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Suman Impressed by Shravan !!!

Shravan with Suman sees Anish and his team pestering Saheb, walks to him and asks what happened. Saheb says they all want him to play football with them, but he is physically unfit. Anish says Saheb is his buddy and Shravan shouldn’t interfere. Shravan says he can keep Saheb as extra and let him serve water. Saheb says he will serve even juice and massage their shoulders. Anish says he is supporting Saheb as he is his puppet. Shravan says Saheb is his friend and civilians know to follow friendship, whenver Anish or even his 100 friends trouble Saheb, he will stand in between them. Suman gets impressed seeing that. Teacher Khurana walks to them and asks all is well. They say yes and disperse. Devika tells Suman that Shravan is so handsome and intelligent, she is mad behind him now. Suman asks if she was behind Anish. Devika says one should not lose a chance to upgrade. After school, Anish yells at Shravan that is showing his herogiri to impress Suman. Shravan says he himself wants to stay 4 foot away from brigadier Sumo, some other girl is impressed on him instead. Anish asks who is it. Shravan says he will mind blown, just wait and watch.
Devraj gives presentation to his company staff about a business proposal of making bullet proof vests for army. Staff asks about profits. Devraj says he cannot compromise on quality for profits as its a question of their army’s safety; he asks his 2 team members to procure materials for jackets and report to him.
Devika informs Suman that she is going on Shravan’s bike and not in school van. Suman sits in van reminiscing Shravan’s words. Devika sits behind Shravan and leaves on his bike. Anish fumes seeing that. Bunty’s school van malfunctions and he walks on street. Seeing Shravan with Devika, he excitedly stops him. Shravan boasts about his intelligence and asks him to take his school notes. Bunty nods yes and waves him good bye. Kanchan scolds Suman that she nurtured Shravan, but Suman let Devika take him away.
Vijay gets a letter to check Devraj’s company’s bullet proof vests and tells his assistant Sanjay that he didn’t want to mix work and friendship and was fearing this. Sanjay suggests him to go ahead as he can give honest review and reject vests if they are of poor quality, this way he can be honest to his duty and even friendship. Vijay praises his intelligence and asks him to get vermicelli box from home for brigadier.
At home, Beena prepares vermicelli and handing over a box to Sanjay fills one more box and asks Suman to give it to Shravan’s family. Suman denies. Beena asks if she is afraid, she will tell Vijay that his cadet is incompetent. Suman agrees and takes box to Shravan’s house. Shravan checks it and asks Avni to keep in fridge for him. Suman leaves on her bike. Shravan stops her and requests to drop him as his bike is not starting. She says they are stranger outside school. He says by dropping her she will favor country as she petrol can be saved and economy can be saved. She agrees and he leaves on her bike waving at Avni. Avni thinks her brother is handsome.
Precap: Shravan boasts in front of Bunty that Suman is dependent on her for drama rehearsals and pleaded him for help. Suman from behind asks what all defects she has, goes to class room and sits crying. He feeling guilty walks to her and asks why is she crying.
Update Credit to: MA

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