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Yeh Un Dinon Ki Baat Hai 24th September 2018 Written Episode Update

Munna tells Swati to forget him. I don’t know about naina but forget that you ever knew me! I will tell this to Principal now. Naina asks him to stop. I don’t want anyone to know this. I don’t want to win by losing my friend. Munna insists that this bag will be opened in front of Principal Ma’am now.
Sameer gives the vote to the faculty. JBR asks them who would have kept them but Sameer does not take anyone’s name. Principal Ma’am asks him if he wont name the culprit. Sameer calls it unreasonable. She sends them outside to wait as they start counting the votes. Sunaina and her friends are worried. Sunaina rebukes Kartik for being smart. Principal Ma’am announces Naina the winner. She got 788 votes. Principal Ma’am congratulates her. I am sure you know
the duties of GS. You will first of all find out as to who stole the votes from the ballot box. Kartik is tensed thinking Naina will take his and Swati’s name. Sunaina denies. I know her well. She could have said it long ago if she wanted to. She still considers Swati her best friend and wont harm her in any way. She will have to hide your truth too.
In front of his friends, Munna ends his relation with Swati. Naina tells him to let bygones be bygones. Hema also tells him to let it be but Munna reasons that Naina considered Swati as her sister. She stabbed her in the back. She said she does not want to be Naina’s shadow. Well, you can never be her shadow honestly as she isn’t a cheater like you! You were upset that I dint support you in elections. Knowingly or unknowingly, I am proud of what I did or I would have regretted it my entire life! Leave now and forget me! Sameer too tells him to drop it but Preeti calls it a sin. Everyone refuses to trust Swati anymore. Munna again shouts at her to leave. Naina asks them if they are mad. You are saying whatever you feel like. Swati was, is and will always be my best friend. She only needs our love and support and faith. Whatever happened was between the two of us. We will sort it out. Do not intervene. Munna stays put on his decision. I only hate her now! If any of think I am wrong then stand with Swati. I will see who all are with me and who is with this traitor! Everyone stands next to Munna. Naina is in tears. Sameer tells Munna to drop the matter. Swati has realised her mistake. Munna keeps a condition. It will be either her or me in this group! Naina begins to say she will still support Swati but Sunaina offers to support her. She does not need fake friends like you anymore. You guys have only used her till date. She keeps a comforting hand on Swati’s shoulder. You now very well know who real friend is. Naina tells her not to fall for Sunaina’s words. She will use you like a toy and throw it away. Sunaina asks her to come but Naina stops her. I will pacify everyone. Swati is irked that they will still listen to her only. I could have said sorry to her if I had to but they will still not value me. I wont have anyone even if I die for them! I wont stay where I will not be respected. Naina congratulates Sunaina on winning even after losing. I lost my friend even after winning elections! She looks at Swati emotionally. Their past moments flash in the background.
(Background – Naina):
That day I was upset on Munna for her anger and on myself too. somewhere Swati was right that I couldn’t figure out what she wanted. I realised for the first time that we have grown up. We had never before experienced losing a friend or losing anyone in life till now. I accept that it was a mistake to not understand what Swati wanted in the first place. It would have been another mistake to stop her. Maybe this is what they call coming of age. If I had not let her go that day then Swati and I would have never realised how deep our friendship is.
Naina and Preeti come home. Anand happily hugs Naina and congratulates her on her victory. Naina notices Arjun’s sullen face. Anand adds that Arjun will also play cricket very soon. Don’t worry. He asks Arjun to congratulate his sister. Arjun complies. Bela feeds them jalebi. I was praying for it all along. I was sure so I got jalebi’s already. Everyone gets jalebi’s. Anand asks about the vote count but they do not go in details. Anand asks Preeti why she isn’t dancing today. You dance on every little thing otherwise. Preeti plays a song and pulls Naina for a dance. Anand and Bela join the girls. Tai ji peeks inside hearing the sound of music. She looks at everyone dancing and calls for attention (as usual). Bela covers her head immediately. Anand shares the news with them. They ask her to join them for the dance but Tai ji proudly sits on the swing and munches onto the jalebi’s. Arjun smiles seeing her hide her face with her saree.
Naina has been trying Swati’s number but she isn’t talking. Please don’t do this. Sameer calls her. She mistakes it to be Swati. He tries cheering her up but she ends the call half heartedly. Sameer and Pundit try to distract Munna but he refuses. Leave me alone for some time please. Sameer and Pundit feel bad for him. Pundit tells Sameer he is happy he has no girlfriend. Having a girl in your life means pain and tears.
On the other hand, Naina is unable to sleep. She keeps pacing in her room and looks at the photo.
(Background – Naina):
Whenever I used to write diary and Preeti used to make paper planes of that, I used to feel angry. She did not understand that tearing away one page can pull apart entire diary. On that day, maybe we all understood it that the paper named Swati was torn out of our lives for forever. Our friendship and Munna’s love story came to a halt!
Precap: Sameer and Naina are in a classroom. He compliments that she is looking very beautiful today. She asks him if she does not look beautiful every day. He looks at her sweetly.
Update Credit to: Pooja

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