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Maha Epi – Kulfi Kumar Bajewala 8th December 2018 Written Episode Update

Sikander asks kulfi to promise him that she will never leave him, lovely and Amyra very sad. Kulfi remembers her talk with mama,Kulfi says I have never seen Sikander sir do wrong with anyone,so I want the answer did Ma do any mistake,was there any issue,why did he leave her and marry Lovely,then I shall decide whether to forgive him or not,Setu says that’s the right decision my kid,and remember your mama can do anything for you,he will be always there for you and so will be his house.kulfi says I will come back mama, take care.
Kulfi asks Sikander to answer him before she makes promise,Sikander asks what is it,Lovely gets very angry and walks to Sikander with Amyra, lovely says Sikander it’s your last chance choose kulfi or me and amyra,Sikander says what nonsense are you
talking where will this little girl go,amyra says this dirty girl can do anywhere but not my house,Sikander says Amyra don’t talk between elders,Lovely says why won’t she,and this is my house and not an orphanage,Kulfi says I’m not orphan my father is alive,Bebe asks them to calm down,Lovely says quickly make a decision,Kulfi thinks he is my father too why do I have to face all this and says why do all this please don’t be angry.
Sikander remembers all the things Lovely has done and says kulfi is my responsibility and she won’t go anywhere,amyra starts crying,Lovely leaves with Amyra, she forcefully takes amyra away. Kulfi tries to stop Amyra,Sikander stops kulfi.sikander remembers time spent with Amyra,and breaks down,Kulfi hugs Sikander.
Cutie scolds lovely for taking such stupid decision of leaving sikanders house,and asks tony to talk to her, tony says it’s daily drama,Lovely says not this time he will have to make a decision. Sikander says to Bebe, lovely won’t win this time,bebe says she is your wife,gunjan says but we can’t let Lovely misbehave with Kulfi,Sikander says I can’t live without Kulfi and Amyra,Kulfi already has gone through a lot not anymore, and this relation is a burden on me and leaves.
Kulfi talking to Nimrat and explains the situation, and says how will I tell h8m the truth,when I came all messed up,you tell me what I should do,Nimrat gives no signs,Sikander walking in balcony,Kulfi there to,and sees Sikander and both hug each other,Sikander says you are my lioness, I know you are very sad, and full of questions but I will find Tevar and then you scold him and asks why did he leave you, Kulfi says I don’t want to fight or scold but just answer me why did he do so,sikander says I will do all good,Kulfi says then patch up with lovely,Sikander says she has made a huge mistake,this can’t be forgiven,Kulfi says no one is bad,don’t do this,Sikander says think about yourself and not Lovely tell me what is bothering you, Kulfi says first go patch up with her then I will.
Love,y complaining to cutie about kulfi coming back,Sikander on his way to get her, he walks to the room, lovely says why doesn’t Kulfi die she always has to come back,cutie says killing or dying isn’t solution you even had killed Nimrat right,Sikander hears that. Bebe says gunjan let’s not talk between Sikander and lovely,gunjan says she is always behind everyone,Bebe says Amyra is sikanders daughter, gunjan says no she isn’t it’s Kulfi,Mohendar says no gunjan, gunjan says Amyra is tevars daughter and kulfi is sikanders, Bebe in shock. Lovely says Ma it was an accident,cutie says but you can’t run away from that you killed her,lovely says I know I didn’t do it on purpose but what will I do,cutie sees Sikander in shock.
Gunjan says lovely takes advantage of sikanders good,Mohendar says Amyra and kulfi both love Sikander and she hates kulfi because she knows Kulfi is Sikanders daughter,Bebe says gunjan Sikander loves both, Mohendar says you won’t tell sikander truth, Bebe says he is right, we can’t do this,gunjan says I will keep quite but if Kulfi will have to face I won’t and leaves. Lovely walks to Sikander,Sikander says don’t touch me you are a murderer, Kulfi walking towards the room, you killed my Nimrat, lovely says please stay, I didn’t kill it was an accident,I didn’t even knew she was Nimrat,Sikander says no more lies,Lovely says I am not, I was scared it was an accident,Sikander says you have spoilt so many lives. Kulfi sees Sikander run away and follows him.
Sikander remembers Nimrat,Sikander says oh god what all did this happen, Kulfi sees Sikander broken down and says I knew he would never be able to stay without them,Kulfi runs to Mohendar and starts panicking,Mohendar asks Bebe to be with her and rushes down.sikander imagines Nimrat and says I was late very late,I am coward, bastard, I remember everything single thing of yours, trust me,I never forgot you, but I lost you, Sikander says I always wanted to come to you and apologise, our story shouldn’t have ended this way, the time with you was the best,sikander lived in hope to see you, my wife killed you and I couldn’t even save you, please forgive me I will do anything, forgive me or else I shall die in this pain.
Lovely says Sikander never loved me, he loved Nimrat no one will forgive me,cutie says if they inform police then,Lovely says I don’t want to go jail,my amyra, tony says shut up,cutie you too. Mohendar rushes to Sikander, Sikander says my Nimrat she was here,Mohendar says calm down,Sikander says she has to forgive me or else I will die in this pain,Mohendar says Nimrat isn’t your life, Lovely is, Sikander says don’t talk about her,she is murderer, and hugs Mohendar, Nimrat was killed under her car,Lovely killed nimi. Lovely says I can’t go jail, tony says it was just an accident, did anyone see you. Cutie says driver minti and kulfis mami, tony says Sikander won’t take any action and if he did I won’t leave him,you are my daughter and no one will do anything to you,Lovely hugs him and says I’m scared do something,save me. Sikander says first I thought it was Kulfi and now I found its Nimrat too,how could she live in peace, sikander says how will I live, lovely will have to repay,and dare you stop me and runs to lovely.
Pre cap; lovely says Sikander you didn’t give me the love I needed so I’m insecure,Sikander says I agree I never loved you, but I never hated you too. Lovely says then give me divorce ,amyra and kulfi hear that.
Update Credit to: Tanaya

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