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Kundali Bhagya 12th December 2018 Written Episode Update

Shrishti persuade that Prithvi has a huge share in Janki’s wellbeing, he must have given Janki a shock to threaten her life even more. Janki must want to tell them the same. Preeta didn’t want to accept the fact. Shrishti says Janki wanted to meet Preeta as she wanted to tell her about Prithvi. And as soon as she took Prithvi’s name, Prithvi created the whole drama of the bullet. She suspects that Prithvi also knows what Janki knows. She must ask Prithvi why he tried to kill Janki… in fact get a clarification that how Prithvi got Janki well at once. Rishab asks Preeta to speak to Prithvi about the matter. Preeta was sure that Prithvi can’t do such an act. She agrees to speak to Prithvi. She is sure Prithvi is a nice man, he always speaks well to her family and inquires about Janki as
well. Karan was annoyed at Preeta’s trust over Prithvi. Preeta leaves the room, confused.
Sherlin wasn’t ready to change into doctor’s constume and kill Janki. Prithvi grabs Sherlin’s neck deterring to kill her if she disagrees to do so. Sherlin resists and hits him down. Prithvi fell down on floor. Sherlin warns him of a breakup within minutes and clarifies she won’t kill Janki. Prithvi apologizes Sherlin hoping she forgives him. He hugs her thinking that he can show her worth if he didn’t need her. He agrees to wear the uniform and go to kill Janki.
Sherlin wonders why Prithvi has changed a lot, though their relation was always turbulent but they were never so distant. There surely came someone between them. Preeta comes from behind and asks Sherlin about Prithvi. Sherlin questions why she is looking for Prithvi? Preeta says Prithvi is her fiancé, but why Sherlin feels jealous. Sherlin says jealousy is a trait of poor, and Prithvi isn’t that kind of a man. Preeta curtly replies that she must know what kind of a man Prithvi is, who Sherlin is to tell her. She must inquire Prithvi himself how Sherlin knows him better than her. While walking away, Preeta thinks this was way too much but it brought shock over Sherlin’s face anyway.
The doctor tells everyone that Janki is out of order, but they can meet her after she gets conscious.
A nurse greets Prithvi. He was boastful of himself as doctor and sure that Luthra won’t recognize him now. He turns to see Preeta in the corridor, she decides to call Prithvi. Prithvi cautiously stood nearby with the phone ringing. Preeta comes right behind him and the phone drops. Preeta apologizes for startling him, but it might be an urgent call. Prithvi thinks Preeta will recognize him if she finds the number on screen. Preeta had just bent down to pick up the phone courteously but Prithvi grabs it at once and runs away from the corridor. Preeta calls him strange and leaves the corridor. Prithvi was relieved that Preeta left. Preeta appears into the corridor once again and gets a call from Prithvi. Prithvi tells Preeta that he fought the goons after they had left, he was hurt on the chest and came to consult the doctor. Preeta tries to be clear with Prithvi and asks what Janki said to him. Prithvi asks about what? Preeta asks how Janki at once began to speak. Did she tell him something?
PRECAP: Preeta was excited to know from her family that Janki is out of danger. There, Prithvi pulls off Janki’s oxygen mask.
Update Credit to: Sona

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