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Shivika Short Series: Jab Hum Mile | When We Met ! | Shivika SS| Ishqbaaz SS

Jab Hum Mile

This is a different story of Shivaay and Anika. In this both of them are from super rich family with naam, khoon and khandan but the both of them do not believe in this. They prefer to be just Shivaay and Anika. Their parents want them to contribute and join in the family businesses, but they are still exploring themselves. They are both doing their MBA in different universities.

Anika and Shivaay will be living in their own apartments away from their family. In fact, Shivaay is in a live-in relationship with his girlfriend and Anika is quite serious about her current boyfriend. As fate would have it, the both of them had a bitter break-up. Anika would find her boyfriend cheating on her with some other girl meanwhile Shivaay's girlfriend would only be with him for his money.
Both the heart-broken Shivaay and Anika would be going for a 'Dil-tutti-cutti' (heart-break holiday) to Europe. The both of them would board the same plane to Rome from Delhi. Their trip would begin in Rome and end in Ireland.
In the plane, the guy sitting next to Anika would be looking at her in a lusty way. She would try to ignore him and sleep but he would run his finger on her hand causing her to loose all the patience remaining in her. She'll call upon the air hostess and have her seat changed. She would be given the seat next to Shivaay. Shivaay would be seen wearing eye mask and resting his head near the window. Anika would sit next to him and started to curse out all the guys in the world being pervert and seek only pleasure from woman. Shivaay would be listening to all this. And at one point, he will decide to talk back to her.
'Excuse me! Not all guys are like that! There are some who are sincere and genuine. Not like you women who are gold-diggers'.

This reply of Shivaay angered Anika further causing her to talk more and defend the women folk. Their noise will be irritating to the other passengers and the air hostess will request both Anika and Shivaay to remain silent. The both of them will just stare at each other fuming in anger.

In a while, the air-hostess started serving food to them. While eating, a thought struck them both. Both of them turned to face each other and utter the same question in unison 'TUMNE AISA KYUN KAHAN?' 2

Then both turned away from each other and again in unison said 'I HAD A BITTER BREAK-UP'. They both then looked at each other again. They asked each other what happened. Once, the both of them are done depicting their tragic break up, each developed a soft corner for each other. They were talking to each other through out the flight and find lots of similarities between them.
Once the flight has landed, they parted their ways by saying good-bye. Shivaay noticed Anika having trouble at the immigration clearance due to language barrier. He stepped in as her knight in shinning armour and helped her clear the immigration. Soon after Shivaay helped Anika with her luggage and once they are out of the airport, they parted their ways again, but even before Anika could get in her cab, she saw Shivaay being a victim of snatch theft. His wallet and phone were taken.
Shivaay was not able to do anything. All he could do was to stand there and watch the thief run away. He was in a deep shock that he couldn't even shout at the thief.
Anika who saw this came running to him shouting 'Chor!!! Chor!!!, Shivaay, how do I say chor in Italian?', asked Anika once she came up to the spot where Shivaay was standing. He turned to look at her but was not telling anything still. Anika looked at him all confused. She waved her hand in front of his eyes to get him back.

He got all teary eyed and said "I'm gone". Anika was like huh? But Shivaay was still in a trance of the snatch-theft. Anika hold him by his shoulder and shaked him. Shivaay was finally out of the trance and told her that he's got no money at all and his phone was also snatched. Anika tells him that she saw everything and brings him to the police station to lodge a report and contact his family.
Since it would take a couple of days for him to be getting the cards and cash, Anika offered him to tag along with her. At first he was reluctant, but then he had to agree as he knows no one there in Rome. The nearest relative he has in Europe are his Dadi-Bua and Dada-Phupaji in London.

Shivaay travels in a very luxury way whereas our Anika prefers to keep it as simple as possible so that she can get to know the locals and the way the live in a better manner. When Anika brought him to a motel there, Shivaay was extremely reluctant to be staying there initially, but he agreed when Anika let him try their food. It was so mouth-watering delicious that Shivaay had a whole bunch of it. They spent the whole day walking around the place, window-shopping and eating most of the times.
That night, the both of them couldn't sleep. So, they came out to the veranda of the motel and saw each other (they took rooms separately even though in the same motel). Not sleepy? Asked the both of them to each other. Anika opened up to him that ever since she found out her boyfriend was cheating on her, she became a little insomniac. Whereas Shivaay's problem was that it's a new place. They had some emotional talks about their love life and how it crushed them in and out to each other. Then, they came up with the idea of helping each other forgeting their bitter past and enjoy their holiday here to the max. They signed this deal with a handshake.

