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Dil Hi Toh Hai 20th August 2018 Written Episode Update

In the flight Ritwik is trying to converse with Palak but he can’t.Ananya is watching all these earnestly. Heated discussion going on in Noon Mansion regarding Ritwik Palak. Mamta is in support of the relation along with Dadi. VP hasn’t decided anything and is deeply thoughtful.Evil bro sis duo is filling VPs ears against Palak. I feel like punching Reeva when she is making faces about Palk. They decide to call Ritwik. But he couldn’t talk to his Papa coz flight steward asks him to switch off the phone.To make matters worse VP hears on phone Palak telling Ritwik to switch off the phone. VP again gets doubtful.But since everyone is in support of Ritwiks love he decides to give a chance and asks Rishab opinion. He is not in support and bluntly says so.Saanchi believes tat since Ritwik
is in love everyone should give them a chance.
Rishab has some major plans to oust Ritwik from VPs property and he involves Saanchi into it but she is unaware of Rishabs evilness. Rishab convinces Saanchi tat Dad is completely against this relation and if Ritwik and Palak marries Dad will disown him if his property. Saanchi is not sure tat Dad said so but Rishab manages to convince her. He tells Saanchi to unite PaRit she has to talk to Manjeet Aunty . Saanchi has fallen in his trap.
All four has reached Mumbai guest house. Palak calls her mom and tells her tat she is in Mumbai with Ritwik and her mom asks her to stay away from him.Ritwik joins her with a cup of coffee and Ananya is watching all these again. I can’t figure out Ananya s thoughts from her face. I felt jealousy in her eyes today seeing the care and concern Rickey has for Palak. But when Ritwik comes and hands over cold coffee to her what she was advising him was completely different. Sh asks him to talk to Palak and questions whether he is afraid of her rejection.
VP is tensed coz Ritwik hasn’t called back but Mamta shows him tat his phone was switched off and Ritwik called her to tell tat he has reached Mumbai safely
Saanchi comes to Palak house and is seen vomiting all those things which Rishab has fed her. She tells Manjeet tat VP is completely vagi at this relation and will disown him if he marries Palak.Manjeet is in no mood to listen this nonsense and rejects Ritwik bluntly with and without his property. I really liked Manjeet Aunty. She said what she felt. And tats her nature. She is real.Saanchi tells Manjeet Aunty tat Palk has not rejected Ritwik and she also may be in love with Rickey. She convinces Manjeet to take Palaks proposal directly to VP and tell him tat she is not behind his property.
VP tells Rishab tat he is going to talk with Manjeet but Rishab gives him the idea of taking proposal to Manjeet and tell her tat he will disown Rickey if he marries Palak. Rishab is trying to create misunderstandings btw Manjeet and VP and he will succeed also. And his gain will be the whole property coming to him. He just wants Ritwik out of his way by hook or by crook. But with his selfishness and greed whole family is going to suffer. I am happy for Ritwik Palak coz they can spent their life together without any interference.Otherwise Reeva, Puri, Ananya and Rishab will make their married life hell.
Palak can’t sleep properly and she is having flashbacks of their kiss and Ritwik confession. She hears some sound and heads to the staircase to look for it. She sees some shadow behind the curtains. Episode freezes there.
In the precap Ritwik is seen attending to Palaks ankle injury or some sprain in her legs and Palak asking him why he seems so tensed and disturbed after confession. She asks whether his love for her gives him so much stress .
Update Credit to: 26hrishikesh

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