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Dil Hi Toh Hai 19th September 2018 Written Episode Update

Palak is sitting in Ritwik’s lap and discusses about the lunch plans. Ritwik says that he has already finalised the lunch menu and that is Rajma etc etc. Palak comments that if it is rajma for lunch then it will be idli for dinner since it will be the last ready to eat packet available. They both are enjoying their coziness and Ritwik forwards for a kiss but is stopped midway coz her phone rings. He comments that there is a major problem in that house coz he can’t come more closer . Palak shares the news of her interview call. She tells that it’s some new pharmacy company RK pharmacy. Ritwik says that he hasn’t heard the company name. They continue their romance but this time is disturbed by Shivam who has come to share the news that Mamta will be coming to their house.
Ritwik taunts that he arrives always on a wrong timing. Ritwik says that since he is a married man now he won’t be coming to his school to butter his teachers. They continue their banter.
VP arrives in a bad mood at office . Aman guesses that the reason for VP anger is Mamta visiting Ritwik. Aman asks VP to talk to Ritwik and sort matters out. Rishabh interrupts and tells VP they need to talk about contract with new pharma company.
Later, Rishabh scolds Saanchi for not informing him about Mamta and asks her to stop Mamata somehow. VP asks Aman to concentrate on the merger of RK with Noon. Rishab informs Aman that some executive will be coming from RK to discuss something and he asks Aman to get papers ready.
Palak and Ritwik are eagerly waiting for Mamta and Palak is getting tensed coz her interview time is nearing and Ritwik asks her to go for the interview. She says that she can’t since her mom in law is coming for first time. Ritwik says that she is his mom not mogambo. Palak decides to leave. While leaving Ritwik pulls her into his lap and asks will she leave without the good luck. Ritwik kisses her cheeks and asks for his good luck. Palak leaves smiling.
While going she has a hit and miss with Mamta. Mamata is heading towards Ritwiks house when Saanchi comes there and informs that she is expecting. Mamta is happy to hear it and asks Saanchi also to join her to Ritwik house. Saanchi replies that she is feeling very weak and all and drags Mamta with herself to hospital for check up.
They are at hospital. Doctor says she is not pregnant, it was a false alarm which happens sometimes. Mamta decides to go visit Ritwik now, but Saanchi acts depressed so Mamta decides to take Saanchi out somewhere and meet Ritwik later. Saanchi says to herself she somehow stopped Mamta today, but what will she do tomorrow?
Palak has arrived at the new guy’s house and his servant asks her to wait in the office room. Since Palak was feeling thirsty she heads towards the dining hall. While drinking water she hears some noise of a child talking to someone. She senses it is coming from upstairs and heads towards that room. When she tries to enter that room, Vikrant( new entrants name) comes outside and asks her what she’s doing there. She says she heard some noise. They both head towards the office room. Vikrant says that he is impressed by her resume but can’t take her coz there is no vacancy. When she says that she is in need of that job, Vikrant asks her to work at a lower level and her salary will be 15000. Palak says that’s too less, but agrees in end. Her first assignment is to deliver some file to an address.
Palak comes back and hugs Ritwik so tightly and shares the happy news. She asks about Mamta but he hides up saying that she got sick so couldn’t come. Ritwik says that she got job so they should celebrate. He will take her to a treat, but an affordable place . Palak says that she will take him to the Delhi street food places. Ritwik goes to have a shower. Palak receives the address and it’s Rishab Noon. She has to deliver file to him. She gets tensed.
Back Rishab also gets to know that Palak will be delivering file. He’s under impression that one of the executives is going to deliver file. He wonders how did Palak become an executive. He shares that to Saanchi. She tells Rishab that he was right about Palak. How smartly she got into that company at that high position. She asks what he’s going to do now. He says he has a plan.
Palak knocks the washroom and Ritwik opens it. She asks him to come outside since she has to talk. Ritwik pulls her into the washroom and says that he has got some idea and switches on the shower. Both are getting wet and Ritwik is seen enjoying every bit of that moment. He was smiling like a child. Ritwik lifts Palak and twirls. Both are enjoying every bit of it and Ritwik kisses her nose. When she tries to leave he pulls her closer and kisses her. Palak is not resisting now and is enjoying. Ritwik unbuttons his shirt and Palak helps him in removing it and they both indulge in intense face romance.
Precap: Palak has arrived at Noon residence to meet Rishab. Saanchi comes out and tells Palak, even after all this, she’s trying to get into their family. She asks her to wait outside for Rishab. Rishab keeps Palak waiting. Ritwik, Rohit and Setu are waiting for Palak and are tensed coz she is getting very late.
Update Credit to: 26hrishikesh

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