Kundali Bhagya 7th February 2019 Written Episode Update
Billa says that Prithvi will come to the same jail where he is and they both will stay together, he will tell everything to the authorities as soon as they leave, Prithvi says that he wanted to see his serious reaction, he is however a jolly person, he asks how will he do it by the evidence but he has destroyed everything, so he can do nothing and even the police did not believe his words so what can they do against him, he says that he is leaving, Billa threats to take revenge after gets out.
Prithvi says that he can never come out, Billa says that he only came because he was promised money but his family never got it and Prithvi will have to pay a hefty price of it, Sherlin asks him to come with her as they have to get to the 2wedding.
Samer and Shrishti are w3alking, she is angry,
They are still planning to stop the wedding, there is no good idea, Mahesh says that he likes Shrishti plans, Rishab asks him to stop as she is just a child, Manisha comes in and says that there preparations have been completed and they must not plan to stop the wedding because she has Karan on her side and when they both are ready then no one can stop them, she threatens Preeta And Shrishti calling them outsiders, they leave Preeta gets angry and says to Rishab that she will tell him the plan while walking they both head out and are followed by everyone.
Karna and Manisha reach the hall, Preeta and Rishab walk away from there, Manisha says that she is very happy that they have come to the wedding, she ask him about her honeymoon destination, he is left with no choice but to say Paris, She calls everyone for the family photo when they take I she says that she also needs to have a photo with Karan, he asks her to not be so fake but she says that everything in today’s world is fake and more the fake the better, she also threatens Karan, leaving after it.
Karan is left shocked witnessing what has happened just now.
Billa is very angry and thinking of what he can do to teach Prithvi a lesson, the constable comes and opens the jail locker, he gives Billa the food but they get in an argument, Billa its him and makes him unconscious, the other constable comes and he shoots him in the chest running away.
Karna is taking photos with Manisha and everyone, Prithvi sees him and wonders where his Preeta jee is and seeing Sherlin he wonders why she is here because he thought that he was the only come he thought would come to the wedding, she thinks why he is so worried, when she is coming he ask her why she came but she ignores him and goes straight to Karina, she scolds her for coming so late as her family is in dire need of her help, Sherlin asks what the matter is, Karina tells her everything saying that they do not want Karan to marry Manisha as they don’t like her at all.
Sherlin is confused and says that Karan announced that he wanted to marry, Karina says that they will do what is best for Karan and know that Manisha will not make him happy, she says that they have done everything and now Karan realizes that Manisha good for them, Sherlin takes side of Manisha but Karina asks her saying that she has to support them, rather than to b against them, she asks for an idea Sherlin says that she has an idea and if there is death in the family then there can be no marriage for one year, she gets angry and leaves,
Manisha asks the photographers to go and have some refreshment, Karan leaves. Manisha thinks that she will take revenge of Rithwik,
Precap: Manisha says that she wants a handbag Husband rather than a king and he must do only what she likes.
Update Credit to: Sona
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