Kaal Bhairav Rahasya 2 30th January 2019 Written Episode Update
The Episode starts with Archie telling Veer about her suspicion on Bhuri. She says I got Pavitra while following Bhuri. He asks her not to go out alone, her life is also in risk. She says fine, sorry. He says okay. He sees a message on the mirror from Bhuri and reads. He wipes off the message before Archie sees it. He says mirror was dirty, so I was cleaning it. She says I will get fainting, a prince could do this work, what are you hiding from me. He says nothing and thinks Bhuri has written this message, maybe she is still here in this room, what is she planning. He checks the room. Archie asks what happened. He asks her to be careful and stay inside the room. She says okay. Veer goes and tells about Bhuri’s message to Rajguru and Kashinath. He asks Kashinath to catch Bhuri and get her
Veer asks what happened with you yesterday, how did you get hurt, how did you reach jungle. Pavitra says I was sleeping in my room, I don’t remember anything. Veer says we have seen someone going to secret room. She says I really don’t know. He says fine, take rest. She worries and thinks nothing should happen to my child. Veer waits for Bhuri. He says she won’t come here. Someone punctures the car tyres and goes. Veer gets in the car and goes. Akshay and Revati look on. Akshay calls someone. Archie prays in the temple and wishes to know about Veer. It gets windy. She sees the smoke representing the temple. She thinks is there anything in the temple. Veer’s car breaks down. He realizes the flat tyres. He thinks it means someone had called me there to puncture the car, so that I stop somewhere on the road. He sees a truck coming to hit him. He gets shocked when truck doesn’t stop and runs.
He thinks someone has made plan to kill me, I will not leave them. He checks the truck and doesn’t see anyone. He asks where are you hiding, come in front of me. Kashinath and Revati look on. Veer says you wanted to show that Lord is doing this, I know a human is doing this, come out. Archie goes out and sees Pavitra shooting down Rajmata and Vandana. She gets shocked and shouts Pavitra. Pavitra hits Archie and shoots her. Veer shouts Archie. Pavitra shoots him too. Kashinath and Revati come and beg Pavitra. Pavitra shoots Revati and says just Vandana’s daughter us left now, where is she. She sees the baby girl climbing the ceiling. She aims to shoot. A trishul stabs her back. She wakes up from this dream and thinks what did I see. Rajmata gets her child and asks how are you now, you maybe feeling better now. Buri is running in jungle. Someone attacks her. She fights and runs again. Archie goes to Kaal Bhairav temple and lights diya.
She prays. The man runs after Bhuri to kill her. Bhuri reaches temple and shouts to Archie. She gets stabbed by knife. Archie runs to her and asks her what happened, who did this with her. Villagers look on shocked. Bhuri gives a shirt button. Archie asks who is he, answer me. Bhuri says the daughters of royal family…. save them. Rajguru comes there. Archie asks save them from whom? Answer me. Rajguru and others come. Bhuri signs towards Rajguru. Rajguru moves and Veer comes there. Everyone looks at Veer. Sharad asks why are you signing towards Veer, is he responsible for this. Veer asks what nonsense. Veer and Archie get shocked with Bhuri’s death. Everyone blames Veer for killing her. Veer says I was calling her, she had called me, I didn’t kill her, she tried to kill me.
No Precap
Update Credit to: Amena
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