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Shakti 25th June 2019 Written Episode Update

The Episode starts with Harak Singh and his family taking Harman to hospital.. Doctor asks Nurse to take patient to OT. Everyone stands outside tensedly. Soumya is also in the hospital and prays to God, thinks why this is happening, please make him fine. She thinks of Harman and Vedant argument and then Vedant approval the designs and then making Harman drink. She thinks if Vedant is behind all this. Doctor comes out. Harak Singh and Preeto ask how is Harman? Doctor says he is fine and we have to keep him under observation, there is no major injury. Preeto asks Harak Singh to give money to Bansal and ends the business deal with him. She goes to the party hall and takes the drink which Harman had drank. She calls Harak Singh and asks him to meet her outside the reception area. Harak Singh says I can’t hear
you as Preeto is hearing him. He comes to the reception area and shows the glass and tells that Harman drank from this glass, may be Vedant had mixed something in it. She says they shall get it tested.
Harak Singh blesses her and says you will not accepted defeat for Harman. He blesses her and asks Doctor to do the glass contents drink and tell what is in it. Doctor says they will get it checked outside in the lab and will get the reports. Harak Singh says if anything is found in this drink then I will not leave Vedant and will forget that I am working with Bansal. He says he will file case against vedant. Soumya asks about Harman. Harak Singh says he is fine. Soumya asks him to go to Harman and says if mummy ji- preeto sees you here then it will be problematic. She calls Saya and asks about Soham. Saya says he is sleeping and asks where are you? Soumya tells her about Harman’s accident. Saya asks about Harman. Soumya says he is fine and asks her not to worry. Saya asks her not to worry about Soham. Saya tells Chameli about Harman’s accident and says Soumya will be in the hospital all night. Kareena hears them.
Doctor checks Harman while everyone is standing near his bed. Soumya looks at him from the window of the door. Harman opens his eyes. Preeto asks how are you? She gets a call and goes out to attend it. Kareena is on the call. Soumya hides from Preeto. Preeto turns to check. She picks Kareena’s call. Kareena tells her that Soumya is in the hospital and will stay here tonight. Preeto goes to Harman. Harak Singh asks everyone to go home and says I will stay here. Preeto says why and asks him to go home, says she will stay with her son. Shanno, Veeran, Harak Singh and others leave for home. Preeto thinks I will see how you let Soumya meet Harman. Soumya looks through the window. Tu hi mera khuda plays….Soumya thinks how will I see Harman ji when mummy ji is sitting here. She asks God how she will go home without seeing him. She asks God to do something.
Nurse comes to Preeto and asks her to bring the medicines. She gives the prescriptions. Preeto says ok and goes to get medicine. Soumya comes inside the ward and cries seeing him on bed. Harman is unconscious and asks for water. Soumya makes him drink water. Preeto is coming back and comes to the ward. Soumya has come out before Preeto came to the ward. Preeto asks Nurse did you make my son drink water. Nurse says no. Preeto comes out and asks ward boy and other nurses etc. She thinks if Soumya made Harman drink water and searches for Soumya. Soumya is hiding and is tensed. Someone comes and keeps hand on her shoulder.
Nurse comes and tells that the test report is negative, nothing was mixed in the drink. Soumya thinks then why did behaved such way. Vedant thinks it was a good day and thinks nobody can find out what I did with him. A fb is shown, he thinks everyone will party and you will do tamasha. He says I will see who takes this glass as a proof. He changes the glass and thinks he will know what game is going on between the servants. Preeto is searching Soumya and thinks she will bash her.
Precap: Harman asks Preeto to stop Soumya and tells that she is here. Soumya gives Prasad to Vedant and tells that she prayed for someone. Vedant thinks to find out what is there between Harman and Soumya.
Update Credit to: H Hasan

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