The next morning both of them were very much energetic and ethusiastic to start the day. They did all sorts of crazy stuffs like interfering someone's wedding ceremony, dancing in the middle of the road, jumping into the bull fight stadium, having shots competition, singing out loud all of the sudden in a public transport and many more. They spent the whole trip like this (Imagine the song Ude Dil Befikre). They were crazily happy with each other that they had forgotten the bitter phase of their life.

There weeks passes by just like that. In this three weeks, both felt that they had the best time of their lives and also that they were finally able to live life according to their wish without having a thought about 'others'. They also developed feelings for each other but didn't realize it. They were truly comfortable to be themselves with each other and they liked it.

Finally, they arrived in London. Anika wanted to stay in a hotel to give privacy to Shivaay and his relative but Shivaay insisted that she come along. His Dadi-Bua and Dada-Phupaji were so excited to be receiving them. They thought that Shivika were a couple and start treating them like one. Even if it was awkward, neither Shivaay nor Anika declined as they didn't want to disappoint the old couple. Dada-Phupaji is an Alzheimer patient. During their stay that night, Anika and Shivaay found Dadi-Bua crying after putting her husband to sleep.

They faked a fight in front of her to get her distracted and make her happy. Their plan worked and Dadi-Bua got distracted with their childish fight. She reminisces such fights that she had with her husband and shared her fond memories with Shivika while drinking some wine near the fireplace. They were both so engrossed in Dadi-Bua's flashback. An awkward moment followed when Dadi-Bua exclaims that Shivika are exactly like how she and get husband used to be in their age.
As it was getting late, Dadi-Bua led Shivika to a room that she had prepared and left to sleep. Another awkward moment followed. All the time they were travelling, they always stay in different rooms but this is the first time ever in the past 3 weeks they are about to spend the night together in the same room.Although the room was quite large, but it had no couch in it, only a Queen-sized bed.
'You take the bed, I'll sleep downstairs on the couch in living room', Shivaay said finally breaking the silence.

'It's ok Shivaay, bed bada hai, we can sleep here itself. I'll take the right side of the bed and you take the left side of the bed, okay?', Anika offered a deal.

Shivaay nodded and sat on the left side of the bed. Anika changed into her pajamas and hit the right side of the bed. Due to the tiredness of long travel earlier, both of them dozed off very quick.
That morning, the ray of the sun woke Shivaay up. He got up to see Anika lying on his chest. Her right leg was entangling him. Both of her hands were around his neck. He was surprised to find himself wake up like this. He then realized that he slept still on his side but Anika moved in her sleep.

He tried to free himself from Anika's clutches, just then she moved a little, and begin to wake up 1
He tried to free himself from Anika's clutches, just then she moved a little, and begin to wake up. Shivaay who was in shock, threw himself away and fell off the bed. A loud thud was heard. Anika woke up at that instant and find Shivaay down.
'Shivaay???!!! What are you doing there??? How did you land there???', she asked with a bulging eye in a sexy sleepy voice.

'Woh... main... I fell off the bed while sleeping', he replied.

She laughed hearing his reply and got down from the bed. Her leg slips, and she'll fall on top of Shivaay. They laid back. Anika's hands were on his chest, his were on her waist. Something like this scene, only difference is that Anika was on top not Shivaay:

 Something like this scene, only difference is that Anika was on top not Shivaay:
They have an eyelock in the same position. They got nearer for a liplock but Anika got conscious first. She got up, said sorry and rushed to the bathroom. Shivaay was left breathless. He was totally attracted towards her. Her eyes, her lips, her hair, her everything was pulling Shivaay closer towards her.
'What is wrong with me? Do I like "like" her???', he asked himself and placed his hand on his heart.

Anika who was in the bathroom kept her hand on her heart. 'What's wrong with me? Why is my heart beating faster like this? Why being close to Shivaay is giving this kind of effect to me? Why no one else can leave this effect on me?', she wondered.
Later that morning, throughout breakfast, Shivika were stealing glances from each other and hide it when they're caught. Dadi-Bua noticed the changes in the behaviour and began to tease them. Anika tried to hide her blushing face but it was too obvious that she had to excuse herself.

