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Kundali Bhagya 10th December 2018 Written Episode Update

The robber says that they must bring Preeta t the hall, everyone gets worried and what if it is Janki, Rakhi gets curious wondering if it is some sort of trap, Sherlin also thinks that she has said something right, Rakhi says that it can be some issue and she should go, Karan stops her from going, the robbers get very mad threatening him, Prithvi tries to escape but nearly escapes from getting caught, he thinks that he is in a lot of problems and if his wish were to com e true he would ask Janki to become a fish.
The police gets a blueprint of the mall and think of how they would have planned and are in the mall, the Luthras are seeing the news and get much tensed, Dadi says that she has to go to the mall, Karina stops her from going, Kartika also pressurizes to Karina to go.
and Karan also start to fight, Preeta requests them to stop saying that she feels it is Janki, Shrishti says that she will come with her but Sarla insists that she will also go, they start to argue, Sherlin says that they cannot go to meet them as they cannot trust the robbers, they agree and the robber informs his leader, Janki says that they must say it is Preeta’s Janki.
Prithvi hearing the news gets very excited and says that if god kills Janki today he would not ask for the help when he is about to kill Rithwik.
Rithwik and Manisha are having coffee, they see the news regarding Luthra’s and have different opinions, she wonders what is happening because he has gone against her and she must do to make everything right.
Janki requests the robbers to take her to the rest of them, the leader goes against everyone and takes her.
The inspector asks if his force is prepared to go with him inside the mall, they all agree and move towards the mall preparing to keep everyone safe.
Preeta is saying that she does not know who the lady is and what she wants with him, just then the leader comes and is followed by Janki, everyone is very happy to see her and they all start to hug each other and rejoice, the robbers partner says that they should kill Janki to make terror, he says that he is after such a long time seeing happiness and wants to witness such a moment.
They all cannot remain and burst into tears, Janki says that she wants to say something important to them, as the doctor said that she is only try to walk on her own steps because she is motivated by a thought or event, she says that she has to tell the truth regarding Prithvi as it is because of him she is able to walk. Prithvi thinks of what he can do to make her stop talking.
Karan and Rishab ask her to say everything clearly and tell what she means, she says she is standing because of him so that she can tell the truth regarding Prithvi, she is s about to say it when Prithvi comes shouting and points a fake gun on his back, when everyone takes their gun he purposefully falls and then the fight begins, everyone is beating the robbers, Janki tries to tell the truth but is stopped by Sherlin.
Prithvi sees Janki going towards Sarla to tell the truth, he gets angry and thinks of what he can do to make her stop telling the truth.
The police come into the mall and are scouting, the spot the robbers and one by one take them down, Janki is asking Sarla to listen to what she has to say, Prithvi hits the robber who turns to Sarla, he shoots her but Janki pushes her away and takes the bullet, everyone is shocked, they all get nervous, they cannot understand what to do after seeing her on the floor.
The police take the corners and Karan attacks the robber, the police also comes, they all take Janki to the van. Shrishti sees Sarla asking her to come with them.
Prithvi comes out, he sees Sherlin and they both share a smile.
Precap: Prithvi starts top over react on Janki getting hurt, Sarla asks him to stop talking because she is in this position because of him.
Update Credit to: Sona

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