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Bigg Boss 12 12th December 2018 Written Episode Update

Day 87
Inmates wake up to song hanikarak. They all dance. Dipika dances with Sree.
Romil is sleeping, alarm plays. Surbhi says you have no respect for captain, Romil says I was not sleeping, they are fools. Surbhi says accept your mistake.
Big Boss calls Sree in activity area. Dipika says you will tell what it is, he nods. He goes in, genie says if you want to get saved then ask Surbhi to sacrifice all her tissue papers and destroy them. Sree says I cant ask her, they are her strength, I am not asking her. Genie says you have to ask her. He calls Surbhi and says dont do it but they want you to destroy your tissues.
Surbhi looks at her painted tissues. Sree says she doesnt have to do it. Dipika says she is supporting you. Surbhi destroys
her tissues and says this means a lot to me. Genie asks Sree to go.
Surbhi says to KV that I got a chance and I am not ungrateful, his wife said it but he inspire me. Sree thanks her.
Surbhi says to Sree that I was your fan and will remain your fan, we can forget our fights. Romil says we are both your fans. Sree says you keep saying that nobody can stop you from winning BB. Romil says I challenge you to not even let you smell trophy. Sree says take care of your mind, you are say and nothing. Romil says you have nothing, you keep talking about stories in show. Sree says you are box not a lawyer, you did all drama infront of girls and saying all this? you are just a guest here as you are egoistic.
Romil says to Deepak that its bad, Deepak says its their side. Romil says he is smart player, he taunts me for not being emotional, I never hint at his family or anything.
Genis asks Romil to destroy her family photos. Romil tells it to Somi. Somi says I have two photos. She brings her photos. Romil says family is in heart. Somi crushes her photos and gives it to Romil. Genie says I am happy now.
Somi says to Surbhi that I can do anything for KV, you and Romil.
Romil asks her to hug him, nobody will take it wrongly. She gives him friendly hug.
Genie says to Dipika thats its time for brother’s sacrifice, ask Sree to destroy his family photos. She tells it to Sree and says think about it. Sree doesnt think and destroys his photos. Sree says its just only 2 weeks, my wife and daughter are fan of Dipika, I would do anything for Dipika and KV. Dipika thanks him and says okay? Sree says its just photos.
Sree says to Dipika that my wife will understand, you are my sister, they are just photos, you are life, its chill. He holds her hand and says dont cry.
Bigg Boss says Somi, Rohit and KV are nominated this week.
Sree writes his family’s name and love you and put them in frame.
Somi says to Romil that anybody can go this week, I want to enjoy.
Deepak and Romil are sleeping. Surbhi asks them to wake up. BB says if you both are done with sleeping then come in living area.
BB says to inmates that in end, all inmates would want to show their every talent to win hearts but you people are sleeping, maybe you are over-confident or just tired, if we dont want audience to sleep then we have to do something. He asks Surbhi to take 8 mattresses and put them in store room, its her decision only. Surbhi says come guys. Deepak says I was not sleeping. Surbhi says Romil’s mattress, Deepak’s mattress, Surbhi asks Dipika if she can sleep without mattress? Dipika says I will see what I can do, take your decision. Sree says take your decision. Dipika says its punishment and you are taking sides here too. Surbhi says talk with respect. Sree says take my mattress too. Dipika says to Surbhi that punish people who sleep, why us? KV says all mattresses are going. Sree says I dont want to talk to you, KV says fine. Surbhi and Sree shouts at each other. Dipika shouts to stop it, she asks Surbhi to be fair, you have to listen. Surbhi says talk calmly. Surbhi says I know alarm didnt play for you but we have to give 8 mattresses. Dipika says its punishment for people who sleep in daytime, now take my mattress, dont feel pity. Dipika leaves. Surbhi says I have to take 8 mattresses.
Dipika says there are 3 girls in house so we cant share bed with boys. Dipika comes to Surbhi, Surbhi says talk calmly. Sree says you are not punishing people who sleep, take revenge. Surbhi says you people have to adjust. Dipika says I wont adjust for others. KV says to Sree that you were shouting to take your bed why? Surbhi says she is fighting for mattress only?
Dipika says to Sree that I have adjusted over everything but they get mad when we raise voice.
Surbh says I have controlled my anger but they are provoking me. KV says they were over-reacting, its sense of selfishness. Surbhi says I had to take command as a captain.
KV reads instructions that they talked during pause and play task and lost luxury task but BB is giving them another chance. They have to cook with chutni. Dipika and Somi will be head chefs. Dipika’s helpers will be Deepak and Rohit. Somi’s helpers will be Sree and Romil. KV and Surbhi will be judges and food will be made for them, it has to be chinese. Both teams will get 1 hour and then judges will decide who wins, winner will get luxury budget then winner will choose 3 inmates to share luxury budget, nobody else can use it and Surbhi will make sure.
Surbhi says to KV that we will be fair and see who makes tasty food.
Both teams are working in kitchen. Somi says we will make noodles and fried rice. Sree says focus on one first.
Dipika is guiding her team, she asks Rohit to put in bowl. Deepak uses hands. Romil says he is using hand.
Both team brings food to judges. Surbhi says Somi’s noodles are spicy. KV says its sticky, I dont like it. They taste Dipika’s dish, Rohit says its a commoners dish. KV says I like it. Surbhi says its too good, she kisses Dipika’s hand. Surbhi says we have come to conclusion that Dipika wins. Her team is happy.
All are enjoying food. They bring hampers. Rohit says for us three. KV gives it to Dipika, she says I will share it with Deepak, Rohit and Sree. Sree says no, its not mine, my team didnt win so I wont take it. Dipika says I will share it with Somi.
Dipika asks Sree why you are angry with me? he gives her things back and says I dont need it. Dipika says what happened? what did I do? I did my task. Why are you angry? Sree says this happens when.. Dipika says what? I am not eating without you. Sree says you have a lot here. Dipika cries and says be angry, I am going, she leaves. Somi asks what happened? She says nothing.
Sree comes to washroom but Dipika ignores him.
Deepak says its anniversary. Sree cries. KV consoles him. Dipika comes there too and says calm down, Sree says enough. Sree says stop it, they all make him smile. Sree says give me some minutes. Deepak says your cute kids came too. KV says its just 2 weeks, we did it. Sree says I am not with them today. KV says she came here. Sree says I am upset that she came here.
PRECAP- Surbhi asks who doesnt deserve to go to finale? Deepak says its Sree. Sree says wow.
Surbhi asks who has hidden their real identity? Dipika says KV, he is confused. Deepak says its Dipika wearing a facade.
She asks whose over-confidence will destroy them? Deepak says its Romil, he thinks only he will win. Sree says well-done.
Surbhi asks whose presence bring negativity in house? Deepak says Sree, look at him. Sree says its not negativity, its attitude.
Update Credit to: Atiba

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