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Kundali Bhagya 17th July 2019 Written Episode Update

Sherlin and Prithvi are both walking in the room, they get frustrated with each other, she scolds him saying that she must not walk with him and go downstairs,. He mentions that he will get caught if he goes , so if their plan fails then they will both run away, they are waiting when Rakha calls him, asking to speak with Sherlin, she listen sand he says that he has killed Mahesh, they all rejoice and he leaves the crime scene,
Dadi ask Rakhi why Mahesh is not answering she is also curious then she drops the Thali, Dadi gets tensed mentioning that it is a bad omen, Karan consoles her.
Preeta is in her room, she is looking at the gift of Karan when she cuts herself, thinking that it is a bad omen as she is  feeling strange, Karan is standing when he gets a call with Mahesh name, it is
someone else who reports that Mahesh has been in a car accident so he called to inform them , they must come to the city hospital as he will take them, Karan is not able to remain on his foot, he runs toward his car after explaining to Rishab, they all reach the hospital and are shocked to see Mahesh on a stretcher, the doctors take him to the operation station, Karina asks Kartika to call Sherlin.
Preeta is in her room, she gets a call from Kartika, she wonders that Mahesh might have told everyone the news that she is innocent, she answers it, Kartika explains that Mahesh has gotten into a very bad accident, she explains that Chachi told her that Preeta can correct any sort of situation so she must come to them, Preeta says that she is coming, Chachi hugs her saying that she did the correct thing to call her because as soon as they threw her out, Mahesh got into an accident, Karina comes consoling them both, she asks if they have informed Sherlin, she calls.
Prithvi is celebrating with Sherlin, she gets a call from Karina who says that Mahesh has gotten in a very bad accident and now is in the hospital so she must immediately come as they all need her, Sherlin ends the call getting really tensed saying that they are ruined as he is not dead, he says that it cannot be the end until they are sure, he plans that they will go there and he will keep an eye on them, he also advises that she keep the facts hidden and not tell anyone the truth of what happened between her and Mahesh.
Sherlin enters the hospital, she runs to the family while acting that she cares for them, she asks and they say that he is in critical condition, she request to meet him but Rishab stops  her saying that she cannot go as the operation is in progress, Sherlin starts to  cry, creating a wrongs tory that he was crying when he came back, he wanted to give Preeta money and apologize to her or how they all behaved with her,  she explains that he even hired a detective so inquire if he can buy Preeta’s loyalty which he explained that he can make Preeta do anything after offering money. He wanted that Preeta come back to their family, he also wanted her to forget everything that happened with Preeta and forget what happened, she answers that he believed that his family has gotten ruined ever since Preeta left, she taunts everyone that they miss Preeta, she further adds that he believed Preeta is a strong component of their family and so he wanted to call back Preeta, she creates a lot of melodrama,
She again mentions that when he said that he had a meeting, it was with a detective with whom he wanted to make sure if he can buy Preeta with money, he found out that they can make her do anything with money, if they do not believe her even now then she will be complete sure that they trust her more than Sherlin.
She mentions that he was worried of Preeta, so when he went to Preeta she insulted him, Sherlin say to Karan that she would have thrown him out the same way he threw Preeta, Karan gets angry hearing this, she creates a scene of eh accident, blaming Preeta for the entire incident that happened with Mahesh.
She pleads them to trust her, threatening that if they still do not believe her then she will know that they trust Preeta more than their father.

Precap: Karan blames that preeta for the entire incident that happened with Mahesh, she refuses his allegations mentioning that he cannot blame her for everything, Karina asks if Mahesh did not come to visit her before the accident, Preeta asks Sherlin if she did this.
Update Credit to: Sona

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