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Patiala Babes 14th August 2019 Written Episode Update

Lala informs HS that lawyer told that case is very weak and he will win it for sure. HS says he may win the case, but he will be in guilt forever and a fire will be burning inside him. Laala says he should not feel guilty as it was not his mistake. HS says he loved his wife a lot and in lieu of seeing her alive for long forced her to undergo operation. Kammo walks to him and he greets her and asks how is she. She asks what has he done to himself, he looks so weak, whole locality knows about his court case and he should do something before Khatri misleads Sardar Singh and loots him. HS asks if Sardar Singh met Khatri. Kammo informs that Sardar Singh sought help from Khatri and is ready to sell his village properties, he fell dizzy on road, so NB took him to her house. HS rushes towards NB’s
house. Minnie confronts Sardar Singh that HS loves Imarti immensely. Sardar Singh says he killed Imarti by getting her operation and gives her Imarti’s letter to read. Minnie reads letter with Imarti’s greeting and HS’ immense love for her, she shattered hearing about her illness. Babita continues letter that HS doesn’t even let her step down and since he came to know about her illness, he broke down and does not eat food even if she prepares his favorite food. Minnie continues that he vents out his pain via anger, Babita continues that he fights with her to make her feel normal and truth is she lived her 7 lives in this 1 life with HS, Minnie continues that he is insisting for operation, Babita continues that he wants to live long with her, Minnie continues not to leave him and take revenge from him, Babita continues truth is even father cannot tolerate her death so they both should be each other’s pillar of support. She tells Sardar Singh that he read his daughter’s letter, even then he ignored her feelings. Sardar Singh cries loudly hearing that. HS runs to him, wiping his tears asks not to cry, and hugs him tightly. Sardar Singh says he couldn’t even see his daughter one last time, he didn’t gather courage. HS says her face was bright like a sun, they will bid adieu to her the way he likes with decoration and music. Sardar Singh cries more hugging him. Minnie, Babita, and NB also cry emotionally.
HS takes Sardar Singh to his house, washes his feet and wipes them. Minnie brings water and jaggery, and HS feeds it to Sardar Singh. HS reminisces bringing Imarti’s dead body home and gets her ready like a bride as per her wish. He then opens door for neighbors. NB with others walks in and tries to console HS. They then take Imari’s body for last rights. Out of flashback, Sardar Singh cries touching ground on which Imarti was last laid. HS consoles him.
At night, Laala enters with snacks and liquor for HS and Sardar Singh and seeks Minnie’s help to serve them. Minnie sees liquor bottle and says she will not give it. Laala says it is to destress HS. Minnie snatches it back. HS watching their nok jhok asks to if they are bringing snacks or not. Minnie says his best friend brought liquor for him and asks Naanu Sardar Singh to order him not to drink liquor. HS says Sardar Singh is a big drunkard and nobody can win over him in village. Sardar Singh shyingly says only half bottle. HS says he starts with half bottle. Sardar Singh says not more than 2 bottles. HS asks Minnie to go to her mother as gents want to enjoy. Minnie emotionally blackmails him that he doesn’t care for her or Imarti’s feelings and his first priority is liquor. HS asks how can she say that and breaking liquor bottle takes Imarti’s oath not to drink again in life. Minnie emotionally hugs him. HS says how can he deny his daughter’s order ad asks Sardar Singh if he could. Sardar Singh smiles. HS asks Laala to bring lassi or some juice instead. Babita hearing their conversation gets emotional.
Next morning, Babita informs NB last night’s incident how HS promised not to touch alcohol on Minnie’s insistence. NB is amazed to hear that. Babita says her Minnie is true to her emotions and can change anyone. NB says HS considers Minnie as his daughter, should she send Babita’s proposal to him again. Babita says no need for that as he insulted her. NB says it was his anger and he loves her a lot, she should understand emotions rather than words. Babita gets adamant.
Precap: Sardar Singh tells HS that he saw how Babita understood Imarti’s emotions, should he give HS’ marriage proposal to her. HS says no need. Minnie hears their conversation.
Update Credit to: MA

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