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Shubharambh 20th February 2020 Written Episode Update

Scene 1
Kirtida says which medicine did the doctor ask me to take? She sees legs and gets scared. It’s Gulwant. She gets scared and says you’re venomous snake. One never knows when you bite whom. You played so well at the hospital. Where did the blood come from? He recalls he made a mirror fall next to him and then lay under it. He says then the doctor gave me fake blood and did this bandage with for a lot of money. Once Raja agrees, that’s all I want. Kirtida says he isn’t innocent like he used to. Rani plays from his side. We don’t know what would she do next.
Raja and Rani come there. Raja says mota papa I had to talk to you. He gets up. Raja says please rest. Raja says this is all suspicion I don’t believe in all this. But to respect your wish I have decided I won’t go to the shop for a year. I will serve you in the house. Rani is shocked. Raja says ring this bell and I will come. Gulwant says your love makes me feel so good. He hugs Raja. Kirtida says you have saved your mota papa’s life. Gulwant says give me water. Kirtida gets up. Raja says let me get up. Raja says to think with the love of your family not fear.
Scene 2
Rani says to Darshana I don’t wish harm on anyone but it doesn’t mean he can leave work and sit home. Darshana says you should talk to him once. He would understand. It’s Mahashivratri tomorrow. Pray with all your heart, everything would sort out.
Raja keeps his mattress outside Gulwant’s room. Rani says what are you doing? He says mota papa might need me at the night. So I should be close. Rani brings another mattress and places it next to his. He says what are you doing? Rani says I would sleep here too. Gulwant rings the bell and asks for water. Raja gives him water. Raja says let me know if you need anything else. Raja says you don’t need to sleep here. Please sleep on the bed. Rani says I am fine. Gulwant rings the bell again. Kirtida says he can’t sleep can you bring a newspaper? Raja gives it to them. He comes back to Rani. Raja says let me turn off the light. They ring the bell again. Kirtida says can you get us the charger? Raja says sure. She says thank you. Raja says to Rani let’s sleep. Good night. Rani says in heart I know there’s nothing better than serving elders but he can’t leave his work due to suspicion. This is wrong. I have to do something. Kirtida says why is this Rani sleeping here.
Scene 3
The next morning, Hitank gets a signature from the Gulwant. He says I will handle everything. Don’t worry. We will get this order. Kirtida asks Darshana to clean and prepare things before pandit ji comes for the pooja. She says Raja is home. He will manage everything. Hitank says yes he is free enjoying his free days. xx says Raja you can join mummy’s kitty party. You have a lot of time. Raja says yes which son gets time to serve his parents. I am lucky. xx says if you’re bored don’t go to the shop. Raja says I am worried for my mota papa. I won’t go to the shop at all this year.
Raja cleans the temple. Asha says you thought right. Nothing is more important than family. One year would pass by so quickly. Rani says mummy also things he is right? Rani comes out and sees some goats outside the house. She says Raja come here with me. She says look at these goats. He says so? Rani says one of them is free and one is tied. It’s free but isn’t going away from its master. They think if they go away from their master they won’t get the food. It’s fear that is captivating them. Your fear is tying you as well. Not going to shop for a year isn’t okay. Raja says the goat isn’t going anywhere because it loves it’s master. Nothing is more important than my family to me. Rani says try to understand. Gulwant comes and says I was thinking to go to the shop. Raja says in this condition> He says yes I would go. Raja says if you want I can come with you. Kirtida says you decided not to go. You can, I was just reminding. Raja says no I will stay home. They leave.
No precap.
Update Credit to: Atiba

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