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Kundali Bhagya 21st August 2019 Written Episode Update

Prithvi regains conscious, he thinks of what Karan said that he came to stop the wedding, he understands that Karan will not let him get married with Preeta he breaks free from the binds and then gets really frustrated thinking that no one including Preeta wants to marry him, he blames Karan for brainwashing everyone and thinks that he will not be able to do so with Sarla and that is why he has changed places with Prithvi, however nothing has changed, he will do what Karan did and that is to deceive them all just like Karan did, he will be the one to marry Preeta and no one else.
Karina is with Sanjana they both are talking of how well they spent the time together, She wonders where Sherlin is and why has she not come back, Sanjana gets worried thinking where her daughter is, she thinks if
everything has been good in the wedding, Sherlin walks past them and is tensed, Sanjana asks Karina to not worry as she will talk with her.
Rishab is sitting beside Mahesh, explaining that he has not been able to control the family, everything has gone wrong and he has not even been able to control Karan, he feels that he is losing his brother and that Karan got really upset after his accident and now wants to take Revenge from Preeta as he believes that she was the one responsible for his marriage and the accident that took place, Rishab takes him by his hand and cries after putting his head on his body, Mahesh starts to wake up and tries to clings his hands with those of Rishab which makes Rishab get really shocked.
Prithvi is in his room disguising himself as a waiter, he thinks that he wants to tell the truth to Sarla however is not doing this because he does not trust anyone as he feels that they all do not want him to get married with Preeta, he thinks of what he has to do to make sure he gets married with Preeta, he calls his contact instructing him to bring some things that will help him to marry Preeta, he promises him a lot of money, after he ends the call he thinks that he has stood against everyone including Sherlin just so to marry Preeta so now he will do all that he can.
Sherlin is sitting in her room and is very worried, Sanjana comes to her explaining that she knows that Sherlin is very worried which was shown by his facial expressions, she is aware that she loves him a lot, Sherlin hugs her mother saying that she has her heart with him and whenever he got hurt she felt the pain, the only reason she married Rishab is because they both had a deal however she never wanted him to get married to Preeta.
Sanjana tries to make her realize that everything has now ended however she insists that she will make him pay for what he has done to her, she takes her and hugs her.
Rishab sees the hands moving and is over whelmed with joy, he hugs him and then seeing the vital he immediately calls the doctor requesting him to come back as Mahesh has shown movement, The doctor is also not able to comprehend how it all happened so he turns his car around moving towards the Luthra house.
Rishab requests Mahesh to wake up and talk with Karan as he is not able to control him, Rishab pleads him to wake up and take his hand again, he is constantly pleading Mahesh to come and help him as he is not able to do it alone, he is constantly asking Mahesh to wake up but he does not respond.
The wedding continuous, Shrishti is wondering why Samer is so happy with Prithvi marrying Preeta. This is because he did not even like him so why is he happy at him marrying Preeta. She asks him why he is so happy at the marriage, he explains that it is all fake as he has to show that he is happy, she does not believe him asking the real reason for him being happy, she starts to inquire him but he asks that she stop this interrogation as he does not like it at all, he explains that it is because of her as he likes being with her, he thinks of leaving as otherwise she will come to know the truth. Samer bumps into Prithvi not knowing who it is.
Precap:Prithvi is talking with his men informing him of his plan, Janki listens to them from behind the corner, Mahesh tells Rishab that it was Prithvi behind the attach Rishab vows to make him pay, Janki takes a vase planning to hit Prithvi with it.
Update Credit to: Sona

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