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Kulfi Kumar Bajewala 1st January 2019 Written Episode Update

Lovely has the cake on her so does Sikander, kulfi asks what else happens on Christmas, Sikander and lovely say Christmas carrels, Kulfi asks what’s that, lovely say it’s sung every year so, Kulfi says singing is always good,Sikander asks Amyra and kulfi to get guitar, everyone sings carrel,Kulfi asks why are we singing in English, amyra says it’s Santa clause song sung in English,Kulfi asks who is he, sikander explains her what is Santa clause,Kulfi says wow that is so exciting and wears Santa cap and starts singing,gunjan doesn’t like to see Lovely enjoying with everyone,sikander and lovely dance, gunjan upset, amyra very happy.
Apoorva calls tony and informs Lovely isn’t answering calls, tony says don’t worry I will talk to her. Tony tells cutie why does Lovely do all
that play is fine but what is need of this Christmas party by doing this she never will be free. Sikander running behind Amyra to ask her eat, he starts feeding her, Kulfi sees that and misses Nimrat,Lovely in tears seeing them bond again, Lovely sees kulfi watching Sikander and Amyra in tears and leave. Lovely follows her.
Kulfi in her room talking to Nimrat says it’s so good to see everyone together, all were so happy, but Ma I’m missing you, I don’t want to be alone,Lovely asks kulfi who she is talking to, Kulfi points at star and says talking to Ma, Lovely in tears, Kulfi leaves,lovely says I know you hate me nimrat, I have hunted your daughter and separated her from you and will never forgive myself for that, I can feel the pain, my family is breaking too, I’m so sorry I’m gonna do one thing and lights a candle and says it’s for you, I hope you will forgive me, I’m sorry.
Kulfi and Amyra discuss that it’s so good to see everyone happy, amyra tells her about socks and put a wish in it,Amyra says we should wish for mom and dads togetherness, Kulfi says good idea. Lovely and Sikander discussing about play, Sikander says memorise your lines you forget them specially in the last part, lovely says may be because it’s hard to believe that this story can have a happy ending,girls rush to them and ask did they practice, Sikander says we will and you two should sleep, Lovely says he is right amyra cmon let’s go home,Amyra says mom please lets stay here tonight, Lovely says you stay I can’t bye, amyra feels bad, and says I have to go, sikander says Amyra come here, she hugs Sikander, and says we will meet tomorrow go to sleep good night.
Kulfi walks to Sikander and hugs him,Kulfi and Amyra write their wishes on a note to keep Sikander and lovely together and put it in their sock,both fall asleep.
Kulfi wakes up and checks her sock and sees the note is missing,Amyra wakes up and checks her sock,and says omg my note is missing and rushes to kulfi both bang into each other and start dancing after knowing their note is missing, gunjan sees them and asks what wish, what did you two ask for, Kulfi says we can’t tell the wish it’s a secrete and both leave.
Sikander and Lovely packing for play and asks girls did they like their presents, amyra kulfi say they did and discuss they will be happy when Santa will fulfill their wish.
Pre cap :Apoorva scolds Lovely and says this can be sikanders trap too, to prove you are a bad mother. Sikander says lovely won’t come, girls say she will, Apoorva and tony walk to them.
Update Credit to: Tanaya

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