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Adiya FF - Mending Hearts !!

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At adi's birthday :

Zoya is busy preparing fpr adis bthd party .Here adi is unaware of that .adi is in office is thinking about zoya .suddenly he gets the flashes of yash and pooja and holding their hands . he gets angry.then he thinks about the way he is treating zoya .

Fb starts
While zoya is out and adi sees zoya happily talking to her office colleagues and goes to her and other colleagues leave them .

Adi: hell ms zoya ,why do u look happy today .

Zoya : every time u get angry u come and talk to me and I am getting hurt by ur words and I get hurt .so I have decided to stop worrying about it . why should I worry about it for some one's mistake and she makes a puppy face with a smile and she leaves from the place.

Adi comes back to his sense and realizes his mistakes and how he had been hurting zoya by his words and his actions .

Screen shifts to zoya
Zoya is busy preparing for adi's birthday celebration and is doing the preparations very quick

Adi is not interested to celebrate his birthday after the death of pooja and he likes celebrating his birthday with pooja only .

Zoya informs about her surprise for adi and she asks him to help her arjun accepts it and zoya tell arjun to bring adi to the venue without informing about the surprise .

Arjun : bhai , I am gmg for a party can u join with me today.

Adi : arjun . you seem to behave like a small kid to attend parties .

Arjun: bhai u are coming with me and t is final and no more questions .

Adi : ok my bhai
Adi and arjun at the party

Adi and arjun enter the party and suddenly lights goes off and adi is shocked to see this and calls arjun and he is no where seen .

Here zoya is ready with all the preparations and she looks so cute. Lights gets on and he sees zoyastanding in front of him with the cake in her hand and a cute smile in her face ,she sings and others join her with the birthday song .

Adi is shocked to see this and he thinks was all this planned by zoya and he is perplexed .

He comes back to his senses and he cuts the cake and a presentations is shown .

Adi is seeing the presentations

It show various pics of adi.

Adi is happy to see this and he says to himself this is going be my best ever birthday in my life .

He searches for zoya and he finds her talking in phone n goes to talk to her but she leaves the place and goes to see the preparations .

FF Writer: POOMA

Pics : Tumblr


At adis bthd party

Adi is searching for zoya to thank her and to apologize
Her zoya seems to be busy with her duty .

Finally adi meets zoya and decides to talk to her .

Adi: hi zoya .tq u for ur wonderful surprise and I did not expect sthat I would celebrate such a wonderful birthday after the incident that has affected me a lot ..

Zoya is shocked to hear this bcz she has never seen or thought that MR ADITYA HUDA would talk to her like this and was froze.
She same back to her sense
Zoya : its ok Mr Aditya huda I wish u many more happy returns of the day .

she leaves before aditya huda comes to talk to her
adi says to himself why she did she go and she is not ready ti listen to me and I hve to talk to her again .

screen shifts to zoya

she recalls her birthday with yash and gets teary eyed .

all are enjoying the birthday party and everyone are dancing .especially adi is enjoying a lot
and zoya sees it from distance and she gets a smile in her face and she feels like she had achieved something . all leave the party .

in home
zoya comes to her room and she gets herself fresh and sits in the chair .she remembers adi' s words and gets asleep.

At huda mansion

Adi in his room recollects the incidents in the birthday party .and soon he gets asleep

Next morning adi wakes up with a new energy and he thinks after so many days I have slept peacefully and goes to office .

He searches for zoya but she is not in the office.

Suddenly he sees zoya entering the office and she goes to attend a meeting .

Soon aditya arrives at the meeting hall zoya starts to talk and discusses her ideas and aditya is seen admiring her and adi starts starts to talk
Zoya to her colleagues
It is an important event and we have short time and we should do it fast
Mahis entry
Mahi plans to fail zoya ideas and gives a smile.

At the venue

Zoya seems to be busy and for the first time adi is helping zoya in the event works
Zoya sees that and is so shocked .

Zoya is standing an a stool and is hanging some designs and she slips and at that time adi runs catches her and they a share eye lock .

Zoya and adi are interrupted by call and they move .

Zoya thnks adi for helping her .

Adi makes a furious face and leaves
Adi thinks what is happeni ng with me and why does the fate bring zoya and me closer .

All the colleagues with her are working hard
Zoya sees the time and asks them to have a break and have their lunch.

But zoya seems to be working and checks the designs
Adi joins with them and starts to mingle with them freely and they have become friends .

He searches for zoya and asks them
They tell that zoya mam is working and tell that she told them to take a break

Here zoya seems to be tensed as she had not got some of arrangements not done and she tries to get help from everyone she can and informs her colleagues about the arrangements
All of them are trying their best to solve the problem +
Screen freezes with zoya and aditya s face

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