Tu Aashiqui 14th August 2018 Written Episode Update

The Episode starts with Uday informing Ahaan about many offers flowing in for them. Ahaan cheers up Pankti and says we shall go for lunch. They dance and smile. Rangoli calls Ahaan and says Pankti came here searching for you, is everything fine. He says yes, lunch will sort everything. She sees someone and screams for help. Ahaan and Pankti come to Rangoli’s house and find it messy. Ahaan sees someone running and follows. Pankti asks Rangoli to open the door. Rangoli asks did that man go. Pankti says yes, sit, who was he. Rangoli says Vivek Awasthi. Pankti thinks he can’t even walk. She says he would be someone else. Rangoli says he is Vicky. Pankti says but he can’t walk. Rangoli asks what, how. Ahaan asks what do you mean. Pankti tells them everything.

Rangoli says it means you met him, we shall go there. They go to Vivek’s house. They don’t see anyone there. Ahaan says there is no one here, I have checked all the rooms. Someone is hiding there. Rangoli says why will Pankti lie, we will go and ask someone. Pankti thinks I met Vivek here, how can this happen. The man lies to them and says that house is locked since years, if you met him, your name would be there in the register. She says yes, I made an entry in the register. Watchman gets the register. The man says there is no entry of your name. Pankti says I had signed on it. She checks the register. Ahaan asks Pankti to come. They leave. Someone pays the man. Pankti says you believe me. Ahaan says I believe you, but you should have not hidden this, it will get Rangoli’s risk in life.

Rangoli says its fine, I have to stay alert and away from you. Ahaan says we can’t leave you alone.

Rangoli says don’t take stress, you have many responsibilities, stop the car, else I will jump down. He stops the car. She gets down the car and goes away. She asks them to get back in their lives, nothing will happen to her. She leaves.

She comes home and sees a shadow. She asks who’s there, come out. Someone gets a knife and walks to her. Mishka reveals her face. They laugh. Rangoli says I should do acting, I will get an award, you did good too, I decided to get Ahaan, I have done arrangements for everyone, I knew Ahaan will believe me.

Ahaan says there is nothing to worry. Rangoli says I had to make Pankti doubt on me, I wanted to end that doubt in fear. Ahaan says Vivek was trying to harm Rangoli. Pankti says no, he is handicapped. Ahaan asks so where is Vicky. Rangoli says it was easy to handle him. She recalls messaging Vicky and threatening him to vacate the flat. She threatens that she will expose his side business of drug peddling. She recalls bribing the secretary. Pankti says you think I m lying. Ahaan says no, I don’t think Rangoli is lying. Pankti says we don’t know Rangoli well. Rangoli smiles.

Aparna asks Kaira to calm down. Richa says we should cancel this engagement, Monty and Poorva love each other, if Poorva doesn’t get Monty, she will get after Vikram. Kaira asks what, you want to save your marriage and want me to forget Monty. They argue. Kaira angrily throws things. Aparna calms her down.

Aparna calls Pankti and asks her to come home urgently. Ahaan asks Rangoli are you fine. Rangoli says yes, but be with Pankti now. She disconnects the call. She says you should be with me, not Pankti. He calls back again. Pankti says Aparna is calling us home, come. He says Rangoli’s phone is not reachable, she may need us, you go home, I m going to Rangoli. Pankti says fine, and leaves angrily. He leaves in his car. Rangoli does drama again. He asks where is your phone, are you fine. She says its network issue, why did you come here, stop caring for me so much. Rangoli gets a parcel from Vivek. She gets shocked.

Rangoli says I gifted all this to Vicky. She gets a threatening letter and worries. Ahaan looks on. She lies to Ahaan again.

Update Credit to: Amena

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