Shivaay excused himself as well and followed her to their room. In the room, Anika was packing her things when Shivaay enters. He tries to say something but couldn't. He calls out Anika from his heart. She turned around and asked 'yes Shivaay?', to which he was unable to react. With much difficulty he informed her that their flight back to Delhi is tomorrow in the afternoon. Then why is she packing from now itself? He asked if she's leaving now itself because of what has just happened (the whole teasing game).

'Nahi Shivaay. I was just keeping all the things in one place so that we won't have much difficulty while packing later on', replied Anika with after a chuckle.

'Oh! Okay.', he said and then sat on the bed. Next to the place where Anika was standing and keeping the things right. After a little thought he blurted out, 'Is this how you manage to check out earlier than me everytime? Ab main samjhi'.

Anika chuckled again and asks what's wrong with him?
He looked at her eyes, then get lips, smiled while turning his head from side to side. He was actually trying to hide his blush.

She was even more curious now. 'Shiv! You better tell me now!', she asked again.

Shivaay rised his head, looked at her, hot blood ran upto his cheek causing him to do the same thing again. This annoyed Anika. She was losing her patience. She kneeled down in front of him to look at his face. Shivaay was trying to hide his face and Anika was keep on bugging him on what's wrong. Finally, Shivaay faces her, after some time.

'Good, finally you're looking me in the eye. Now tell...', just before Anika could finish her sentence, Shivaay swiftly get down from the bed to his knees, cupped her face and gave her a fast peck on her lips. She was absolutely speechless when Shivaay did that.
'This is what was wrong! Since morning I wanted to do this, but somehow I managed to stop. I shouldn't..., now it was Anika's turn to leave him speechless. She grabbed his collar and pulled him close for a proper kiss. They shared a really sensuous and long kiss. In a while, both broke the kiss and placed their foreheads together while cupping each other's face. Both had a bright smile on their faces.

Just then, they heard Dadi-Bua calling Anika downstairs. They got up, smiled at each other and Anika hesitatingly left him alone in the room. Something like this:

When Anika got down, she saw Dadi-Bua holding a beautiful pink coloured off-shoulder dress
When Anika got down, she saw Dadi-Bua holding a beautiful pink coloured off-shoulder dress. She gave it to Anika and asked her to wear it in the evening to the ball they were invited to. Anika was quite excited about the ball and agreed right away.

That evening, Dadi-Bua, Dada-Phupaji and Shivaay were waiting for Anika at the stairs. When she got down the stairs, Shivaay couldn't remove his eyes from her. Once she got down, he held her hand, gave a kiss on it and whispered to her ear that she is looking extremely gorgeous today. He also added that he has a surprise for her later.

Later in the ball, Shivaay was keep on trying to get Anika away with him but Dadi-Bua was keeping her close and introduce her to quite a number of people there. Shivaay gave up and sat down quietly. Suddenly, a breathless Anika tapped his back and said 'let's go... come quick... somehow I managed to escape'.

A bright smile came on Shivaay's face. He immediately grabbed her hand and started running outside. There was a huge water fountain at the place where they stopped. He took a coin from his pocket while Anika just looked at him all confused.

'Remember we made a wish in the wishing fountain in Paris?', he asked.

Anika nodded and say, 'we wished that this holiday should never end and we should be happy, wild and crazy like this forever'.

Shivaay nodded and continued, 'well I want to make another wish with you today, I wish to be happy, wild and crazy with you. I wish to make our life ahead double as fun as we had in this three weeks. I wish to make more memorable moments with you. I wish to make you my partner in crime for my entire life. Will you be in this wish with me?' 2

Anika was startled. Happiness was at peak. She felt euphoric that tears started to well up in her eyes. She smiled and then nodded a yes. They both threw the coin into the fountain together and sealed the 'deal' with a kiss and hugged each other.

Shivaay whispered 'I love you' to her whole hugging and a blushing Anika said the same to him. 2
The next day, they both got back to India and introduced each other to their family. After being in a relationship for a year, finally they decided to tie the knot. 

-The End-

FF Writer: Shivika Only

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