Kundali Bhagya 2nd August 2019 Written Episode Update
Maira comes asking Kartika when she came back, she asks her regarding her studies. She mentions that it is all going good and she feels that she will have to leave the house really soon, Kartika gets tensed asking why she feels like this, she asks her to calm down saying that she will leave after getting in because she feels that she has performed good in the entrance test. Maria says that she feels something is odd in the house, the environment is not like it was before and she is also hesitant to get Karan’s autograph in the book,, Kartika takes it asking her to come to karats room, she refuses and is adamant to take Maira to him, she calms her down explaining that Karan will never refuse. They reach the corridor, Karan is awaking thinking what he can do to stop the wedding, Kartika asks him to
Sherlin is constantly calling Prithvi, he is not picking up, she wonders why is he marrying Preeta even when she asked him to back out, she vows to not let him cheat, she thinks of calling him with someone else phone, she asks Ganesh to give her the mobile, he is hesitant but she scolds him, asking that he go do his work, she understand that he knows she will call him with someone else phone which is why he is not answering, she gives back his phone after deleting the number, she vows to do something which she has not done as she is the deceiver.
Karan is walking angrily thinking that he will not let her marry Prithvi because now he will do all that he can to stop the wedding,
Shrishti is also planning to do anything to stop the wedding.
Shrishti is also planning to do anything to stop the wedding.
Sarla enters Preeta’s room thinking what Janki said to her that she does not want Preeta to marry Prithvi, she is standing Preeta asks her what she has to say, she explains that she has made a mistake and even when the children do not believe it the parents still have made some mistake, Preeta does not understand she asks her what she is saying, Sarla says that she came to call the bride upon the Pandit’s request but she is not able to find her daughter as she is very tensed. She mentions that Preeta smile was what made her happy but she cannot see her in this depression, she ask her what is that thing which she is hiding, Preeta refuses that there is anything.
Janki stops her from lying to her mother, Sarla adds that she can do anything for her daughters without caring for what the society will say and that she has the strength for a lot of things, Preeta says that she is not tensed regarding this marriage as she is happy and feels blessed to marry him, Janki refuses to accept it saying that he is ill mannered as she blamed her for having some relation with Karan when she went with him, Sarla stops her mentioning that it is between her and Preeta. Preeta answers that he had made a mistake but also apologized for it, not unlike Karan who made an even bigger mistake just to punish her for a small thing.
Rishab is calling Karan but he does not answer, Rishab sees the album on his bed, he calls her Karan answers it asking what the matter, he asks where he is as he wanted to talk to Karan, Karan says that he is going on a long drive, Rishab asks him to stop lying, Karan explains that he is going to meet a girl and do something that will be a cayuse of relief for his heart, Rishab request that eh do anything without hurting himself, Rishab requests that he calm down and do what he feels, Rishab is happy to know that Karan is doing what he likes unlike him who does not know what is happening, Karan plans to hurt Preeta to the extent that she will not be able to marry him.
Preeta leaves the room, Janki stops Sarla informing that Preeta is still talking of Karan when she is about to marry Prithvi, Sarla gets angry explaining that she would have told her when she asked her. Janki thinks that she would have told her if she knew it herself but Preeta is still unaware of her feelings.
Rakhi asks dadi how the new doctor is and if she liked her, Karina explains that she is very professional and her feels that Dadi will be better very soon.
Sherlin comes down thinking that she will do anything to end the marriage with Preeta as she wants Prithvi to only remain with her.
Rakhi asks dadi if she is okay, Dadi thinks of what Sherlin said in the hospital regarding Preeta, she answers that she no longer needs Preeta and will get used to the new doctor, she leaves to go and check on Mahesh, Karina orders Ganesh to take the glass of water to Mahesh’s room. Rakhi informs that she felt dadi was upset. Karina asks Sherlin where she is going.
Precap: Preeta and Prithvi are performing the wedding rituals, Karan gets angry to see them from behind the corner.
Update Credit to: Sona
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