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Kundali Bhagya 11th January 2019 Written Episode Update

Rakhi says that he must bring back her son, the lawyer says that he knows that his clients are innocent and only takes those cases where he is sure of the innocence,. He knows that there is only one witness in this case and will do all that he can to make him speak the truth.
The constable says to a prisoner who is with Billa that there is someone to meet him, it is Prithvi, and he says that he wants to meet Billa and only used his name. He also gives him a prize, Billa asks him the reason for meeting him, he asks why did he not use his own name, he informs that he did not use his name because they would have to tell their names and write it on the register, the other prisoner ask him for a cigarette and also a lighter, Prithvi gets angry and starts to shout, constable comes and asks what
is happening, Prithvi denies that he came to meet Billa and confirms that he will correct his friend so he must leave, when the police man leaves he again hands him money asking that he must leave, he asks how was he able to know the name of him, Prithvi says that it is very easy for him to know the information of any person.
Prithvi asks Billa to take the name of Rishab when the judge asks him who ordered him, he must only take the name of Rishab, Billa asks him the reason for playing this double role because he is so sweet in front of The Luthras but is so evil behind them, Prithvi says that h hates them, hearing this Billa gets scared and asks if he will do the same with Billa. Prithvi says that he is going to settle him aboard.
Rishab hears some shouting, he heads to the constable asking if is going to take him to the hearing, he is assured that it will be after some time, He asks Rishab if someone is coming to meet him, as some guy who says that will correct those who are deceived from the path, Rishab asks the name of the person and he tells that he will not do it as it is against the law, everyone takes Rishab’s side and s the constable agrees.
Sherlin is talking with her mother, there is someone at the door and when she goes to open it, Manisha is standing at the door, she says hat Prithvi is not at home but Manisha comes and starts beating her asking repeatedly why she killed Rithwik, Sherlin tries to deny that she did it but Manisha is adamant, Sherlin thinks that Manisha will kill her as she is so angry.
Rishab asks if the constable saw the name of the person who came to meet Billa, the person says that he came to meet the other guy Mahinder but when he went to see him he was talking with Billa and Mahinder also said that he came to meet Billa, Rishab asks the name of the person, he says that his name was Prithvi Malhotra, Rishab gets shocked after hearing this.
Sherlin is screaming, Manisha is constantly asking the truth, she leaves her, Sherlin again tries to make an excuse but Manisha decides to take the side of lies and says that she talked with Billa, Sherlin admits that she killed Rithwik, Manisha gets angry, she is about to hit her, Sherlin tries to calm her down and says that she did it for her to protect her.
Rishab asks the constable if he is sure that it was Prithvi, eh says that the entry was with he same name and if it is the guy which his family has sent then he must come first to meet Rishab but he came and instead of entering Billa name did it with the name of Mahinder.
Sherlin asks Manisha if it was Preeta who said that it was not Rishab who killed Rithwik, Sherlin says that she only wants to marry Rishab and is doing this to secure her future because she wants to be a part of the Luthras. She is adamant that it is Preeta who came to Manisha, she also gets shocked at how Sherlin knows this.
A delivery boy comes and leaves after placing an invitation, she takes it and reads that it is an invitation from sia deciding to go there, she also passes the invitation to everyone.
Precap: Prithvi promises Billa to fulfill all that he has agreed to, Rishab sees him and asks if he is the mastermind behind everything.
Update Credit to: Sona

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