessors. 
Divya: No Guruma. My daughter is not here to fight with an evil force. She is here to protect the one who can fight those powers. 
Divya said in a determined tone. But I know her knowledge about these forces are somewhat lacking. Daivik doesn't just do protection. They fight. They always do. Yes, they are protectors, but they are fighters too. And very powerful ones. Also Rewa Dynasty is famous for their powers to protect humans from evil forces, yet they are fierce fighters too. And to have both the things in her, Pia would be a fighter. But who is her soulmate?? A person who will be more strong than Pia?? It is almost impossible. How can someone outdone the powers Pia have?? 
Guruma: Who is he??
I asked Divya confused. 
Divya: I don't know. I just know one thing, he won't be any normal person.
She said sighing as if she is tired. He has to be a human if he is Pia's soulmate. And how can any human be more powerful than Pia?? But whoever he is, he will be important. That much I know. 
Guruma: I know. Don't worry. I will protect and train your daughter till my last breath or till she met her destiny, whichever happened first.
I told her smiling somewhat and I felt her relax too. 
Divya: Thank you Guruma.
She said hugging me tightly. I stroked her hairs.
Guruma: Take care Divya.
I told her softly. I don't want her to take unwanted risks. 
Divya: Hmm.
She hummed in response. 
Divya's POV:

I looked at the lady infront of me with tears in my eyes. I don't know if I can meet her again or not. I know its difficult to leave my baby here, but it is important for her future. I got to know about her powers when I took her to my family priest for blessings. He told me that Pia is destined to meet someone who will solely be hers. A person who will be very powerful. Powerful enough to be Pia's soulmate. I came out of my thoughts hearing my baby's voice.
Pia: Maa?? 
I turned around only to see my baby looking at me with her beautiful eyes. 

I can't believe this girl had to endure the forces I am fighting. In fact I know her battle will be more difficult than me. But at least she is a born fighter. I came in this family by marriage but I learnt what my husband does. But this girl of mine has powers unknown to anyone. 
Divya: Pia!! My baby. Come here.
I sat down on my knees and opened my arms for her. She ran to me and hugged me tightly with her small hands. I hugged her tightly closing my eyes. I let my tears flow knowing I will not be meeting her any time soon. 
Pia: Maa!! Where are we going now??
She asked looking at me smiling softly. I wiped my tears taking a deep breath. I can't tell her the truth. 
Divya: Nowhere. I am just going to do some work. Then I will come to take you back. Till then you have to live here with Guruma.
I said to her indicating towards Guruma. She turned back and smiled looking at Guruma. This girl of mine is very sweet. She loves everyone and everyone loves her. 
Pia: For how much time Maa??
She asked looking at me somewhat frowning. I got up and smiled at her softly. She doesn't need to know that I am not going to meet her till she is 19 years old. She has to learn each and everything about her future life. She has to train to fulfill the level of responsibility that has been given to her. 
Divya: Just some days. I promise I will be back soon.
I said to her cupping her face and kissing her forehead softly. 
Pia: Promise??
She said extending her small hands toward me. I am sorry my princess, I am giving you a fake promise. But I promise I will always work for your welfare. 
Divya: Promise!!
I put my hand on her small hands and she grinned then ran to Guruma. 
Divya: Take care of her Guruma.
I said wiping my tears. Pia waved her hand at me and I felt fresh tears leaking from my eyes. I know what I am going to do is dangerous, and I have to leave this country once I finish my work here. I don't want Mohana to know who my family is. I know she will be back, but for now it is time that she leave this world. Till she came back, there were warriors enough to fight her, but till then she has to stay at rest. 
Guruma: With my life.
Guruma said putting her hands on Pia's shoulders and I waved back to Pia. 

Finally we all came out from the room we locked Mohana after she became a stone. I put her stoned body in a glass casket and her cut braid in another glass casket so that her braid can't be together with that body. I put the enchantment spells on the door and lock of the room. I know she can't break free from here without any help. 
Vedashree: Thank you Divya!! We will never forget what you did for us.
Vedashree said grabbing both of my hands. I sighed feeling somewhat relaxed. 
Divya: No need. You are my best friend.
I said hugging her and I felt tears coming to my eyes when I remembered my little girl. Suddenly I heard two soft voices. 
Ansh & Kajal: Mumma?? Papa??
I turned around only to see a boy and a girl hugging each other and looking at us crying. 

I took a deep breath feeling the change in air. These children are not normal. They are a daayan's children. They are Mohana's children. I can feel the dormant power in Ansh. In his time he will be powerful. Is it possible that he is the one whom Pia is destined to protect?? 
Vedashree: Come here!!
Vedashree said sitting down on her knees and opened her arms for the children. The girl came to her running and hugged her tightly crying. But the boy stood there as if he can't understand what to do. 
I went towards him and sat on my knees in front of him. He looked at me with the big eyes of him. So much innocence yet I can feel something very powerful is sleeping inside him. 

