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Kundali Bhagya 13th February 2019 Written Episode Update

Billa is looking for Prithvi and is not able to find him, Prithvi comes and thinks if Manisha will back out from the wedding and what will happen if Sophia agrees to marry Karan, Billa tries to kill him from the back but is not able to, he sees the police inspector and hides.
The inspector suspects that he has met Prithvi at some past time, Prithvi says that it is not true but Inspector is adamant, Prithvi leaves from the place.
Everyone is worried about what is happening between Manisha and Sophia, Shrishti says ha Sophia has ruined the game of Manisha and she is ruined, Rakhi agrees that Karan should marry Sophia because she is about to become the mother of Karan’s child, they are really trying to tease him. Prithvi gets mad hearing this and wonders that they are really playing
a game with him.
Sophia and Manisha come back, Sophia ask if they love Manisha so much than why are they trying to break their marriage, she blames them for lying and asks why did they not tell what Karan did to her, she blames Karan and vows ot marry him and Manisha at any cost.
Manisha mother is left shocked, Manisha explains what she did and why Sophia agreed to back out from the wedding. Sophia hands her back the bangles assuring that Karan will be hers, she leaves from the wedding.
Manisha hands Preeta the bangles saying that she was supposed to make her wear them, everyone is confused about what they should do. Prithvi gets very happy seeing how everything tuned out in his favor.
Karan and the Luthra family are all really sad at this wedding, Manisha is happy to see that the Luthras are sad because Karan is marrying her, everyone is sad.
Rakhi takes Manisha forcing her to rest but he does not agree saying that she is already happy, Manisha asks Dadi to let her hug her even when they all try to stop her from hugging Dadi but she is adamant, taking the advantage of the moment hugs her really hard which hurts her, Rakhi seeing this pushes her away. Manisha says that they are going to be really bad with her as they are already torturing her.
She makes them realize that she can destroy them at any given moment and so if they stand against her than she will make their life miserable and will not hesitate at any given time. Rakhi asks Dadi to come with her.
Karan is very angry asking why they included Sophia because they have gotten into a big trouble. He asks them to make plans that includes his only team members, he gets really paranoid even not listening to Rishab, he says that they are zero in front of Manish, Rishab gets angry but Karan says that they are all paranoid and cannot understand what will happen to him if Manisha marries him as he will be a puppet in her hands.
Preeta asks him to stop and look at just her saying that Manisha hatred is not bigger than their love, Karan doesn’t understand what she just said, Preeta says that they all are with him and will do whatever they can because they care for him, she also points to the fact that it is very important for her to stop the marriage.
Rishab asks Preeta why is it important for her to stop this marriage, she tries to mold her words, Karan stops her asking what is it important for her, she says that she wants him for herself, Karan thinks of when he asked Manisha regarding what she said to him.
Preeta assures that she wants to take revenge from him and would not let him marry that silly girl as they will then lose their friendship.
Karna says that if Preeta wants that they both be together than she must leave Prithvi as than she will want him to save her, this will end their friendship Rishab gets a call and leave s.
Karan sees Preeta in a romantic style.
Prithvi is walking when the Inspector comes and ask that he is not able to understand where they have met, Prithvi says that he has met in the police academy, the police however is not convinced and says that he cannot remember, Prithvi says that it was the Mumbai police and.
Precap: Karina warns Manisha to not stand in front of her, Manisha says that she wants to know who hired her to blame Karan pointing towards Sherlin.
Update Credit to: Sona

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