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Bigg Boss 12 11th October 2018 Written Episode Update

Saba says she really wishes Sree to come back. When he hugged her, she felt like he’s her elder brother. She says sorry if she did anything wrong, but she respects him a lot. Sree and Anup watch everything from secret room. Somi, Deepak say KV and Dipika are very manipulative people. Romil then says Shiv and Sourav are also same. Sree tells Anup that he was shocked with Shiv and Sourav decision. Deepak is speechless. Sree tells Anup that Deepak is a good guy. They further talk about getting shocked with Dipika took Sree’s name. Sree tells Anup that he was shocked too.
Inside, Dipika tells KV that Sree told her that he wants to go and he sounded serious.
Outside, Sristy tells Sourav that she was connected to singles only because of Sree. Sourav says Somi-Saba had found his
weakness. Sristy defends Sree saying he plays natural. He doesn’t try to hide his emotions. They can’t judge someone just from 1 task.
Day 24, 12:15am
Sourav comes to Neha and Dipika. Neha says Saba came to her and said sorry saying their bonding is strong and she had to take her name. Other side, Saba, Surbhi, Deepak say for how long they will act sad. From inside, they are happy. Shiv and Jasleen join Dipika’s group. Dipika feels she is biggest villain of this house. Shiv says she doesn’t need to justify herself. Jasleen says other group that was giving him gaalis and make him angry are all of a sudden very sad for him. Deepak sings a sad song in memory of Sree.
In secret room, Sree says when he was going, he was like he doesn’t want to lose against these people.
Day 25, 8:00am
Song plays. Most of the contestants are still sad.
Sree tells Anup that Neha doesn’t seem to care at all. Beside KV, Neha and also Dipika turned out to be danger. He finds Deepak genuine guy. It’s understandable when they take name for nomination, but for eviction? He didn’t expect it from Dipika as he told her he’s finals material. Them two would be standing against each other in finals.
Dipika tells KV that Sree really wanted to go home. They all miss their families, but him missing was different. KV asks how can she tell that? Dipika says he wanted to see his wife, kids. KV asks that was the only reason? She says obviously. Sree tells Anup that she knows whole world is watching, so she’s showing guilt now. Dipika further says she saw Sree yearning Anup says come on! Him and Sree laugh saying such a drama. Sree says she just wanted to save Neha. That’s all. She didn’t want to save KV either. Now she needs him because he (Sree) is not there. Dipika continues justifying her decision. Anup and Sree say she will make KV on her side as well and when time comes, she will vote against him. KV eventually says yes he used to say every time, he wants to go.
Jasleen tells Neha that Sree was just acting he wants to go, but she doesn’t think in actual he wanted to go. Neha says that’s Dipika’s point. She thought both are performing well and when Sree himself was saying he wants to go, she took his name.
KV motivates Sristy to win captaincy task. KV also says this time he will take Dipika’s name for jail.
Final captaincy task. All housemates will get magnetic plates. Sristy and 1 from Saba-Somi will try to get plates from them. Then they will place it on board and write their name. Until the final buzzer, Sristy and Saba/Somi can remove each other names from the plates on board and write their own. Dipika will be sanchalak. Saba-Somi decide to send Saba.
Saba tries to make Sourav, Shiv on her side. She then goes to Jasleen.
Sristy also tells Urvashi why she will be better captain.
Sourav intends to support Sristy. However, Jasleen says Saba-Somi should be given a chance. Neha tells Sristy that she had become captain because of Saba-Somi’s vote. She is in dilemma what to do.
Neha, Jasleen give their plates to Saba. Sristy asks Romil whether her explanation would change his decision. He says no. Sristy doesn’t try to convince him then. Sristy then goes to talk to Shiv. Shiv says he has given word to Saba-Somi and also almost everyone has given their plates to Saba-Somi. Sristy is surprised with Neha, Jasleen supporting Saba-Somi.
