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Sitara 7th January 2019 Written Episode Update

Viraj is in the washroom when he hears the sounds of footsteps. He gets alert. The room is locked. Where is this voice coming from? He steps out holding his dagger. Sitara shouts in shock seeing the dagger in his hand. She is about to fall when he holds her. He keeps his hand around her waist while she keeps her hand around his shoulder. They share an eye lock. She begins to apologize but he knows that it is her usual habit. He speaks of the store room disappearance act. She realises that Baba had told him that Rajguru will manage everything. Maybe this is what he said. They bicker cutely over the incident. Rani Sa asks Sitara why she was talking like that. Viraj says I was asking her something. Ratan says this is what friends do. One falls in trouble and another one covers up. Viraj says it isn’t so.
Ratan and Rajguru speak of his safety. Rani Sa adds that Rajguru has seen Sitara’s kundli. Her kundli is very strong. We have decided that she will stay with you from now onwards. Viraj isn’t convinced. Sitara stands there with a bowed head. Viraj asks her if she has already said yes to it. Sitara looks at her Baba and nods. Viraj tells Kuldeep she is mad. How can you say yes? Kuldeep replies that his daughter knows his dharma. It isn’t wrong if she wants to help me in fulfilling it. Viraj refuses to believe in any of it. I will manage any problem on my own. Rani Sa says we don’t doubt it but think about us. What will we do if anything happens to you? You know that Rajguru hasn’t predicted anything wrong till date. Please agree for our sake. Ratan reasons that it is for the welfare of the entire city. You have to handle it once I am gone. Please say yes. Rajguru tells Sitara she will have to follow strict rules to protect Viraj. You will have to be his shadow and have to see who he is meeting or talking to. Any problem will first have to face you. She nods. Ratan says Viraj might be irked and will tell you to go away but you wont listen to him. You will tell me directly if there is any problem. Sitara nods. Viraj thinks she cannot even take care of herself. How will she take care of me? Sitara thinks I know what he is thinking but a Rajput girl can go to any extent to do what she had vowed to.
Nethra is shocked to hear the news. I cannot bear Sitara around Viraj for a second, forget about 24 hours!
Surili says we have to create some path to reach Viraj. Albeli gets an idea.
Sitara is following Viraj even inside his room. He picks a towel but finds her right behind him. He picks a dagger and keeps around her neck. She does the same to him. Nethra is watching them from the door. Sitara tells Viraj that she isn’t as irresponsible as he thinks her to be. I will complain to Maharaj if you will try to trouble me any further. Nethra mumbles that she will kill her before that. Samrat pulls her aside just then. He tells her not to show her hatred so openly. She replies that she cannot stand that girl. Samrat says I know it already. I will find a solution but try to contain your anger till then. She asks him if he found Chanda. He denies. I don’t know where she disappeared.
Albeli looks at a bathtub filled with water. Maybe it is Viraj’s room only. Her sisters say we have no reason to wait any further.
Viraj tells Sitara it is bathroom. I am going to take a shower. She nods but stays put. He pulls his t-shirt a little to scare her. She covers her eyes immediately. He runs inside and closes the bathroom door from inside.
Albeli sends the blue poison magically in the tub where Viraj is relaxing. Surili creates some boils. Albeli’s hands appear magically around Viraj and he struggles. He splashes water on the floor. Sitara hears strange sounds coming from the bathroom and gets alert. She inches near the door and Albeli’s powers turn feeble. She tells her sisters that it seems as if a very powerful person is around the bathroom. That person is stopping me from pulling Viraj.
Sitara asks Viraj if he is fine. He replies that he is fine and steps out of the tub. He wonders if it was truth or if he was dreaming all that.
Surili tells Albeli that she might have become old. Your powers seem to have worn out. Vrinda reminds her that they cannot make each other look down and progress. We have to be together. Plus, if Albeli’s powers are weaning out then all of us are also becoming weaker. They discuss as to who could have saved Viraj from them today.
Viraj steps out of the bathroom. Sitara asks him about the sounds. He says I felt as if someone was pulling me from inside. She tells him to calm down. I will tell Rajguru and Maharaj everything. Dress up first. Nethra calls Sitara cheap. He just stepped out of his bathroom. You have been told to be his bodyguard only. Sitara says I know my limits well. It will be good if you know yours too. Nethra gets angry. How dare you talk to me like that? She raises her hand to slap Sitara when Viraj takes her name pointedly. She asks him if he saw the way Sitara spoke to her. He says you too weren’t nice to her. This shouldn’t happen again.
Vrinda and her sisters wonder who that saviour could be. Chabeeli says is it that Rajguru lied to us about Sitara’s death. Maybe she is alive? Vrinda denies. I would have felt her presence if she was alive.
Ratan tells his wife to believe him. I am not hiding anything from you. She asks about the attack on Viraj in the bathroom. He assures her he will look into the matter. I want you to be with Viraj till then. Rajguru says kings are always targeted in many ways. It isn’t easy to figure out who does what to them. Rani Sa agrees. Promise me that you will not hide anything from me. You should be 100% true to me. Ratan mentally apologizes to her. Rajguru assures her that nothing will go wrong with Viraj. I will keep you informed. She nods. Viraj comes with Sitara. His mother hugs him. Ratan comments that he will be fine till the time Sitara is with him. Viraj asks him why someone would try to attack him inside washroom. It was strange. It was pulling me inside water! Sitara realises that the danger is increasing. I will have to be with him all the time as his shadow!
Precap: Sitara asks Kuldeep and Rajguru if they have called her here. They deny. She wonders why she was told that they have called her. Rajguru realises that it was done so as to separate him from Viraj. Nethra looks at Viraj as he drinks juice. An unconscious Viraj is brought before Vrinda. Her sisters tell her to take her revenge from Ratan. Kill his son!
Update Credit to: Pooja

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