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Bigg Boss 12 21st September 2018 Written Episode Update

Day 4
Kriti says to inmates that we played fairly. Kriti says it was Romil’s idea and now he wants to become great. Deepak says Romil asked us to run to washroom. Kriti says I play fairly, you asked them to run to washroom. Romil says you won so have a good captaincy in place.
Neha says to Karan that its difficult to stand infront of them. Karan says no dont tell this, if you keep repeating that then it will become reality, see who won.
Deepak says to Kriti that Somi wanted Deepika to become captain but she said that Kriti and Roshmi did a deal, we dont need it but they did it, Deepak says I said why did you do it then?
Kriti and Roshmi have decided for duties, for kitchen everything should be controlled to Deepika, she will look after utensils,
food, everyone should clean their dishes. Kriti says Somi, saba and Karan will clean washroom and store room. Saba says I will work in kitchen only otherwise I wont work, Kriti says its night, I dont have time for this, Saba says I will not do it, she leaves.
Sree says to Karan that I am not that strong, I am respecting them but its a competition for others. Deepika says its a competition for others. Sree wipes his tears. Deepika says its very serious for some people like matter of death and life. Sristy brings milk for him. Sree says I am trying to see goodness in everyone, Karan says this is not a show like that, people say everything is fake here. Sree cries. Jasleen says you are a strong man, dont do it. Deepika says you are not like this, Sree weeps. Karan says dont do it, I feel bad. Sree says I am sorry, Karan says stop it.
Deepak says to Sourabh that I told Romil to make Anup emotional, make him look like a king, swell him like you do when you drink water after food. Sourabh laughs.
Day 5
Inmates wake up to song hum tum ek kamre mein plays. All dance and enjoy.
Romil says to Sourabh that you are playing safe but you have to come out of your shell, we have to do it, you have to come on front. Sourabh says you play as you want, you and Deepak can play, I will play slowly and not pain anyone. Romil says you are giving me pain.
Saba says to Somi that we have to irritate her, do whatever, she thinks we are nothing, we have to irritate her and fail her as captain.
Kriti is handling things in kitchen. She asks Sourabh to hand over sugar. Saba taunts that she is papa’s queen. Kriti says to Saba that I told you for one thing in morning, I asked you to not work in kitchen. Kriti says I want everyone to have good mood in kitchen thats why I didnt want Saba in kitchen, I feel bad when I am eating too. Kriti says you dont have to taunt me. Saba says you are not a queen, I know who are you.
Bigg boss says to inmates that its time to choose who will go to jail, you all have to choose one pair and one single who deserves to go to jail, you all have to mutually decide, Sree is not feeling well and should go there. Kriti says I feel Somi and Saba should go. Anup says I feel Romil should go with his partner as he doesnt want to work more. Karan says Romil works only when he is asked to, Romil says I feel Anup-Jasleen should go, Karan should go as he worked too much. Deepika says Karan should go only because alarm played as he was sleeping. Sourabh votes for Sristy. Sristy says Karan because of sleeping. Karan gives Deepika’s name as they lost task because of her. Roshmi says Karan was damaging property too. Anup says we wanted Deepika to become captain but she didnt protect her roses so I want to name her. Deepak says Karan said that our class is not to run like we were doing in task, but you did run behind us. Roshmi says you were sarcastic. Karan says I respect girls but if girls are snatching and all so I said its not my class to harass them. Saba says I feel Neha doesnt interact much. Kriti says to bigg boss that we have decided Karan, Romil-Nirmal should go to jail. Bigg boss says we heard your thoughts and your selflessness too, its a mutual decision so we accept it, they will go to jail. Bigg boss says we want to tell you that all think they should go to jail so Karan, Nirmal-Romil will be nominated for next week too. They will get a bag to go to jail and cant take anything else.
Shiv says to Karan that it was not your mistake. Sristy says let it end.
Deepak says to Romil that you could tell that you would work.