Saba is putting plates on board and writing her name. Sristy comes and erases Saba’s name. Saba pushes / defends. Dipika asks them to not hurt each other while doing the task. There are small pushes from both sides. Saba then pushes Sristy hard saying she grabbed her hair. They continue to try to erase each others names from plates. Dipika says after erasing, they must write their name otherwise that plate won’t count for anyone. Sristy, Saba continue to erase names. Saba tells Sristy to go ahead and erase her name. While Sristy does that, Saba throws all Sristy’s plates. Sristy also tries to do the same and Saba pushes her to defend her plates. Sristy falls down and she attacks on Saba. Dipika and others stop their fight. Sristy is angry saying she has not come for this. Saba says she was the one to start pushing and Sristy fell down because she lost balance. Sristy locks herself in bathroom. Dipika tells Saba that push was not done. Sristy is very angry and seems to be throwing stuff all over in bathroom. KV tells her that she will get justice like last time. Saba is doing the task outside. KV tries to get Sristy outside, but she refuses. Bigg Boss asks to stop captaincy task. Saba cries. Surbhi tells her she has not done anything wrong. Romil and their group tell Saba this aggression was wrong from Sristy. Other side, Dipika manages to get Sristy out of the bathroom and says she came with a lot of aggression and that is why she told her to take it easy. Sristy says she didn’t have enough plates. She cries saying she can’t do this and she doesn’t want to be captain. KV says Saba’s defense was like an attack.
Outside, Surbhi says yesterday when she pulled her unintentionally, they created scene and today same girl did that purposely.
Jasleen says Saba just defended. Sristy fell because she lost balance. She got up and started fighting. Dipika adds and tells KV if she didn’t come in between, then Sristy could have easily got herself into trouble by slapping/punching Saba.
Sristy is crying. KV and Sourav are sitting with her. Somi tells outside that Sristy is crying. Surbhi says she just lost her mind because she didn’t get enough plates. KV tells Sristy she can either express what has happened or accept what she has done. Saba is also crying outside. Somi consoles her. Jasleen, Urvashi are in support of Saba. Even Dipika is somewhat on Saba’s side.
Bigg Boss asks Dipika to tell what happened during the task as she was sanchalak. Dipika described exactly what happened, not favouring anyone. She says how hard the push was, she can’t say. But after Sristy got up, she was in a lot of aggression. Whether that was reaction to her falling down, she doesn’t know but if Dipika didn’t interfere, then it could have created a big fight. Dipika asks other housemates to correct her if she’s wrong. Everyone agrees with her description. Sristy says she just pushed Saba after getting up and she didn’t pull Saba’s hair. Her hand just got stuck. Bigg Boss reminds how just 2 days ago, Surbhi and Romil were disqualified for their actions. Today same exact actions happened again, so it’s time to take some action, not just try to make them understand. Bigg Boss blames both equally and say they will never be able to become captains. Romil and Surbhi will continue captainship this week. Bigg Boss also says hurting yourself is not allowed either, if anyone does that ever again, then there will be strict action against them.
Saba is crying. Romil defends her saying if someone pulled his hair, he would react same way.
Outside, KV tells Sristy they are more devastated from this punishment. Sristy says if both were going to get equal punishment, then she should have done same.. make her fall down by pushing hard. She also shows displeasure how Dipika explained the situation. She thinks it was Saba who started. She says she will stop talking to everyone now.
Neha doesn’t get how both were equally responsible. Dipika says yesterday when Surbhi pulled Sristy’s hair, she didn’t attack back. Today, Saba pushed her and she fell down. That’s her mistake from her understanding.
Dipika and KV talk. Dipika says Sristy was wrong. KV says both were wrong. Dipika tries to justify herself. Sree and Anup say she is not able to justify. She must have thought Bigg Boss would disqualify Sristy, but that’s not going to happen. Sree says both Dipika and Neha are playing very dirty. Neha joins KV, Dipika and agrees with Dipika. Neha says today Saba was relaxed because she knew she had more plates. Dipika says Sristy just couldn’t take her failure. Sree says he will show Dipika and Neha’s true face to the whole world. Anup says he is with him. Sree feels sorry for Sristy.
Neha comes to Sristy. Sristy thanks her for being honest and saying she will give plates to Saba. Neha says for her, both were equally deserving to be captain.
Sree tells Anup when Sristy was crying in bed alone, Dipika didn’t feel like going to her despite both being from same field. He says it’s good he was not there, else he would have gotten in big fight with Dipika and Neha.
Precap: Dipika takes Sristy’s name to send her to jail for hurting herself. Sristy says she will not accept that. Sree gets more irritated with Dipika.
Update Credit to: Jenny

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