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Kundali Bhagya 22nd October 2018 Written Episode Update

Sameer is very worried and says that they must not tell the truth to their family, Rishab doesn’t agree, saying that it is better that they hear everything from them, Rishab asks him to open the car door,he opens it and is looking for Shrishti he then levees after waiting for them.
Shrishti is looking for them in the e court, she then is about to dial Preeta’s number, she looks Manisha who is crying and then some guy comes and makes her stop crying by comforting her, she then tries to go and confront them but then remembers what Preeta said and decides that she will not go, she thinks of what to do.
Rithwick says that they must go from there and leave, Shrishti hides and decides to make a video, she takes their picture and when they leave, Shrishti thinks that she has done something
very good and now if she goes and shows it to someone, Manisha will deny it so she will keep it a secret,.
Karan enters the car, he is angry, Preeta also comes and sits, Preeta says that he must not look at her like this because she does not know how to drive the car, Karan asks her what she wants, she says that she wants him to back off and not marry Manisha, because she only wants to see him happy and not so frustrated and angry, he realizes that he was also very loud, they patch up, Karan then starts to joke with her.
Preeta gets a call from Shrishti who says that she must come to the café as she has spotted Rithwick with Manisha, Preeta yells which scares Karan and then they both leave to reach her.
Prithvi gets a call from Sherlin, she then ask him what he was doing, Prithvi gets frustrated and says that he was with Preeta, she gets jealous but then he says that he was in the court and the judge was a little over because he gave the verdict that they must first get married and then the case will be withdrawn, She gets worried about what will happen, Prithvi then says that nothing will happen and he will retain all that is his because Karan will now go to jail once again, he will then take revenge from Rishab for what he did to him years before. He says that she must come with him, he really wants to spend some time with her, as it has been a long time, she says that he must then come to hi house because she is already there. He ends the call, then thinks that he is just wasting time with her but will really spend his life with Preeta.
Shrishti calls Preeta to hurry but she says that she is behind them, they ask her what she is doing out there, she says that Preeta told her to not fight so she kept her distance, Preeta then starts to scold her, Karan places his hand on her, then says that she must remain quiet, Karan asks Shrishti who says that this is the only exit and they will find out when they both come out, Karan says that he will; bring the car and they both must wait, she is looking at him, he starts to joke with her by saying that she must look for Manisha and not him, when he leaves Shrishti asks if Preeta has started to like Karan, she instantly denies it, Shrishti is not convinced, Preeta scolds her asking her to come with her to the cafe.
In the cafe both Manisha and Rithwivck are enjoying but she is still stressed, she says that she is still worried because of Karan, he says her to not worry because Prithvi is right about Karan that he is just acting and when he backs out they will win, Manisha then finally understands.
Dadi gets very stresses saying that she will not let Karan marry Manisha, Rakhi says that they cannot remain calm and will not let him marry her Rishab says that will not let him marry her because they will find out some solution, he says hat Preeta is with and looking after Karan, he says that Karan was about to back out from the plan right outside the court but Preeta must have calmed hi m down, Mahesh also says that Preeta is a very good and clever girl. Rakhi prays that may Preeta be with them because otherwise they will not be able to win this war
Precap: Manisha and Rithwick get into the car, Karna and Preeta along with Shrishti spot them together.
Update Credit to: Sona

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