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Patiala Babes 10th January 2019 Written Episode Update

Babita says she is asking to fight against injustice and not to leave house. Mini asks Hanuman if he heard what Babes told. Hanuman says her babes is becoming Jhansi ki rani. Babita says she means by using nonviolence. Hanuman asks what does she mean. Babita says it is a dharm yudh and and should be fought with right moves; instead of fighting with neighbors, they should befriend neighbors and try to explain their ordeal. Laala asks if she means to hold neighbors’ feet. Babita says via satyagraha silently without supporting them. Mini asks she means satyagraha like Gandhiji. Hanuman says he likes Gandhiji and will try nonviolence.
Billa and Lucky complain their friend Rocky against Mini and say she trashed them without any mistake. Rocky scolds them and asks to show who the
girl is. They take him near Mini’s house. He sees Babita in balcony and says they fought with old woman. They say she is girl’s mother. Mini walks into balcony next. They panic seeing her and hide. Rocky says let us spoil bird/Mini’s scooter and sprays her scooter with black paint.
Hanuman walks to Balli’s shop and tells Balli and Kartar that their sons did mistake and should be taught good morales. They both yell not to teach them what to do. Hanuman says if they don’t listen with nonviolence, he will get violent. Laal controls him. Balli and Hanuman walk away yelling. Khatri’s supporters meet him to evict Hanuman singh from his own house. They felicitate Khatri. Khatri after his drama shows stamp papers says now Hanuman cannot tear legal papers, once he gets 30 signatures, Hanuman has to either kick out mother and daughter or vacate his own house. He sends his assistant to get signatures. Assistant returns with 29 signatures. Khatri yells and finds Nayeem bi’s signature missing. Kartar calls Nayeem bi and asks to attend meeting soon. Nayeem bi yells she will come.
Billa and Lucky push Mini’s scooter in front of Nayeem bi’s door. Nayeem bi hurts her leg and shouts whose scooter is this. Mini and Babita walk out hearing her shout. Rocky identifies Mini as umbrella girl and scolds Billa and Lucky for dragging him in false case. Mini with Babita walks down and addressing Nayeem bi as dadi amma says it is her scooter, how did it come here. Nayeem bi shouts she parked here and lying. Their argument starts. Babita tries to control Mini. Mini sees her scooter painted black and alleges Nayeem bi. Their allegations and counterallegations start again. Babita apologizes Nayeem bi on Mini’s behalf. Nayeem bi yells she should have taught her some morales and walks away shouting. Babita scolds Mini that she should not have shouted at Nayeem bi, already society members are angry on them. Mini says she was polite, but Nayeem bi started at first.
Precap: Khatri gives eviction notice to Hanuman and says he is a guest for a few days in this locality. Babita tensely tells Mini that Hanuman has to vacate his own house because of them.
Update Credit to: MA

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