Divya: Ansh why are you crying??
I asked him softly. He looked at me as if trying to find out if I meant any harm or not. He relaxed after sometime looking at me intently. He is a shy boy yet he looks very mature for his age. 
Ansh: Everyone is crying. And I can't see Mumma and Papa. 
He said in a soft voice and then looked down as if I will punish him. Big tears are there in his eyes. Vedashree sat beside me and hugged the boy tightly. At first Ansh didn't react but then hugged her too and started crying very much. 
Vedashree: I am your Maa from now on. 
Vedashree said caressing both the children's hairs. 
Kajal: But you are Badi Ma.
That little girl asked with an innocence that stole my heart. Why does they have to be Mohana's children?? 
Vedashree: No. I am your Maa. 
She said to both of them sweetly. Ansh looked at Vedashree with a serious expression. 
Ansh: Where is Mumma??
He asked looking at me softly, as if he knew I am responsible for his mother's disappearance. 
Divya: Your Mumma is not good. She killed your Papa. So we had to punish her.
I told him knowing very well that he is aware of the evilness of his mother. Though he is a quiet boy but I can see he is very observing. I heard Vedashree gasp and Ansh looked down with a sad face.
Vedashree: What happened??
Vedashree asked putting her finger at Ansh's chin and made him look at her softly. 
Ansh: She never talked to us.
He said in a soft voice. It is actually good that Mohana never talked to these children, otherwise she would have killed these pure souls too. I saw Ansh flinch as if he is remembering something bad. 
Divya: Did she say something to you??
I asked him soflty and he looked down sadly. 
Ansh: Hmm.
He nodded after sometime. I looked at Vedashree and she looked at me tensed. 
Vedashree: What??
Vedashree asked in a soft voice. 
Ansh: Keep quiet always.
Ansh said keeping his finger on his lips. Shit!! Mohana didn't kill these children because she didn't want to. That means she was planning to use them for a bigger reason. 
Vedashree: I am your maa and I will not tell you to keep quiet.
Vedashree said stroking Ansh's hair softly. I know in Vedashree, these children got a perfect mother. She is what these children want and need. Vedashree will keep them on the good side always. She will teach them to believe in god. These children are in perfect hands. 
Ansh: Promise??
Ansh asked looking at Vedashree hopefully. He is a beautiful child. 
Vedashree: Promise.
Vedashree said kissing his both cheeks. He looked at Vedashree for sometime as if assessing that if she is deserving or not. Something is going on in his brain. But what??
Ansh: Maa!!
He called Vedashree softly and I gasp looking at the happiness in his eyes. I know unknowingly his powerful side has accepted Vedashree as his mother too. And this is something really wonderful. 
Divya: Vedashree!! I have to go now. But take care of this boy.
I told her stroking Ansh's hair. He looked at me for sometime and then smiled nodding. I smiled looking at him. I know he can feel the connection unconsciously. I feel as if he will be related to me somewhat. When and how that we have to find out. 
Vedashree: I know he is special. 
Vedashree said looking at me smiling softly. I don't know why but I feel as if he is the power which we all have to protect till Pia meets him. I can feel too much dormant power in him. He is not an ordinary person. 
Divya: Hmm. He is very important for us. Take care of him. And this sweetheart too.
I said caressing Kajal's cheeks too. Though she won't be as powerful as Ansh but still she will have some perks of being a 200 old daayan's daughter. Kajal will be an entirely different concept too, as no secondborn of a daayan remains alive. The daayan doesn't keep them alive, and if Kajal is alive that means either Kajal has some powers or Mohana actually liked Mridul and kept Kajal as his memoir. 
Kajal: Mummy!!
Kajal looked at Vedashree grinning and hugged her legs. 
Kajal: Bye!!
She waved her hands at me and I remembered my baby girl. My eyes watered feeling the heaviness in my chest. I felt a tug at my saree. I looked down to see Ansh looking at me tensed. I bend down to his level and he wiped my tears. Then he pulled my lips till I smiled. Then he kissed both my cheeks softly. I kissed his forehead and pushed him towards Vedashree. I have an idea why Ansh is feeling so attached to me. I am Pia's mother, and he can feel her through me. 
Vedashree: Take care Divya. And thank you again.
Vedashree looked at me in gratitude. I shook my head in no and smiled at her. I just hope she can handle Ansh when time comes. 
Divya: Its okay.
I nodded at her and left from there. Now the next step will be to leave this country for next 10 years. I just hope I can stay alive to see these beautiful children all grown up and powerful. 
FF Writer : annie2248

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