Dil Hi Toh Hai 23rd August 2018 Written Episode Update

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After spending romantic time, Palak is sleeping. Ritwik is watching her and smiling. Palak opens her eyes and smiles back. She asks he didn’t sleep? He says reality in front of him is so beautiful that he is not going to get dreams now. He asks for a kiss. She kisses him on cheeks. She then asks what they will do? He says they will go home and tell everything to everyone.
Manjeet tells her husband how Noons insulted her. Her husband says she should not have gone there. She says she went thinking what if Palak also likes Ritwik. He says she doesn’t even know Palak likes Ritwik, then why did she go? They never wanted Ritwik-Palak’s relationship. That is why they called her there and made her say what they wanted, so later when Ritwik argues, they can put blame on her. He refuses
to send Palak to house where if anything happens, Palak will be blamed first.
Other side, Mamta tells VP that they always wanted Ritwik to fall in love. He hasn’t even met Palak and took such decision. VP says he doesn’t even want to see Palak’s face. He has faced such woman before and he has good ability of recognizing such people. He wants Ritwik to be happy and he knows he won’t be happy after that marriage.
Palak asks Ritwik what if everyone doesn’t get convinced. He says he doesn’t know about her family, but his family will surely agree. They are Noons, but from inside they are a typical Punjabi family. They have very strong bonding. In fact, his parents wanted him to fall in love. He suggests to wait a little before talking at home for Ananya. She agrees.
Mamta tells VP by doing this, he is sending Ritwik away from him. It’s his life, let him take his decisions. He says he won’t let Ritwik do this mistake. He’s a father and if he sees Ritwik going on a wrong path, then he will stop him. Mamta argues, but he screams at her to not argue.
Manjeet agrees with her husband and says she will make Palak understand. Even after that she marries Ritwik, then it won’t be good.
Ritwik tells Palak that he will talk to his family and they will apologize to Manjeet. Everything will be fine. They leave from there.
Palak returns home and informs her dad that she brought Setu back. She then prays to God to give her strength to tell her parents that she’s in love. She asks her parents to first listen to her and then she will do what they decide. Manjeet asks her she likes Ritwik, right? Palak nods yes. She says whatever happened was misunderstanding and Setu will clear it all. Manjeet tells Palak what happened when she was not here. Palak’s dad says Noons don’t want this marriage to happen.
Other side, Setu informs her parents that she talked to Manjeet about contract. She had gone to Rohit’s house and Kabir kidnapped her from there. He was the one who made her do the video. Her mother says that agreement caused so much chaos there. Setu says she will need to clear this to the Noons, for Palak. Her parents ask for Palak? Setu makes excuse and leaves.
Ritwik talks to VP about feeling guilty for his mistakes. VP says he has hurt him and let him down. Ritwik asks him what he can do to make things better. He doesn’t want to disappoint him. VP tells him that he will have to forget Palak. He doesn’t want him to meet or talk to Palak. Ritwik tells him that he knows he’s worried about Ananya, but give him some time, he will take care of her. She’s his friend too. VP tells him not to worry about Ananya. Matter is something else. Ritwik says if he’s talking about Manjeet, then Setu has cleared everything. Aman says after he left, a lot happened here. VP says Palak sent Manjeet to find out how much property belongs to Ritwik. Mamta tries to clear that it was them who called Manjeet to talk about their future, but VP interrupts and says while they were talking about their future, Manjeet was only interested in knowing how much property belongs to Ritwik. For them, Ritwik is just a lottery ticket. He reminds him what his first mother did and tells him to not let it happen again. Ritwik says he will talk to Palak. He knows her very well. VP gets angry saying he asked Manjeet whether Palak knows about that and she said yes. He’s telling her and still he wants to ask Palak? He doesn’t trust him? He leaves from there.
Manjeet apologizes to Palak for messing everything. Her husband says it’s not her fault. Palak was going to call Ritwik, but her father stops her saying they don’t want to pressure her, but he suggests her to wait and see what Ritwik is doing. He tries to make things right or believes his father and stays quiet. This is test of her love.
Rohit and his family meet Setu and her family to decide their marriage, once again. Rohit puts a condition that Palak should not be attending the marriage. He loves his sister and Palak and Ritwik has hurt her a lot.
Aman was trying to explain family that Ritwik really loves Palak. Reeva tells him not to interfere in their family matters. Aman gets hurt. Ritwik takes his side, but Reeva shuts him up too saying he has hurt VP a lot.
Ritwik is waiting for Palak’s call and she is waiting for his. Both are looking at their phones. Ritwik’s younger brother tries to make him call. Just then VP comes there. He asks Ritwik whether Palak called. Ritwik nods no. VP asks and he still thinks that he’s lying? Palak didn’t call him yet because she agrees with her mother. Ritwik says she loves him, she is not like her mother. VP says if she really loves him, then she would know how much Ritwik loves his father. If she had any respect for him (VP), then she would have apologized for what her mother did. She would say that it’s her mother’s thinking, not hers. She would give some explanation. Ritwik is quiet. VP says they will wait more and see if she calls or no.
Precap: Ritwik tells VP that he loves Palak. He doesn’t get why they are testing her.
Ritwik and Palak meet. Palak says she loves him and she’s committed to him. He says he will always be with her and will fight for her self-respect.
Update Credit to: Simmy

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