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Sitara 4th January 2019 Written Episode Update

Rajguru says you were the one who trapped her in this game of death! Vrinda sits down in disbelief. I dint kill my daughter! Surili tells Rajguru it is enough. You are taking advantage of our sister’s weakness! I will burn you right away! He scoffs it off. He turns to go but they start attacking him. He wards off their attacks. He pushes back Surili’s powers on Albeli. She falls down writhing in pain. Vrinda is shaken out of her reverie and requests him to stop. You have killed my daughter already. Spare my sister now! They try waking her up. Rajguru says Sitara was your main strength. You are of no use now. You called me your daughter’s murderer till date. Now you will curse yourself for her death! Vrinda is shaken by his words.
Sitara refuses to believe Kuldeep’s story. Give me a nice logic
but don’t take the name of Vishkanya’s in front of me. He says I told you that you wont understand. You were attacked by Vishkanya’s when you were born. Raja Hukum had saved you. Today it was Rajguru who saved you. She asks him if Vishkanya’s actually exist.
Rajguru tells the royal family that Sitara was working in the store room of her house only. Something fell on her head and she passed out. Everyone is confused but relieved at the same time. Aryan wonders what’s happening. One girl went missing (Chanda) while the other has been found. Sitara is back but where should we look for Chanda. Samrat tells him to relax. My men are looking for her. Let’s hope no one finds her before us. Viraj calls it strange. I will meet Sitara. Nethra tells him not to go right away. It’s not the right time. She must be resting for now. Rajguru seconds her. Viraj gives in and excuses himself. Rajguru takes Ratan with him.
Kuldeep says I stopped you from going to south gate as Vishkanya’s have kept them there as his captive years ago. They want to kill you first and then kill Viraj! Sitara asks him how did Viraj come in the picture. Kuldeep tells Sitara that she is Viraj’s shield. Nothing can happen to him till the time you are with him! Remember how he fell near the south gate but you could save him? She nods. He points out that Vishkanya’s were attacking him then but only she could save him. She asks him why Vishkanya’s are after Viraj. He says your kundli is very strong. Only you can tackle them. You are Viraj’s shield. Vishkanya’s are the enemy of royal palace and royal family since ages! They only wish to harm the royal family members.
Rajguru shows Sitara’s kundli to Ratan. She is Viraj’s shield. She will save the royal family! Ratan is taken aback.
Kuldeep says I wanted to keep you away from the royal family but I could not do it. She hugs him.
Ratan asks Rajguru if he is sure that Sitara can protect Viraj. Rajguru nods. He has been attacked lately but he will be shielded once Sitara enters in his life. She will be his saviour. Ratan says this is why we are marrying Viraj to Nethra. Rajguru says I know it but Sitara’s kundli is stronger than Nethra. I don’t want her to become Viraj’s wife. I only want her to become his shadow so she can protect him from any danger.
Kuldeep apologizes to Sitara for making this decision. I saved you yet I lost you. I am a Kshatirya. I cannot back off from my promise. Don’t think that you will go away from me. You will stay right here before my eyes but I will have no right on you anymore. Raja Hukum and Rajguru will decide your fate. We will have to simply abide by it. She accepts his condition happily. It is the duty of a kid to repay his parents. I am also a Kshatriya. I too wont step back. I will fulfil my dharma. Sitara vows to make sure Viraj is safe till the time she is alive. He wont shed even a drop of blood till the time I am alive! I vow to repay every debt of my father! Kuldeep looks at her proudly.
Rajguru tells Ratan to make Viraj agree for it. Ratan takes responsibility of doing it. Rajguru points out that this fight will last long and deep. Vishkanya’s are always after revenge. They will try to hurt Viraj. I wont be able to keep them away for too long. Only Sitara can save Viraj from them!
Sitara asks Kuldeep to also promise her that he will always smile. He nods but she asks him to promise with a genuine smile. I will otherwise take another Sankalpa and change my vow. He hugs her. Always wear this locket. It will protect you. She nods and hugs him again. Kuldeep thinks I did what Rajguru told me. I only told her what you told me to tell her. I hope she never finds out that she is the daughter of a Vishkanya or she is a Vishkanya herself. Vrinda wont be able to reach her till the time she is wearing this locket. Sitara will be safe from her poison till then.
Viraj looks at the kerchief and thinks of Sitara. She does not care about herself. She does not realise how worried Kuldeep ji would have been if something had happened to her. I never had a weird friend like her! She talks like some genius but acts like a 5 year old. Kuldeep ji should instead give security to her.
Rani Sa asks her husband if Viraj will agree. He says it is a must for his sake. Rani Sa says she is a kid. It wont be nice if she will spend her life as a servant. Ratan replies that Kuldeep has been loyal to him since beginning. It will be a matter of respect for him if I will give him this responsibility. Rani Sa agrees to talk to Viraj if Rajguru thinks it is to be good for him. Ratan mentally apologizes to him for only sharing half truth with him. It wont be right for you to know everything.
Vrinda and her sisters save Albeli. Vrinda asks her if she is fine. Albeli nods. Vrinda says I lost my daughter already. I cannot lose you too! Albeli and her sisters tell her that it isn’t time to break apart. It is time to attack them again. We will give them the same pain that they have given to us. We will kill Viraj to even out for Sitara’s death. Vrinda says I kept that mirror in the safety box to safeguard those fingerprints but I only ended up killing them. Her sisters insist that it is Rajguru’s plan. He is doing it to create a rift between us. Vrinda says he wasn’t wrong. We have lost everything today including my daughter; our aim and our freedom. We wont be able to kill Viraj ever! Her sisters vow to take revenge even at the cost of their lives.
Precap: Sitara asks Kuldeep and Rajguru if they have called her here. They deny. She wonders why she was told that they have called her. Rajguru realises that it was done so as to separate him from Viraj. Nethra looks at Viraj as he drinks juice. An unconscious Viraj is brought before Vrinda. Her sisters tell her to take her revenge from Ratan. Kill his son!
Update Credit to: Pooja

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