Shiv says to Nirmal that policeman now you are going to jail yourself.
Kriti says I am opening jail, Karan says policeman will go first. Nirmal, Romil and Karan goes in jail.
Deepak says to Romil that let me know if you need anything.
Neha says to Deepika that we have to be more expressive now, Deepika says I lost my captaincy, I feel Sristy is weak between us, she gets offensive, she doesnt mingle with others.
Anup asks Neha who should go first? I think Sristy should go first, she doesnt have bonding with others, Neha says yes. Anup says we wanted Deepika to become captain, she has that personality to handle things, nobody is going to listen to Kriti-Roshmi.
Nirmal says to Karan that Deepak keeps doing something, Urvashi does work but Saba-Somi keeps denying things. Karan says they fight. Nirmal says she said that if she had stolen roses like Romil then she wouldnt have be appreciated. Romil says I felt bad that girls got nominated, Karan says I am like that too, we decided to go to jail first.
Saba says to Jasleen that its about preferences in tasks, Jasleen says to Anup that Deepak keeps backbiting about us that we did this or that.
Jasleen says to Deepak that we are talking last time about why we wanted Deepika as captain, Anup liked her tasks so he chose her. Deepak says Anup wanted Deepika to be captain, he wanted that. Jasleen says he wanted on basis of task, I wanted to clear it with you, please dont keep discussing with everyone. Deepak says Anup said that Deepika will work more nicely. Anup comes there. Jasleen asks if Deepak cant show maturity? he is creating mess. She leaves. Sourabh asks Deepak to stop talking about this issue.
Jasleen says to Neha that he is creating issue without any reason.
Saba says to Urvashi that I am not creating any mess, I just asked Jasleen to clarify with Deepak as he keeps talking about that task.
Sree asks Deepak to stop what happened in task last night, Deepak says you dont have to tell me,only you can make me explain in this house. He asks Sree to bless him. Sree gives his band to Deepak.
Urvashi says to Deepak that queens wanted to make Deepika captain, Deepak says some people are trying to be nice.
Deepak says to Sristy that I have less manners to talk, I took you wrong, I didnt say you had bad nature, I was wrong and I realized it, I have good bonding with Sree and you seem like a nice person after him. Sristy becomes emotional. Deepak says if you ever need me in house, I will fight for you, I feel bad that I was wrong about you and should have accepted it, I told Urvashi to be careful of everyone but only Sristy. Neha asks Sristy to do her work, Sristy says I am coming.
Neha says to Deepika that I asked Sristy to work but she is not doing it.
Sristy says to Deepak that I felt alone in house, I dont have anyone. Neha asks her to do her work. Neha says its been too much time. Sristy says Jasleen could have done it. Neha says I will clean bins, no worries.
Neha says to Deepika that I did Sristy’s work and she remained sitting there. Deepika says she becomes very offensive, Neha says she is distancing herself from us.
Sristy is emotional. Urvashi hug her and consoles her. Sristy says someone made me feel nice today, people are thinking wrongly of me, I felt nice to talk to Deepak.
Neha says to Deepika that Sristy wants to show something she is not.
Saba gives some things to Romil in jail like toiletries. Kriti says you cant give things to him without asking me. Saba says I dont need to ask you. Nirmal says we helped you become captain because we know you are good. Kriti says you cant give them deo and things like that, I am requesting it.
Kriti says to Saba that you should ask me first before giving them things, I am captain. Saba says I was just giving sanitizer, I will not ask you, I wont give them even food now.
Saba says to Romil that when we ask people to listen to us then they dont, I know Kriti can go back on her promise, I told her what will she give when we are giving her captaincy? she said that she will favor us.
PRECAP- Salman says to inmates that this is my 9th season, there are cameras in house and you people are doing so many weird acts. Deepika says bold is different and being rude is different. Deepak says she tries to act so nice that she ends up looking fake.
Update Credit to: Atiba

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