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Dev 3rd September 2018 Written Episode Update

Scene 1
Kinjal is packing her stuff. Narvekar asks where are you going? Kinjal says I have decided to shift to women society. Narvekar says why? kinjal recalls how he said that she died for him. Kinjal says what happened in last some days, I feel like you need some time and your problems are increasing because of me. Narvekar says you think whatever happened was because of me and want to punish me? Kinjal says I cant punish you, I have always seen you saving lives but when we talked last time, it felt like you can take life, I have seen a lot of people taking lives and I want to stay away from that. Narvekar grabs her bag and grabs her hand, he says if you think that I am not different from those people then you can leave. Kinjal says I want to live with you. Narvekar says I dont have place
for betrayers in my house, ifs better that you go back to filth, you deserve that, dont ever comeback to me, he leaves. Kinjal cries and thinks I thought he would stop me but.. I will never comeback.
Mahek comes to a house. Goons are protecting. She attacks all goons one by one. She pours kerosene on house and starts fire. She thinks this is just a start Munim, now you will have to come out of your cage.
Apa is buying veggies in market. Munim is there as a bald man. He greets Apa. Apa says great to meet you neighbor, these people are selling veggies for a lot. He laughs. Apa says I dont see any family member with you, do you live alone? Munim says yes my wife left somedays back, Apa says what about your kids? Munim says I have a son but kids think fathers are their enemies so I am alone. Apa says you stay at home a lot. Munim says I am scared that police might caught me.. he laughs and says joking. She says my daughter in law has come home, she is taking rest, she leaves. Munim thinks that I will take rest away from her life.
Mahek says to herself that I know Dev will not pick up my call so I have to send him video message. She records video and says Dev I am doing something that might lessen hate for me, I am Narvekar’s criminal too, please watch this video till end. She shows burning house on video.
Narvekar recalls Kinjal’s words that he needs to calm down and dose off his revenge fire. He recalls how he got to know about Dev’s whereabouts, he takes his gun and leaves.
Scene 2
Dev and Dwani are in car. Someone fires at their car. Dev comes out. Narvekar points gun at him. Dwani tries to come to him but Dev asks her to stay away. Narvekar says I have to solve many matters with you. Dev says I have some matters to solve too, you put my baby’s life in danger, Narvekar says now you know pain of going away from your own? you are hurt when your baby is in danger? Where is Meera? Tell me, she went to Khapoli. Dev says you came to kill me too, you are suspended so now it will be murder. Narvekar says I have gun in my hand so you answer me, where is Meera? Dev says put the gun down and then we will see who is lion. Narvekar puts gun down. Dev beats him. They both fight. Dwani asks them to stop it. She takes gun and shoots in air. Dev and Narvekar stops. Dwani says I have found Mahek. She shows Mahek’s video message in Dev’s phone. In video, Mahek says I am doing something that might lessen hate against me, Dev I can die but cant see hate in your eyes for me, please see this video. Dev sees a house burning in video. Narvekar says this is Mahek’s trick. Dev says she is going out of way, even putting her life in danger, she is not a fool or she is innocent. Narvekar says so you are saying Mahek is innocent? Dwani shows Mahek’s video of killing Dev’s mother. Dev says she sent this video to me for a reason, I have to go there and see what she is upto. Narvekar says you are not going anywhere. Dev says stop me but you will not find truth. Narvekar says this is a wearhouse, I know this place.
Dev is calling Mahek. Mahek thinks I know you will try to reach me but I have to do what I am going to do. Teri dewani plays, Mahek recalls her moments with Dev. How blamed him for lying always, she thinks that I know Dev everything is finished between us but there are some secrets to come out, Munim have to come out of his hiding place.
Munim comes to Apa’s house and asks if he can get a cup of tea? She asks him to come inside. Munim sees Dev and Mahek’s pictures on wall. Apa goes to make tea. Munim puts bomb under table. He says I just shifted in this area. Apa gives him tea. He thanks her and drinks tea. He says I should leave.
Narvekar, Dev and Dwani comes to burning wearhouse. They see illegal weapons there. Dev says Mahek have found illegal weapons godown in city, she might put her life more in danger to find Munim, we have to find her before that. Narvekar says we should inform DCP, its a big matter. Dev nods. Narvekar calls DCP Jain and tells him that he has information about Mahek.
Dev is in car and says Munim have to come out from wherever he is.
Munim sees his godown burning on laptop. He says Mahek everything is ready, when you reach home, I will press button of bomb. He gets call from his man, man says our godown was burned and police there too. Munim thinks that I know Mahek did it, she didnt do right, I have to come out and now her relatives have to bear the punishment.
PRECAP- Munim comes to Apa’s house and ties her and puts bomb on her. Apa says this is not right. Munim sees police, Narvekar and Dev there. Munim calls Dev and says if you did something then your Apa will be destroyed in a bomb, she will have many pieces. Munim points gun at Dev and says if Mahek comes to me then you will get your Apa and bomb’s code. Dev says if she will come to you then I will come too even if you shoot me. Munim glares at him.
Update Credit to: Atiba

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