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RadhaKrishn 11th January 2019 Written Episode Update

Radha sees Krishna in her room and gets nervous thinking she is imagining Krishna. Krishna smiles and disappears. Radha searches him and thinks she is imagining Krishna everywhere. Krishna comes from behind and says he is present in real. In jungle, Ayan fumes that he cannot let his Radha marry someone else. Jatila enters and sets bonfire to ward off cold. Ayan says he cannot let his Radha marry Vyomesh. Jatila asks if he thinks she will let this happen, if he knows his mother or not, Vyomesh will die and his murder and Krishna and Vrindavan will be blamed for his mother. Radha asks Krishna to go away from her room. Krishna taunts her.
Vrishbhan introduces Ayan to Vyomesh and his parents. Ayan says he will show Barsana to Barsana’s son-in-law and takes him along. Krishna tells
Radha that he came to show her truth and asks when she loved him, how can she hate him. Radha says love is lost. Krishna asks if it is love, how can it be lost. Radha says for him it is infatuation right? Krishna says he was explaining her this since long. Radha continues arguing and asks to tell whatever he wants to and go away from here. Krishna says he loves her.
Injured Sudama runs to Balram and informs that someone kidnapped their friends. Balram asks him to go home, he will see who they are.
Krishna tells Radha that he loves her immensely and it is pure. She asks what he means. He says his love is out of lust, jealousy, needs, etc.., she cannot understand pure love. Radha shouts enough, after insulting her family, will he think he will confess his love and she will accept it forgiving him, nothing of this sort will happen, he should go away from here as she is marrying someone else. Krishna says she cannot and asks if she really loves sanskari Vyomesh. Radha says she has lost faith on love and will marry a boy her family selects. Krishna asks if she is really happy. Radha says yes, she is happy. Krishna says he can see she is not happy and is doing all this in anger, anger gives hatred and not love, she is counterattacking and it is wrong. Radha asks who will stop her. Krishna says he and his love will stop her, whatever she is doing is in anger and he cannot see her burning in anger and will not let this marriage happen. Radha asks if he is so daring, stay here while she brings baba/Vrishbhan. Krishna says he will stay here till she comes. Radha walks away.
Ayan takes Vyomesh to jungle. Vyomesh asks why did he bring him here, it is not interesting place. Ayan says it will become interesting place. Vyomesh asks what interesting. Ayan says his murder and pulling knife says Radha is only his.
Radha walks towards Vrishbhan thinking she will not spare Krishna. Krishna thinks he wants her not to spare him. Radha signals Kirtida who asks what happened. Radha says she wants to inform her and Baba that Krishna is crossing his limit. Kirtida asks what did Krishna do now. Vrishbhan walks to asks them and asks what are mother and daughter discussing. Radha says she wants to tell him something. Vrishbhan says go ahead.
Krishna gives moral gyaan that relationships are very important in the world, relationship means equality, one should not bend so much in relationship that someone has to lift them up, they should relate with one who can respect them.
Precap: Radha informs Vrishbhan that Krishna is in her room. Balram liftrs Ayan by neck and is attacked by someone. Krishna thinks who attacked Seshnag avatar Balram. Vyomesh reveals he is Vyomasur and attacked Balram.
Update Credit to: MA

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