Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 14th August 2018 Written Episode Update

Hapu says to saxena that he kissed commissioner by mistake,Tika says forget him help us find job,Master says meet Angoori bhabhi on that note,she is opening an hotel and appointing for same. Boys and hapu rush to Mishra house, Angoori Tiwari and Vibhu taking interviews,Vibhu says go at the door and come one by one,Angoori asks Hapu why are you here, Boys make fun of him.
Tika walks in first, Angoori asks his education,he says diploma in home science,Vibhu says nice tell me what Gawaskar say to Kapil dev before world cup,Tika days come lets get laid,Tiwari and Vibhu ask irrelevant questions,Vibhu says i like your confidence, irrespective of wrong answer, Tiwari says 1200/year,he says thats less,Angoori says as hotel business booms so will your salary.
Malkan and Tilu walk in
next,Vibhu asks Tilu where did you work first,Tilu says at a cheap man shop, Tiwari says i dont want him,Tiwari and Tilu get in argument,Vibhu says relax dont get personal. Hapu asks when will i be called, Tiwari says we are done ,Vibhu says get lost, Hapu says look iim suspended i need some income,first see my degree, Vibhu reads Hapus file which says if you won’t give me job i shall inform Anu bhabhi you opening hotel in house in her absence.
Angoori inaugurates hotel,Vibhu addresses the guests,that there may be times that you come home tired and find wife sleepy so i ,Tiwari says stop this me me,and both get in argument,Angoori says enough and everyone do visit our restaurant,Vibhu says i shall perform Gazals for you so it’s a good deal,
Angoori cooking,Tika and Tilu helping her,Tika says all praised me but asking me to wash vessels where is my laptop,Tiwari says you want laptop ,and your stupid home science wont get you all this,just do what is asked too, Angoori says calm down,and now go dont worry all working well here. hapu working as waiter, Vibhu ready for ghazals,abd begin with his performance.
Malkan comes to kitchen and gives order, Tiwari gets angry over the names, Angoori says calm down this is what gives us the popularity. Commissioner walks in with Gulfamkali,Vibhu greets them, Commissioner calls for waiter and Hapu walks to them, Gulfamkali says he is so shameless ddidnt greet me, Commissioner scolds him,and calls Tiwari and says manager you have such bad waiter,Tiwari insults him and says Hapu apologize to them and dare you say a word or else you will be fired.
Saxena walks in and says yuk such a bad restaurant, Saxena asks Vibhu to shut up and says let me order in peace,and calls waiter,Saxena orders french dishes,Hapu says we don’t have these,Saxena says are you out of your mind.
pre cap : none.
Update Credit to: Tanaya

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