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Ishq Subhan Allah 8th May 2018 Written Episode Update: Kabir Miffed With Zara

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Scene 1
Kabir shouts at Zara that only your point of view is right? he grabs her and says if me or this house get insulted because of your point of view then it will out of my control, he pulls her closer and glares at her. Zeenat smirks. Ruksaar comes there and tries to pull Kabir off Zara, he doesnt leave her shoulder. Ruksaar asks him to leave Zara, what if parents saw you? Zara and Kabir are looking at each other in daze. Ruksaar frees Zara from Kabir’s grip, Kabir leaves from there. Zara jerks Ruksaar’s hand away and wipes her tears, she runs from there too. Ruksaar smirks. Zeenat says welldone Ruksaar, I have to say that you are a big jerk, you finally put fire between them. Ruksaar says I told you man’s ego is bigger than his love, I just provoked Kabir’s ego,
fire has already started, we just have keep putting oil in it and see drama.
Zara comes to her and recalls Kabir shouting her, taking off her dupatta and threatening her if they got insulted because of her then he wont control himself. Zara wipes her tears and says Kabir and investor’s thinking is wrong. She sees Kabir punching boxing bag. Kabir recalls investor leaving and punches bag more angrily. Zara comes there and tries to stop him but cant. Kabir throws punching bag away and turns to leave. Zara says listen to me. Kabir sees project file, he angrily looks it and throws it infront of Zara, he leaves. Zara holds file and looks on. She recalls Kabir telling her that he want to make everyone educate and get work. Zara says Kabir’s thinking might be wrong but his intentions are not wrong, this project is like new light for our nation, this project shouldnt stop because of me, I have destroyed everything so I will set it back, his project will complete for sure.
Zara is leaving house. Ruksaar stops her and says dont you like to stay in house that you keep leaving? Zara says there are some ants in my house but I am going to get pest control soon and all insects are going to run then, she smirks at her and leaves.
Salma hears door bell. She opens it to find Zara there. Zara greets her and hugs her. Salma says you here? Irfan hugs her. Zara says I was missing my parents so I came here. Irfan asks how is she? Zara says everything is fine, I have some work, I want to call meeting of sharia board. Irfan says you are member of board so you have right to call the meeting, Zara says I want to call meeting tomorrow. He says tomorrow is off but I will call meeting tomorrow, what is the agenda? Zara says I will tell you that tomorrow. Irfan says okay I will arrange for it, he leaves. Salma asks her what is the matter? Zara says there is a matter but I wont tell you, you got me married so let me fight my wars. Salma says I am happy that you are fighting for your life, I pray that God make you wife that your husband will be proud of you. Zara smiles and leaves.
Zara comes home, Ruksaar asks if she found pest control? Zara says its difficult to find pest control of poisonous insects. Ruksaar says forget about insects, pacify your husband first. Zara says you know nothing about marriages, husband and wife can fight but all anger goes away in bedroom.. but you wont understand that. Ruksaar angrily leaves. Zara thinks I have to do something about her.
Zara comes to Ayesha. Ayesha sees her tensed and makes her sit down. Ayesha says I know why you are worried, whatever happened between you and Kabir.. Zeenat told me about it, I would suggest you to avoid these small things. Zara says he is little miffed with me but I will pacify him. Ayesha says I expected that from you, these small fights can become bigger. Zara says no I wont let this fight become bigger but I am worried about Ruksaar, she always try to come inbetween me and Kabir. Ayesha says what you want? Zara says I want you to talk to her inlaws and get her married soon. Ayesha says okay I will talk to them, you just worry to pacify your husband, I can give you tips.. Zara blushes and hugs her. She smiles and runs from there. Ayesha smiles.
Scene 2
Kabir is busy working in his room. Zara brings milk for him but he avoids her. Zara says my mother says that your memory becomes strong with almond milk, drink it Kabir. He keeps ignoring her. Zara sits infront of him and stares at him. Kabir moves away from her, Zara takes his pen.. o Zalima plays.. Kabir takes another pen, Zara takes it from him, she close off his files. Kabir tries to ignore her but she keeps taking things from him. She smiles at him. Kabir tries to get up but she comes infront of him. She hints at him to smile, he glares at her. Zara tries to pull on his nose. Kabir moves away and says I think it was all not your mistake but mine. Zara says lets say it was both’s mistake and I want to say on each one’s behalf, dont fight over such small thing. Kabir says small thing? Zara says sorry and offers him milk, he takes it and puts it away, he says its not a small thing, I am scared that the gap between our thinking can bring gap in our relation too. He takes files and leaves from there. Zara is tensed. Zara says this gap was removed with much difficulty and I wont let it comeback, I know you are miffed because your investor left because of me but I will bring another investor, just wait till tomorrow.
Kabir is sleeping on bed. He wakes up and offers namaz. Zara brings breakfast and greets him, he replies coldly and leaves. Zara sadly leaves.
Zara comes in lounge and sees Kabir having breakfast at table with everyone. Ayesha says there is a happy news. Ayesha says to family that Hamdan is coming to see Ruksaar. Ruksaar says who Hamdan? Zara says same Hamdan whose mother liked for marriage proposal. Ayesha says lets start preparing. Zara says dont worry, its about Ruksaar’s happiness so I will get all preparation done. Ruksaar fumes in anger. Zara offers paratha to Kabir but he says I dont need it, he says I have to go to board meeting. Zara holds his arm and says comeback fast, I will arrange everything, he jerks his hand away and leaves.
Kabir meets sharia members. Khalid says you didnt bring your wife today? Kabir says she wont come today. Irfan comes there and greets everyone. Kabir says what is the agenda of meeting? Irfan says your wife have called this meeting so she will tell agenda. Khalid says wife arranged a meeting without telling husband, all laugh. Kabir fumes in anger. Zara comes there and greets everyone. Kabir gets and gives her death glare.
PRECAP- Zara says to members of board that this project is about institute which will make our nation’s kids to stand on their feet, Khalid says you want to do this project? Zara says no this project is of vice priest Kabir my husband. Khalid says we understand your intentions behind project, your father is a head priest so using his daughter to get benefits for his son in law and it will get passed. Irfan, Kabir and Zara glares at him.
Update Credit to: Atiba

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