Dev 21st August 2018 Written Episode Update

Scene 1
Dev thinks that I will solve Koten’s case and find Mahek too, I wont forget my duty or my family.
Dwani thinks that Dev’s family is Apa not Mahek and I will make her remember what was in pendrive.
Narvekar thinks that criminal can try to hide truth but I will find out.
Apa thinks that I have to remember what I have forgotten.
Kinjal thinks that Dev brought me out of that filthy place and to find Mahek, I have to go back in that filth, I am sorry Narvekar.
Mahek is locked in a room and thinks that I have to go back to Dev at any cost.
Narvekar comes to Koten’s building and ask people to cooperate as killer is in building. One man says we are educated people, dont irritate us. Dev and Dwani are searching for proofs. Dev comes in
Koten’s house and search for proofs. Narvekar says to building people that we have to search all houses, all people chant against him.
Dwani says to guard that I have to go on terrace, Guard says its locked, nobody goes there, Dwani asks him to open it, officer asks him to open otherwise he will be locked in jail, guard opens terrace door.
Narvekar says to people that we are doing our duty so let us work.
Dwani comes on terrace. She finds someone there.
Dev comes to Mrs. Koten’s room, he imagines killer suffocating her with pillow.
Dwani comes on terrace and finds some young kids there. They hide drugs from her, she glares at them.
Dev says two murders and one robbery.. how can one person do it in such less time? someone else was involved.
Narvekar asks kids why did they get tensed seeing police? One kid’s parent says that he is my son, you can ask him anything but infront of me. Narvekar investigates them but kids say they were taking drugs so they hid it. Narvekar scolds them, ,,
Dev calls Narvekar in Koten’s house and shows Koten’s photo after he was murdered. Narvekar says are you done, whats your point? lets move on. Dev says answer is infront of you but you have to understand it. Narvekar says come to point. dev asks him to look in photo and see which clothes he was wearing. Dev says now see CCTV footage and see he was wearing which clothes. Dwani says he was wearing same clothes. Dev says it means he didnt get time to change clothes, he put bag on couch and couldnt move it. Dwani says so he was killed in less time? Dev says to Narvekar that you ruled out people who were in building for 10 minutes thinking they cant do two murders and one robbery in such less time and you are right, one man cant do it all in such less time but there must be some helper. Dwani checks CCTV footage and see who came and went out of building at time of killing. Dwani says some worker Dharam came in building at that time and gave things to some Veer in building and left in 30 minutes. Dev sees that there names are Dharam Kumar and Veer Kumar. Dev says they are brothers. Narvekar asks to find them.
Scene 2
Kinjal comes to a criminal who was her client when she was a pr*stitute. Criminal Mohan says that why you need me when you have police? Kinjal says you said that you know about every crime that happens in this city, one girl Mahek was kidnapped, she gives him her photo and says I want to find her. Mohan says Narvekar is not doing your work? I will find her but you have to give me a night, Kinjal glares at him. He says come to my flat or I can increase nights. Kinjal takes Mahek’s photo and leaves from there. Kinjal cries recalling her past.
Dev and Narvekar comes to Dharam and Veer’s house. They try to run but Narvekar catches them. He searches their cupboard and finds some jewelry.
Officer asks Veer and Dharam to talk. Veer says last month I heard a woman in building talking about Koten getting 5 lacs worth jewelry so I told Dharam, Dharam says we planned to rob that jewelry but I knew we had to kill older couple, I knew their servant Manju, I started an affair with her so I could know more about Kotens, I got to know about their routine from Manju, she mistakenly told me that he goes to bank every 1st of month and also mistakenly told me that caretaker Shanta was going on off. Dev asks how he got house keys? Dharam says once Manju mistakenly left her purse, I took key imprints on soup and made duplicate keys, we planned everything but there were CCTV footage in building. Veer says we saw that we will divide our work and not let camera catch us. Dev says how did you do it? Flashback shows when Koten left building, Veer waited till caretaker left. Veer used key and went in flat, he suffocated Mrs. Koten and killed her. Then I left from that house and went to my madam’s house, I told her that I want grocery from store so she called my brother to bring groceries. Then Dharam saw Mr. Koten going to his home. He went behind him and attacked him using hammer, I wiped my finger prints and went to give grocery to Veer’s house. Then later they went to Koten’s house, took jewelry and left. They decided to stay in city for 3 weeks so police dont doubt them, flashback ends. Dev says you both did it all in 10 minutes, for just a small amount of money, you both killed two elders, for just some money. Narvekar puts them in jail.
Koten’s children thank Dev. His son says wish we were with them, Narvekar says I hope this is a lesson for people who leave their own behind for some money.
Dev comes back to Mahek’s house and sees Munim’s message that he wont spare Mahek for trying to kill him but Dev is his son so he will give him a chance to find her. Dev thinks that Mahek must have some important information that Munim wants to extract from her thats why he kidnapped her.
Mahek is dizzy and asks her kidnapper to not give her injection, he doesnt listen and gives her injection. Mahek murmurs Dev..
Dev thinks there is a link in all this, Munim wants me to find him, what is I am not seeing? did Mahek say anything to me that I dont remember or something which was related to Munim? Flashback shows Mahek shooting Munim three times. Dev says where is Munim?
PRECAP- Dwani says to Apa that we have to find that pendrive? Apa tries to remember and says smell of scented candles? Dwani searches her things to find pendrive.
Dev comes to garage and finds Prakash there. He grabs him and takes him aside. He asks him to tell about Mahek. Prakash says I will be killed, Dev says if you dont tell me then you will be killed too.
Kinjal comes outside Mahek’s room and sees from window that Mahek is lying inside, she takes her pictures and says I will send it to Dev.
Update Credit to: Atiba

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