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Kundali Bhagya 8th July 2019 Written Episode Update

Sarla agrees that they should conduct the wedding because every mother wishes that her daughter goes to her own house, she asks them to conduct the wedding on the third day, they all bless each other on agreeing for the wedding, Janki asks Sarla how they will be able to do the arrangements in such a short period of time, she says that they have their own marriage hall, they have arranged for so many weddings and Preeta will also be conducted there, Prithvi gets up thanking Sarla for making his dreams come true, he seeks her blessings then gives to Preeta asking if she happy,
The detectives greet Mahesh as he enters, he asks where the kidnapper is, and he says that he is in the cabin. Mahesh asks if he came willingly but they say that they have kidnapped him because if they asked him to come he
would not have come so they did it, Mahesh however gets worried mentioning that it is wrong, they say that they have to do it for their customers.
Kartika comes to open the door finding that it is Chachi, she enters and greets Sherlin very politely also hugging her which confuses Kartika and she leaves, Sherlin gets angry after seeing that she is still curious of her pregnancy, Chachi sees from behind and says that she will tell everyone the truth the very next day and will create a scene that will ruin the house.
Mahesh enters the room asking Raj if he knows who he is, he however denies everything that he does not know Sherlin and Preeta, Mahesh says that he has not said even a single thing and now knows that he knows he truth of Sherlin so he must now tell the entire truth.
Chachi reaches the room, she is not able to find Karan, seeing a torn photo she picks it up and is curious why is it torn, Karan comes and after seeking his blessing he says that what she is doing with this phot. She asks if he likes her, he says that he doesn’t feel anything and throws away the photo, Chachi ask him to not do this because [Preeta is a very good girl, Karan mentions that he doesn’t like her because his taste is a lot better. He leaves.
Samer is leaving when Kartika comes rushing asking him to give her the laptop, he says that he is very late for work and she can look for it herself, Sherlin seeing the opportunity taunts Kartika for her relation with her finance, she leaves followed but Samer, Tanvi seeing this gets very angry, she says that Sherlin knows very well how complicated her relation is then why is she doing this to hurt her, Sherlin taunts her by saying that she wants unwanted people ti get out from her house, Tanvi leaves.

Mahesh is questioning Raj he mentions that he will give him a lot of money to tell the truth of Sherlin with proofs because he knows that Sherlin is not suitable for his family, Raj however says that if he tells the truth regarding Sherlin then eh will kill him so the only way he will remain alive is by concealing the truth.

Prithvi’s family is very happy after finalizing the marriage, they all say how good the couple will look, they all celebrate, Prithvi receives the call from Sherlin, he goes aside and tells her that his wedding has been fixed and now they will be able to finally take their revenge. Sherlin gets really angry when he says that he is happy to marry Preeta because now his family will be complete, Sherlin gets angry, he immediately turns to say that she will be the first step of his revenge. His mother comes and when she hears that he is talking to someone mentioning that Preeta is the right choice for him, it is very appreciating that he has left Sherlin as she was really not suitable for their family, Prithvi mentions that his mother has very and timings, he immediately apologizes to Sherlin she scolds him mention that if his mother comes in front of her then she will make sure that she is not able to go anywhere.
Precap: Karan says to Rishab that he can never forget Preeta and will always respect her, Janki asks Preeta is she has any feelings for Karan, she denies it altogether, but Janki says that she will never help her. Karan taunts Sherlin that she will face what she has done.
Update Credit to: Sona

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