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Kundali Bhagya 9th July 2019 Written Episode Update

Rishab is walking when he sees Karan, he asks where he was because he has been looking for him since the morning, he asks her why he is latching to the past he must focus on what is to come and move forward. Karan says that he still is not able to say her name with adding Jee so he must not ask Karan to forget her. When they are talking Sherlin comes asking about whom they were talking, Karan says that they were talking of Preeta because his brother is still not able to disrespect her. Sherlin tries to manipulate her by saying that he was with her when everyone was against her, she asks him to come early< Karan gets angry and leaves. Preeta opens her wardrobe she sees Karan’s posters and starts to say bad things at them, she thinks that he has wronged her to the extent that she can never forgive him,
she misses him and wants to talk with him, wishing that everything be the same way as they were but now things have gotten to the extent that she cannot correct it. Janki comes from behind asking if she was thinking of Karan, Preeta lies saying that she was not thinking of him, Janki blackmails her by saying that she will not help her if she does not accept that she loves Karan, she is about to leave when Preeta stops her saying that she does not want to marry as she feels that it is not right, she then explains that she is not in the mental condition to marry, so she does not want to marry as she would not be able to prepare for it, so she will not marry, Janki asks for some hours to correct the mistake and stop the wedding. Shelrin stops Karan, she asks him to forget what happened between and to focus on the present, she wants to have a happy relation with him and he must also move to establish it, Karan however does not believe it saying that the past always comes to haunt them so her past will always come, he doesn’t believe her, Sherlin thinks that she does not want him to remain against her and will eventually break him. 

Mahesh gets furious with Raj, he says that he has wasted enough time and now if he doesn’t tell the truth then he will kill him, he asks his men to count to three and kill Raj he then gets nervous and agrees to tell the entire truth if they let him live, he says that he will do the entire arrangements if he shows some proofs because he doesn’t believe him, raj gives him his phone mentioning that the name saved as mam is of Sherlin, Mahesh takes him phone and checks it with his own, he thinks that Sherlin has destroyed his family but now he will not let her make any smart move, now no one will save her and it is time for her to go to jail.

 Rakhi is massaging Dadi on her pain, Karina comes asking what the issue is, she says that she has got habitual of massaging and now feels, Karina ask if she wants them to call Preeta but Dadi refuses asking Rakhi to take her to her room as she wants to rest also asking Rakhi to ask Rishab for hiring a new doctor. The bell of the house rings , Karina wonders if it is someone from the Aurora family and if they are planning to make a scene, Ganesh opens the door but it is Mahira, she comes and greets everyone, Dadi inquires Rakhi if she knew, she says yes, Mahira asks who told her, both mention that it was not them, she informs that she did it herself but forgot it because she came in such a hurry, she explains that she knows that they will find it odd that she came on such a short notice, Karina and Dadi however say that it is certainly not the case as they all are very happy that she came to live with them. They ask her how her parents are, she says that they are fine and also happy that she came to live with them, she says that her parents know Rakhi very well and have sent her an apology letter, Rakhi reads it but gets very angry, Dadi asks her to not be so angry and remain calm. 

Rakhi plans to show her the guest room but she mentions that she knows the house, however Rakhi insists and then takes her to the room, both Karan and Sameer are delighted to see her, Risahb comes asking for his file he also gets very naughty and starts to tease her, Rakhi however asks her to not blush because they all are teasing her. Mahesh walks out he is very angry, he hits his car and wonders how they have wronged the Aurora family, they all said a lot of things to them which hurt them and he has to apologize, he decides to call her but she doesn’t pick it, Preeta is in her thoughts and does not know that her phone is ringing. Mahesh decides to correct their wrongs.
Update Credit to: Sona

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